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<br />FV ArI ENUMB
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<br />in
<br />200206042
<br />WHEREAS, the undersigned W. ERIC WOOD of 11515 So. 39th Street - #300, City of Bellevue,
<br />County of Sarpy, and State of Nebraska, as Trustee under the Trust Deed dated October 1, 2001, executed
<br />by R obert L, S iemers a nd B etty J can S iemers, h usband and wife, as Trustors, in which Nebraska Law
<br />Offices, P.C., A Nebraska Professional Corporation, d/b /a Downing, Alexander & Wood is named as
<br />beneficiary, and the undersigned as Trustee, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Hall
<br />County, State of Nebraska, has received from the beneficiary thereunder, a request to reconvey the property
<br />hereinafter described.
<br />NOW, THEREFORE, in accordance with such request and the provisions of such Trust Deed, the
<br />undersigned, as Trustee, does hereby reconvey, without warranty, to the person or persons entitled thereto,
<br />the estate now held by said Trustee thereunder, to -wit:
<br />Part of the Northeast Quarter of the Soutbeast Quarter (NE.l /ASE1/4) of Section Faw (4),
<br />Townsh)p Twelve (12) North? Range Eleyen (11) West of the 60 P.M., to Hall Calm y, Nebraska,
<br />more particulatily described as lelloarm
<br />I14oaiog at the northeast corner of said Northe"t Quesur of the Southeast Qoattet
<br />(NIC1 14SE114); thence ronaing souther(y slang the east Hoe of said Northeast Quarter of the
<br />Srwthesat Quarter (NEWLSE1 /4). a distance of Five Hundred titty (SSOA) feet., thence
<br />defiwA t right W7RW and ranaing westerly a distance of E(gtat Hundred TbNty One and
<br />Slaty Four Hundredths (831.64) fleet; thanes defieeting right 9(13376" and running northerly
<br />a distance of rive Haadred Fifty (50.8) feet, to a point on the north Hue of said Nortbeast
<br />Qso"w of the Sotdarest Qaatler (NE1 14SEl /4); theca deflecting r%*A Wn61W and running
<br />easterly alonR the north fine of said Northeast Quarter of the %eutheaxt Creamer
<br />(NE1 14SE7 14), a distance of Eight Hundred Thirty Out and Sody Four Hundredths (131.64)
<br />feet, ce the print of btgizmlag. !
<br />Document #0200202578 Assignment #200202579
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has executed this Deed Of Reconveyance at
<br />Bellevue, Nebraska on May 21, 2002.
<br />W. EVIC WOOD, Trustee
<br />) ss.
<br />On this 21" day of May, 2002, before me, a Notary Public, duly commissioned, qualified for and
<br />residing in said County, personally came W. ERIC WOOD known to me to be the identical person whose
<br />name is affixed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledge the execution thereof to be his voluntary act
<br />and deed.
<br />WITNESS, my hand and notarial seal the day and year last above written.
<br />Notary Public
<br />LINDA H. WHRM(I;q
<br />General Notary
<br />H)' Consn� of Ad it Ib88
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