<br />) SS.
<br />1K8111011 Wigs] aCI_ \I1
<br />Gary R. Lemburg and Robyn L. Lemburg, husband and wife, being first duly and
<br />separately sworn, depose and state:
<br />THAT they did on the 22nd day of December, 1998, execute and deliver a
<br />Certain Trust Deed to Geralc! Jantzi, Sophia Jantzi, Antonio Tzirikidis, and Christina
<br />Tzirikidis, the consideration for which was $52,500 to be paid to the Sellers and
<br />secured by a Trust Deed which Trust Deed was recorded as Instrument No. 98-
<br />1 12833 in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska, encumbering
<br />the following described real estate, to -wit:
<br />Part of Lots One (1) and Two (2) in Block Eight (8), Original Town of
<br />Cairo, Hall County, Nebraska, described as beginning at a point 30 feet
<br />North of the Southwest corner of said Lot 1, Block 8, on the Westerly
<br />line of said lot, thence Southerly along the Westerly line of said Lots 1
<br />and 2 of said Block 8, a distance of 70 feet, thence easterly, parallel to
<br />the Southerly line of said Lot 2, Block 8, a distance of 140 feet to the
<br />Easterly line of said Lot 2, Block .8, to a point 10 feet North of the
<br />Southeast corner of said Lot 2, Block 8, thence Northerly along and upon
<br />the Easterly line of said Lots 2 and 1, Block 8, a distance of 52.08 feet
<br />to the Southerly right of way line of Highway #2, thence Northwesterly
<br />along the Southerly right of way line of said Highway #2, to a point
<br />which is 30 feet Northerly from the Southerly line of said Lot 1, Block 8,
<br />thence continuing Westerly, 30 feet from the Southerly line of said Lot
<br />1, Biock 8 to the point of beginning.
<br />THAT the parties have defaulted in the payments due on said Trust Deed upon
<br />which the amount of $42,744.82 is due and outstanding as of February 25, 2002,
<br />and they are unable to meet the obligations of said Trust Deed according to the terms
<br />thereof;
<br />THAT they are the same parties who made, executed, and delivered a certain
<br />Quit Claim Deed to Gerald Jantzi, Sophia Jantzi, Antonio Tzirikidis and Christina
<br />Tzirikidis and their successors and assigns, as Grantee, dated May 13 , 2002,
<br />conveying the above - described property; that the aforesaid Quit Claim Deed was an
<br />absolute conveyance of all their right, title, and interest in and to said real estate,
<br />together with all buildings thereon and appurtenances thereto belonging and
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<br />) SS.
<br />1K8111011 Wigs] aCI_ \I1
<br />Gary R. Lemburg and Robyn L. Lemburg, husband and wife, being first duly and
<br />separately sworn, depose and state:
<br />THAT they did on the 22nd day of December, 1998, execute and deliver a
<br />Certain Trust Deed to Geralc! Jantzi, Sophia Jantzi, Antonio Tzirikidis, and Christina
<br />Tzirikidis, the consideration for which was $52,500 to be paid to the Sellers and
<br />secured by a Trust Deed which Trust Deed was recorded as Instrument No. 98-
<br />1 12833 in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska, encumbering
<br />the following described real estate, to -wit:
<br />Part of Lots One (1) and Two (2) in Block Eight (8), Original Town of
<br />Cairo, Hall County, Nebraska, described as beginning at a point 30 feet
<br />North of the Southwest corner of said Lot 1, Block 8, on the Westerly
<br />line of said lot, thence Southerly along the Westerly line of said Lots 1
<br />and 2 of said Block 8, a distance of 70 feet, thence easterly, parallel to
<br />the Southerly line of said Lot 2, Block 8, a distance of 140 feet to the
<br />Easterly line of said Lot 2, Block .8, to a point 10 feet North of the
<br />Southeast corner of said Lot 2, Block 8, thence Northerly along and upon
<br />the Easterly line of said Lots 2 and 1, Block 8, a distance of 52.08 feet
<br />to the Southerly right of way line of Highway #2, thence Northwesterly
<br />along the Southerly right of way line of said Highway #2, to a point
<br />which is 30 feet Northerly from the Southerly line of said Lot 1, Block 8,
<br />thence continuing Westerly, 30 feet from the Southerly line of said Lot
<br />1, Biock 8 to the point of beginning.
<br />THAT the parties have defaulted in the payments due on said Trust Deed upon
<br />which the amount of $42,744.82 is due and outstanding as of February 25, 2002,
<br />and they are unable to meet the obligations of said Trust Deed according to the terms
<br />thereof;
<br />THAT they are the same parties who made, executed, and delivered a certain
<br />Quit Claim Deed to Gerald Jantzi, Sophia Jantzi, Antonio Tzirikidis and Christina
<br />Tzirikidis and their successors and assigns, as Grantee, dated May 13 , 2002,
<br />conveying the above - described property; that the aforesaid Quit Claim Deed was an
<br />absolute conveyance of all their right, title, and interest in and to said real estate,
<br />together with all buildings thereon and appurtenances thereto belonging and
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