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200205945 <br />F,XIIIBIT "A" <br />ITGAI, DESCRIPTION <br />109042 <br />The West half of the Southwest Quarter (W I/2 S W I /4), Section Twenty-Nine (29), 'township <br />Nine (9) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, excepting <br />therefrom a certain tract of land deeded to the State of Nebraska, recorded in Book 156, Page 574 <br />of the Deed Records of hall County, Nebraska; and excepting therefrom a certain tract of land <br />deeded to tho Souc of Nebraska, recorded as Document No. 82- 003224 of the Decd Records of <br />Hall County, Nebraska_ <br />AND <br />'I he Fast Half of the Northwest Quarter (E 112 NW1 /4) and the Northwest Quarto of the <br />Northwest Quarter (NWI /4 NWl /4) of Suction Twcnty -Nine (29), 'township Nine (9) North, <br />Range Nine (9), Wcst of [he 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska. <br />