IIINENANTS 200205937
<br />I, Payments. Dmruwer achess to make all payments an the dceured debt when due. Unless R aroarr and Lender agree otherwise, any payments Leader errors Gan
<br />Bar or for Burrower 's benefit will be action List to any area 1, Borrower owes an the secured debt axtlmlvt of Interest or prioo'pnl, accord W'nmust and then to
<br />principal It yaird prepayment ofthe secured debt occurs to, any reason, it will not reduoc or excuse any scheduled payment until the secured debt is paid in full
<br />2. Claim %Against Title. Borrower will pay all tams_ assessments, and Aber charges attributable m the properly when due and will defend title at the pmpeny aguinsl
<br />any claims wluch would linpair the Ilea of this decd of trust Leader may .squ'm Borrower to assign any rights claims or defenses which Borrower may haw against
<br />parties who supply labor or intends to improve nr maintain the property.
<br />3. Insurance. Bormwct will keep the propcny Insured under terms acceptable W Leader at Borrower's cspense mad for Lender's benefit. All hwamnee yfliel, shall
<br />include a standard mrrtgrge clause Ia favor off ender Lender will he named as loss payer or as the Insured on any such insurance policy. Any accurace proceeds may be
<br />applied_ w'nHin Leader's discretion. to either the mslur car u 1 or repair of the damagal 11-IM nr In the scared debt If Lender requires mortgage, nu nmce Borrower
<br />agree, W nhalotata suck Insurance for as ling as Leader requires.
<br />a. Property. Darmwcr will keep the propene In gaud ooldit'on and make all repair reasonably necessary .
<br />5. fismi se, porrowa corers a pay all L d expenses, Iedudne reasonable attorneys' fees. if Borrower break y rants in this deed of trust o or m _
<br />ubluction secured by this deed of trust Bonrwerwill pay these anions to I cndcras provided in Cova r m 9 of this dad ofvust.
<br />fi. Prior Security Interests. Unless pullover first obtains Lender c written contest. Borrower will not make of permit any changes r' cup- prior at alit} intal's
<br />Bureower will perronn all of Barrown, s obligations under any print maniacal_ deed LEE or other security agreement Including Borrower s covenants m make payments
<br />,Iran due
<br />9. Aulgno unaf Rents and Profits. Borrower assigns W Lender Ih, Lens and profits of tile trnpcny. Ilnless Borrows and Lender have agreed otherwise In writing.
<br />Borrower may collect and ration the rents as long as Borrmvcr is not In default If Borrower defaults, Iandef. Lenders occur, or a coon up led mecdver may take
<br />possession and menage the propcny and oWlect We rents. Amy nP.n1, Lcndcr callect, shall be applied first to the enzts of managing the property_ including court costs aid
<br />auorvIs Ices, wmmisdnns to rental army. and any outer ill e....stated expenses. 'Ihe .....long amount of rents will then apply to payments on the secured debt as
<br />provided In C Le apart t.
<br />S. I ci scholdst Candanimiums; Planned flat Developments. finti wo, agrees W comply with the prmisions of any lease if this deed niftiest is on leasehold. If this
<br />decd of trust's on n unit's a condencrium nr a planned unit development. Borrower will penbnn all of Banoweds duties under the covenants, by laws, or manlatiays of
<br />the wndandnhkm or planned unit development.
<br />9. Authority, of Fanatic Ir Perform fur Bnrrnwer. If Betrayer fails its perform, any of Borrower's duties under this deed of mat lender may perform Ihu duties nr
<br />w them in be performed. Lender may sign Burrow", none or pay any ammmt if naossary for performance. If any construction on the property is discontinued or not
<br />curried run an a reasonable manner, Lcndcr mey do wha.,a Is necessary to pm t Leader's security, interest in the property . This may include completing the construction.
<br />Lenders ficilurc to reunion will not prccludt tender from exem'4ng any of Its other rights under the law or this deed ofvust.
<br />Any amounts paid by leader to ptnfeet Lender's security interest will be secured by this dad of trust Such amounts will be due on demand wed will bent noisiest final the
<br />date of9fat paynnen until paid In full at the interest eta In eBeetonn thesmaW debt.
<br />III. Default a nd Acceleration. If Burrower tailsto take ony Payment wahetta due or breaks any covenants under this deed of trust or any obligation secured by this deed ul
<br />rust or any prior mortgage (it deed of mat, Lender may accelerate (no truancy of the seen d debt and demand immediate payment and may Invoke the power of sale and
<br />any other remedies permitted by aplil Icam, law.
<br />11. Rd, m %t for Notice of Default. it is hereby r,,cc,tcd that wp'u n lhe notices of canal t and sale be still m each person who Is a party hereto, at the address of each
<br />such pers s. to set forte ls-
<br />12. PowtrofSale.IftheIorder Invokes tae cover of sals. It, Trustee sfill]first reinid In the office of the rogdsterof deed ofeach county wherein the cost property or
<br />some of or camel Wmwr Is "Ins ed a notice of default containing the information required by law. The I rusles shall also mail copies ofthe notice of default to the
<br />Borrower. to each person woo Is a party facial, a d to other persons as pmscrihed by applicable Inv. Net less than one menN after the' rmstee.swrds the noticed default
<br />rr turn nmmhs it the trust property is not In any Incorporated city orvlllage aid's used in fanning operations carried an by the trader, the Trustee shall give public notice of
<br />le to the persons land in to rwmmL prescribed by atplleable law. Trustee, without demand on Borrower, shall sell the property itpubre auction to the highest budder. If
<br />egWmd w the farm I lomwtead Proleelion Act, Trustee shall offer the pmpeny In two separate sales as required by applicable law. Ttusta may postpone sale of all or any
<br />penal alto e pr pact} by pt bI' o all"Lancepaynt at the time and place of any prcvimoly scheduled sale. I. crocl LIE its designee may Purchase then 1 n At nm sale
<br />UI nu race 11 of ] lay ... a, Of tire price bid, 'I rusto, shall delver In if pufloo,, T,cpar, a deed conveying ifac propcny the nook contained in 'I easier 's deed aha11 be
<br />puma into L,u iena of We vuth offl e statements contained therein Trustee shall apply the proceeds of the side in the fullo —l' oiler_ (a) o all expanses of the 1.111,
<br />in,ud'ng -hut not limited in reasonable trustee s fees, recrourble stmmey's fees and mgonamment fees, (b) to all sums see oil by this dad at not, and (c) the balance, id
<br />any, to the Punom legally 'radial tin nrdve It
<br />13. Foredusarc. AI Lenders option, this deed rut trust may be forecluaud an the mermen provided be, appllcaMc 11. for foreclosure ofmmrtgages no and pmpeny.
<br />Ii. Impaction. Leader may enter the property u, hupcct It If Iznder gives Rnrmwee notice beforehand_ 'fhe notice must state Ne reasonable cause for Lends,'s
<br />ti .... L a.
<br />Ie. Canderearrom Borrower assigns to Lender the proceeds if ,Old or Beim far demmen or allied with a condemnation nr other taking of uld or any an of the
<br />tmpary. such ,accred, will be applied as provided in Covenant 1. Thus assignment is subject to the terms Italy prior security agreement.
<br />16. 'Alt a By sing any remedy available to Lender, Lender does riot ti V rights ILL ]ate tst any other - uedy Re col g any periods a poh
<br />13mrsyse, I decant, I coder don not waive any right In 1,111, considerNe ever a default If it happens again.
<br />IZ drift sad Several Liahility; Owigners; Successors and Alumina Board. All duties under this deed of trust are joint and several_ Np- Bouncer who w -9grs This
<br />deed of trust but does tint co -sign the acted, cup debt iasunmmnco) does so only to grunt and anvey that Borr mr s interest in the propcny to the Tnumc under the terns
<br />ofIL's deed of trust In addition such a Borrower agrees that the I order and any other Furnace ,ads, (Ill, deed of lost racy extend, modify or make any other chances In
<br />the taros of this deed of trust or the-1 ed debt without that Rorrower'sconcern and without releasing that Borrower from the terms of this dad ofvust.
<br />Ihedutio and benefits of thls deed off m shall hard and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower
<br />18, Notice. Ilnless olhcnvise required by law. any notice m Borrower shall be mran by Missing It nr by mailing it by wtl'ficd mall aw ncescd to Banowar at tfio
<br />preserve address or any other address that Bonower has given,, 1 coder_ Rnrrower will live any notice to Lander by certified mail to Lender's address on page I of this
<br />deed of'last Or to any other address cluch forest lisdesinaled_ Any d mean, to L.aa shell be_.tta 1. ender' s ad'how a, oared nn p'�'I orlia, decd of tract.
<br />Any notice shall be deemed to lint been Liven w BorumwrrIll Lender vical given in the manner tracd ahnvc
<br />19_ 1 roofire of do PmpuTy or a Bnmfieial Interest in the Borrower. [fall or any pan of the property or any interest in it is sold or transferred without the Lenders
<br />muct Israel, Censers, l end,, may demand lrnnediam pavnncut on 1111 secured debt I ender may elso demand immcdice payment lfthe Borrower is not a ranaal person and
<br />a Lear drift leered In the Burrower is sold or transferred However, Lcnder may lot der mnnd puymeut'a ill, above "metiers 'fit 's pmhibiad by federal law as oftho date
<br />of this doM oftrust.
<br />20. Reoomveynnce. When the ohluation secured by this dad of trust has been paid, and Lcndcr has no further obligation to make advances under the Instruments or
<br />cements warred by this dead or Irusl, the It :I' '[.I'll, open written equest be the I andar ILLOIllay the trust prepare,. The Lender shall deliver to the Rnrrawar, or to
<br />Be rower s arce—E, a interest, the vt.n decd and the hole or other cs named of if,, obligation in artish d. Forces, fill p , uh y acconlul ro wsb.
<br />IL Sioressor 'I f aster. Leader. at Lender s option, may remuvc'I' lewd national, or entire by first, h u l g r Copy el the Sebst l f let wine as equ oral
<br />byappllcabnelaw, and Wen, by filing the mhstiturr ofmndce far retard in the office ofthe register of deeds of each county in which the trust propcny, or some pan
<br />Ihermf's a tuadd. The .successor trustee, without anvcyunee of We property, shall succeed to all the power, du lls. author it, and title (it the Lusme trued in the deed of
<br />trust and rl any wleuua ounce.
<br />