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`I OVEN ANI'S 200205936 <br />1. Payment,. Hut, w m make all paymems on (he scoured debt when due unless Borrower and lender agre caleav, ov, any Privateers Lender receives font <br />,weer nereG e <br />Borrower or tar Borrower s ce, of he s be applied first to lot a e tea Bonnwer owesut the secured nes exclusive c rsment in it tile sacpat second to al a, fit and Then m <br />Pri: uipul. If petal Prepayment of the secured debt occurs for nny revtiun. it sv.11 not reducc or taros soheduled payment omit the ..,.red deal Iz Paid In IiJI <br />2. Claims Agaias 11,1, Bonomr will Puy ill j,_, nssesaments and mhcr charges attributable to the property when due snit will defend title to the property against <br />dui s which would impair the lien of this deed of trust lender eqt a r Ber—, to ss'gt rules, claims - d is s which II - , now has ..t <br />panics who supply labor or materials to improve or maintain the protons u <br />3. loans moo. Borrower will keep the property insured wider terms eoeptable to I ender at Hormwer cxpcnsc and for Lender s benefit All Insurance politics shall <br />..elude a standard nmngage clans in laver f Lender_ Lender will be trained as loss pales or as the insured on env such imuruoce pulley. Ane lnutwme proceeds: r, be <br />applied. within Lender's discretion, to rather the restoration of repair of the damaged .open)' or to the secured debt If loader requires mortgage insurance. Borrower <br />asonsi to maarlain such insurance for as lung as Leader cdow,. <br />4. Property. Borrower will kcal the pmpeny an Bond condition and make all repair, reasonably necessary. <br />5. Expenses. Bear""' agrees m Pav all lenders expenses, including reasonable attorneys @es, If Bunower breaks gp covenants in (has deed of cost or In any <br />obligation secured by this deed of oust. B000worw'lll Pay them amounts no Lender as provided in Covenant 9 of this decd of trust <br />6. Prior !¢cooly Interests. lidless Rormwer firs, obtains 1 ender, written contest Borrower will not and, or permit any changes to any prior scnmty Interests. <br />Rormwer will perform allot H ... s.. bligul _ and" any prior nonfat, decd of trust or other vocally agreement, including B nnwer's covenants to make payment <br />when Jr. <br />7. Assignment of Rents and Pmtits. Borrower us,i ours to Leader fat rents and profits of the property I:nlas 6nrrooer and Iznder have agreed othenviac in writing <br />Burr, may tolled and rain the rents as long as Borrower is not In delhWt If Burrower defaults, Leader, I. candor 's agent, u t appointed receiver nay take <br />possession and mumt.c the property anJ collect the .ems Any rents Lender collects shall be applied first to the costs of managing the property, including cow costs and <br />none- ms to rental agents. and ther access bad expense Il u _ o n of rents w II then apply to Pay t: t the secured debt as <br />provided In Covenant Is <br />8. Leavehnlds Condominiums; Planned Moat Developments. Borrower eg.,5 m comply rf, the pmvislons of any lease If this deed oftmsl Is on leasehold. If this <br />deed uI trust is on a unit in a,n..dnmicame or a planned unit development, Borrower will modern Eiji of Bono s duties under dm covenan1., by laws, or regulations of <br />de, wnd.r intm r err planned unit develop..... d. <br />9. AuthoRM1 of Leader to Perform for Burrower. If borrower falls la pcnbnn. a e of liorrovers duties under (his deed or trust, Lcndor may notaril the duties or <br />ruse them to be perfummd. tm.6, n sign Rannwer's name orray any amount If necessary far performance If any <onswction on the property 1a discomai ed or not <br />carried on in a reasonable nan L der m, v d 1 t o nocc to protect I.e. d nily rotor a 1n the property. TM1 hdude completf tgthe c nslmdbn <br />Lender's failure to pcnbnn will nut P—1 ude Lord, from exereidng any of its other arms under die law or this dead of trust <br />Any indn..e 11.11 by I.L nderm Pmmct lender's security Interest will be secured by this decd of mist Arch amounts will be due on demand and will bear ial,wo Item the <br />date of the payment until pn.6 in full aubc Interest rate in eff-I oil the scrmred debt, <br />lo. Default and Aeeeloatinn. If Rorrnwc, fails 1. make any payment edger due or breaks any covenants underthis decd oftmsl ortiny obligation secured by this decd of <br />met or any pro mortgage or deed aftnnt, Lender may a celcmm the maturity of the secured debt and demand Immediate payment and may invoke the power of sale and <br />c othr...made,,.ermined by appllcablc law. <br />11. Request for Notice ofDefault. It is bcrow equtSed that copies ofthe notices of default and sale be sent.. each person who is a party herein, at die address of each <br />web peaou. is act rams herein. <br />12. Power of Sad. It llw Lender a,.k,, (be pow, ursale, theTmster, shall first record In the once of the ,,.,Lee of decd, of each arcov wherein the trust property or <br />vOTFIC pan or parcel thereof is situated a notice of derautt containing the information required by law_ The trustee shall also Imtil copies of the notice of dedmlt to 0c <br />Borrower, to e ch peoun who Is a patty herein_ and In other Persone err nrever ted by applicable loss Net des „has tans month afterthe Trustee record, the notice of default <br />rc ten nouns, if the trust propcm snots ctrpuated tat r ll,, and is used,I farm ce operat r'ed of by th.l ser, the'rmetee stall give pebl'. rdo,,A <br />snit lu the persons and In the insurer prescribed by applicable law'. Trustee. without demand on Bor,a,,,, lull sell the property at public auction to the highest bidder. If <br />.,hired by the Perm Retested Ptman.un Act Tr kc shall of,, the. pmpeny in Iwo sepamm sales as required by applicable law. Tmseo may pnapnne sele ofell err any <br />parcel ofthe properly by public announcement at the time and place of any previously scheduled sale. Lender of its door nny purdass the property..daysEile. <br />I iprn receipt of payment of the prce b d I'msce sal ll der per to tl 1 d re Tort _ded comreyi erg Ne property. ill I' Is entail d' Trustee s decd shall be <br />prima raao ..idler,, ofthe trmb of the statements contained therein. 'Ruses shall apply the proceeds of the sale in the lollowmg order: (a) to all esperses of the sale, <br />including. but eatlmted m, utbll Tnaurf ._cnsowlleaftt ,,la. adi ttmen1 lxq(h) Il sums secured he lln dead att st and(, for hoWe, if <br />any. to the let,( s Dally entitled to n,ca,, il. <br />13. Foreclosure At Lender s itsiva,Insdeed or roo may be llvmlosed In the nnanneI...vide,] by applicable Infer feeclosare of mortgages on real pmpmry. <br />14. lospediun. 111.611 rimy octa Ibe propenl to insp¢I It if Irader elves Borrower outdo beforehand. The notice must state the reasonable canoe lot I order s <br />mien <br />15. ( ovemnai et, liunow , to Lend il e proceeds of y' 1 err slain - f IT01' cnnnemed Ve n a corabo ntron or other I k' _ all err nny Pan ofthe <br />pmpeny 5 1 p teed', will h pplled as pow ded in Covenant 1 IF_ : slgnment ` s bj ct to the term' ferny prior sec l agreement. <br />16. Waiver Iry sing' y nede nova lable n I c td,. Londe does not ,o e p a n' fights to t. st v othe emedy. By not _ cmedw t pr n <br />B.ow,,r's lefaW. I coda does not waive any right m later consider [he event a default it It happens again. <br />19. .loam and Several Liability; Co-sigucrs; Sueeessors dad Assign, Ruord. All duties under thk deed of brut are roam and several. Any Burrower who co-signs This <br />deed uRnnl but does n1. r-o r the underlying debt Inshona s(e) does so only o most and consel' (hill Bonov a Interest in the property to the Tmslee under the forows <br />A this deed of trust. In addition_ such a Burmwor nm,c, Thal the land, unit any oilier B nmscr under this deed oftmsl .nay extend, modiF or make any aline ulmnges In <br />the forces of this dead (it trust or the secured debt wi,how that Borrower's consent slid withouucicasfng that Borrower from the corms ofthis decd of cost. <br />The dutre, and bend![, (,I this deed of cost shall bind and penchrthe successors and dealers of Lenderand Borrower. <br />18. Safi a I. , ulhew y lend I, her ot”, ro Br - r shall beg 1y d I'vering I by ailing it be ec i t,d nail dd _ed m 5w.m... ul the <br />propene addlcsv or :mv other address thin Borrower has given m Lcndcr Ilonower will give any notice to Iwendcr by refined mail m Lender s address on page 1 of this <br />deed ortrnt, a ' y wilt,. add ., salad, 1.en d 1 mocen ed A ether mace to lender shad be sent m L Anne s address a, aced on l .I antis Tern oftmar. <br />Any nwiec shad be deemed to have bean given In Rorrawer or Lender when give, in the manner stated above <br />19. Transfer of the Property or a Reaeticwl mttrca In the Borrower. If all or any part ofthe property or any imen,( in it is sold or transferred wnhouf the Lender', <br />are wlltr..n closer_ i ender may demand ime cdiah,lam,enl ethic secured debt Lender may also demand immediate payment if the Borrower is rim a co rated Person and <br />abencfimal ricreal ntheBu ris suld o. It, f d. Bowew. L d may not deers ad paw neat' d I tsituati, '1't'_1mhlhded 1 federal law as ul(lie date <br />ofthls deed nl Im9 <br />20. Rec When the oblgruon sc Ind is this ded u( bull has been paid, and Londe, has no further ubllgabou to coke advances under the monarchs or <br />ag.e,icnb smut,] be Ihls deed ofmut Ibe Trustee shalt upon written request by the lender. recnmey the trust pmpeny. The Leader shall Ill in the Rormwer. err to <br />Bonowcr a successor n aterest, the Ina deed tad be etc of tlhe a -de c tithe of l gat e - llofied. R r s, shall p e y ve dnbcn vesb. <br />21. Sue.sor TnsLLe laedet allerders y,h "F 4. dappni.t'. u. bolo. Iw lot, tilig letar(he -foli ti oflustee as equied <br />be appllcablc lase, a ed Ihen he f g the suhomtion attruslec for record m the office ofthe register ofdeed; of oath chance, to which thefruit proper, -_ orcome pan <br />thereat, is eLadrd. Fier tLook',"(['.tu vIne "ofdeTybalI s .ee,] to all the t rdares anehn- e and titleofine' .teeared dcdredof <br />trustand of any successo <br />trass(cc. <br />