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THAT WHEREAS, all of the indebtedness secured by the Trust Deed executed by KEVYN NIEDFELT <br />MICHELLE A NIEDFELT JOINT AS HUSBAND AND WIFE _ ,as TRUSTOR, <br />to MICHAEL F. KIVETT _ _ ; as TRUSTEE, for the <br />benefit of CITIFINANCIAL, INC. (MD) , as BENEFICIARY, dated 10/18/2001 <br />HALL COUNTY, Nebraska, in"� <br />and recorded in the Office of the pR�egisrer of Deeds of o <br />INSTRUMENT N0. a2001g B R P <br />BOOK XX%XXXXX oft MMOn 0 C records on PAGE_ XXXXXXXXXktas been Did, and said CLTIFINANCIAL <br />BENEFICIARY has requested in writing <br />that this Deed of Reconveyence be executed and delivered, as confirmed by its endorsement below: <br />NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of such payment and in accordance With the written request of the <br />BENEFICIARY, the undersigned TRUSTEE does by these presents GRANT. REMISE, RELEASE, AND <br />RECONVEY to the person or persons entitled thereto, all the interest and estate derived to said TRUSTEE by or <br />through said Trust Deed in the following described premises together with all buildings, finales. improvements, <br />n ee.u,n.ngaces the runto Wonting. <br />Legal Description: <br />d ir'a'ci oi7andlticaied in Section 'I'hirty -Five (35), Township Eleven (11) North, <br />Range Nine (9) West, of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, and more <br />particularly described as follows:: <br />Commencing at the East Quarter (El /4) Comer of Section Thirty -Five (35); <br />thence on an assumed bearing of North 01 Degrees 35 Minutes 34 Seconds West <br />along the East line of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter <br />(SEl /4,NE1 /4) of said Section Thirty -Five (35) a distance of 268.00 feet to the <br />point of beginning; thence South 88 degrees 24 minutes 26 seconds West a <br />distance of 40.00 feet; thence North 01 degrees 35 minutes 34 seconds West and <br />parallel to said East line a distance of 121.89 feet; thence North 88 degrees 48 <br />minutes 03 seconds East on a line parallel to the South line of said SEl /4, NEl /4 <br />a distance of 40.00 feet to a point on the East line of said SEl /4, NEI /4; thence <br />South 01 degrees 35 minutes 34 seconds East along said East line a distance of <br />121.61 feet to the point of beginning. Said tract contains 0.11 acres more or less <br />of which 0.09 acres is existing counttY�roa 'ght -n - v <br />Dyed Trustee <br />MI <br />.,TATS <br />Ss. <br />COUNTY OF Douglas ) <br />The foregoing instrument, was acknowledged before me this 22nd day of MaV , 2002 by <br />Michael F. Kivett _ as TRUSTEE. <br />1111111 11TAIM13H of Neoresea <br />III.` JODITH A. SLIMM NOUry Public <br />My Commission Expires _ My Comm. rsn. dmy 3, 2004 <br />This Is to certify that the above named TRUSTEE has been requested in writing to execute the foregoing Deed of <br />Reconveyance and his action in doing so is ratified and confirmed in all respects. <br />Benerl ry t <br />\�•yncial• /�c <br />PORAT^ Br <br />NE 295384 4199 <br />193° o <br />NARYLPa <br />m <br />m 2 D <br />c m n <br />D Z <br />cm <br />11 <br />o <br />2 f5 <br />N <br />ONi <br />fb <br />^ <br />O <br />v\ <br />r v <br />N <br />200205929 <br />1 <br />... <br />PARTIAL <br />DEED OFRECONVEYANCE <br />tui�usf oewuwa T.Jst �CSdi i.:Si <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: <br />THAT WHEREAS, all of the indebtedness secured by the Trust Deed executed by KEVYN NIEDFELT <br />MICHELLE A NIEDFELT JOINT AS HUSBAND AND WIFE _ ,as TRUSTOR, <br />to MICHAEL F. KIVETT _ _ ; as TRUSTEE, for the <br />benefit of CITIFINANCIAL, INC. (MD) , as BENEFICIARY, dated 10/18/2001 <br />HALL COUNTY, Nebraska, in"� <br />and recorded in the Office of the pR�egisrer of Deeds of o <br />INSTRUMENT N0. a2001g B R P <br />BOOK XX%XXXXX oft MMOn 0 C records on PAGE_ XXXXXXXXXktas been Did, and said CLTIFINANCIAL <br />BENEFICIARY has requested in writing <br />that this Deed of Reconveyence be executed and delivered, as confirmed by its endorsement below: <br />NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of such payment and in accordance With the written request of the <br />BENEFICIARY, the undersigned TRUSTEE does by these presents GRANT. REMISE, RELEASE, AND <br />RECONVEY to the person or persons entitled thereto, all the interest and estate derived to said TRUSTEE by or <br />through said Trust Deed in the following described premises together with all buildings, finales. improvements, <br />n ee.u,n.ngaces the runto Wonting. <br />Legal Description: <br />d ir'a'ci oi7andlticaied in Section 'I'hirty -Five (35), Township Eleven (11) North, <br />Range Nine (9) West, of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, and more <br />particularly described as follows:: <br />Commencing at the East Quarter (El /4) Comer of Section Thirty -Five (35); <br />thence on an assumed bearing of North 01 Degrees 35 Minutes 34 Seconds West <br />along the East line of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter <br />(SEl /4,NE1 /4) of said Section Thirty -Five (35) a distance of 268.00 feet to the <br />point of beginning; thence South 88 degrees 24 minutes 26 seconds West a <br />distance of 40.00 feet; thence North 01 degrees 35 minutes 34 seconds West and <br />parallel to said East line a distance of 121.89 feet; thence North 88 degrees 48 <br />minutes 03 seconds East on a line parallel to the South line of said SEl /4, NEl /4 <br />a distance of 40.00 feet to a point on the East line of said SEl /4, NEI /4; thence <br />South 01 degrees 35 minutes 34 seconds East along said East line a distance of <br />121.61 feet to the point of beginning. Said tract contains 0.11 acres more or less <br />of which 0.09 acres is existing counttY�roa 'ght -n - v <br />Dyed Trustee <br />MI <br />.,TATS <br />Ss. <br />COUNTY OF Douglas ) <br />The foregoing instrument, was acknowledged before me this 22nd day of MaV , 2002 by <br />Michael F. Kivett _ as TRUSTEE. <br />1111111 11TAIM13H of Neoresea <br />III.` JODITH A. SLIMM NOUry Public <br />My Commission Expires _ My Comm. rsn. dmy 3, 2004 <br />This Is to certify that the above named TRUSTEE has been requested in writing to execute the foregoing Deed of <br />Reconveyance and his action in doing so is ratified and confirmed in all respects. <br />Benerl ry t <br />\�•yncial• /�c <br />PORAT^ Br <br />NE 295384 4199 <br />193° o <br />NARYLPa <br />