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.n <br />EULEN C. WHITTEN and MARY K. WHITTEN, Husband and Wife. <br />GRANTOR, in consideration of One Dollar ($1.00) and Other Valuable <br />Consideration received from GRANTEE, ORALD DONALD HARNEY and MARY <br />JANE <br />HARNEY, Husband and Wife and DARYL V. HARNEY, A single person conveys to <br />GRANTEE, as joint tenants and not as <br />tenants in common, the following described real estate (as defined in Neb. Rev. Stat. <br />76 -201): See Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by this reference made a part <br />hereof. <br />GRANTOR covenants (jointly and severally, if more than one) with GRANTEE that <br />GRANTOR <br />(1) is lawfully seized of such real estate and that it is free from encumbrances except <br />easements, reservations, covenants and restrictions of record: <br />(2) has legal power and lawful authority to convey the same, <br />(3) warrants and will defend title to the real estate against the lawful claims of all <br />persons. <br />Executed: 2002 <br />EULEN MARY K. Vf ITTEN <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA <br />P"-: <br />