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200205897 <br />THIS SECUFljy INSTRUMENT combines uniform eoven:mts to" naGon'al uie and lion uniform <br />rgvi,urol with limited variations by Jurisdiction to constitute a uniform sccttrli)' msrument covering real <br />property. <br />UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bm[OwC( and Lender covenant and agree L follows <br />Paymetlt of Principal, Interest, Esrruw' Items. Prepuymcnt Charge, and Late Charges. <br />OorNwer shall pay when due the principal ol. and imerest on, lire debt evidenced by the Note and any <br />pcepaymen[ ehaeF.ea and late charges due under the Note. Borrower shall cite pay Lmds fur Escrow IU.S. <br />pursuant to Section 3- Payments due under the Note and this Security lnstrutn en[sundcr the Nlote or this <br />cum'ncy. However, if any check or other instrument received by Lender as P:) <br />Security instrument is icmrned to lender unpaid, Lender may tuNire That any or all subsequent payments <br />due under the Note and this Security instrument be made in one or tnnre of the ti edosu'e(sfcheik or <br />monc order. (c) cerulicd check. hank check, <br />selected by Lk, pro un task such Y' institution do osits are insured by a <br />cas'hier's check provided any such check is dawn upon nl mstimtion p <br />lederal agency, in "uvmanalily, or emity: or (d) Electronic fends 'f[ansfcc, <br />Payments are deemed rerauved by Londcc hell rceci,sd at the location de,nnatcd in tine Note or nt <br />such other location as may he designated by Icnder in accordance widi the nolicc pronsions in Section 15, <br />Lender 1111y return me payment or Partin] payntutitdtznit orpa atnialt l>oYnt' ntuinsuf[7eta [ toebtringf f tire eLoau <br />bring the Loan ourrcnr. I.cnder may accept any P y ten or Pic its rights ro refuse such Payment or partial <br />mrmnl. without waiver of arty rights hercunde[ or p J arc <br />payments in the future, but Lrndec i5 not obligated to apply such pnymcns e, the,, i such <br />need not pay <br />accepted. if each Periodic Pnymnn is applied as of Its schcdaled due date, <br />interest on »napplicd funds. Lcnder may hold such nnapplied funds w nil Annowcr tut +kcs paymeNS m <br />bring the Lo,n uma-nt. If Borrower does not do so within a reasonable suchio ula`nwillLbe appl edl turtle <br />apply such funds or ¢turn them to Borrower. if not applied Cal ' <br />outstanding pri,clp:d balance under the Note immediately prior to forcdosur=- No offs¢ or claim which <br />Borrower ,light haN, now or in the mime against Lee clermLna the ooe p�nLti and agrecngn¢ nicking <br />se urod by <br />due under the Note and this Security instrument or 7 <br />this Sceurlty 111111menL all <br />2. Application of Pa)ments or Proceeds. Except as otherwise dserrder in this Section (a) interest <br />payments accepted :old applied by Lcnder shall be applied in the folloi`mg order of ptim'i[, ( ) <br />due urdcr die Note'. (b) principal duc under Eric Note! (c) amounts dice under Section 3. $uch payments <br />shall be applied m each Periodic Payment ill the onler in which it bcc'amc due. Any fcolan"ll mnounta <br />shall 6e applied fist to la an <br />te ehnrge5. second to y other amounts due under this Security Instrument, and <br />then to reduce the principal baltutec of the Note. <br />If I_eudcr rzeeives u Payment from Borrower for a dchnqucnr Periodic Payment which includes a <br />sufficient amount w Pay any late cltargc duc, rite paynttra may be applied to rile dchoy 1) anent received Pyrneril kind <br />the hoc char @,c. if uncle than one Periodic li,ymcnt is outctandinntl e the tut apply, cac:h I n}nncnt can be <br />front Borrower to the repayment of the Periodic pay,", u tl <br />paid in Cull. "Cn the extent that avY excess exists liter the pnymcm Is applied Io !hc fall payment of one or <br />mom Periodic Puynlents, such excess may be applied ro any late charges due. Volwrtat re 1 anents stall <br />be applied first to any prepayment charges and then as described it the us P <br />Any apPl +cation of payment", insurance proceeds, or Miscellaneous fTile p, m principal due mtder <br />the Not, shall not extend or postpone the due date. Or chan8c the amount, of the Pc[iocic Pa IIIVnt x <br />3. Funds for Escrow Items. Borrows shall h the "Funds) too provide for lPaynirnt of amounts due <br />under the Notc, until the Note is paid in tu1L a sum <br />in': (a) taxes and assessments and other items which cin auxin priority over this Security Instrumem as a <br />lien or cncumhr: +ncc on the Property; (b) le-aschold payntatu or ground r5; odd (d) property, if i lllsur:nse <br />prenuLlms for any and all insurance required by Lcnder mulct Section 5; <br />SKV Foim3028 1101 <br />- 6GlNE1 me +s <br />w <br />dd /80 'd E8£d9£SZDb 'ON XdH <br />9I 00841 S113M 0 1£:11 18H d00Z 1£ ddW <br />