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200205897 <br />(c) "Lcndcr'is WELLS FARGO HOME MORTGAGE, INC. <br />bander is a CORFORATION <br />organized and exiSon nnclor the laa-s of THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA <br />Lendcl's addre5s is F.O. BOX 5137, DES MOINES, IA 503065137 <br />Lander is the beneficiary under this SacurnyEUQmment- <br />(D) "Truv,c , is ,IO)pj S. NATELMAN, <br />10855 WEST DODGE RD, SUITE 240, CKAHA, NE 68145 <br />(E) "Note" means the promissory note sigiied by Borrower and dated MAY 31, 2002 <br />'Ihc Note States [hat Borrower owes Under NINETY SIX THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED FIFTY AM <br />00 /100 <br />(U.S S + +• +'96, 850.00 ) plus intesst. Borrow hi % <br />Borrower leas promised to pay tdebt in rcgulu Pcrlod)a <br />payments and to pay due debt in full not later than LTU E 01, 2032 <br />(F) "Property" means the property that is described below under the lteadicg "Transfer of Rights ill the <br />Properly'." <br />(G) "Loeori' me:uns the debt evidenced by the Note. Plus interns[, In luslintcre.4t chnrg s and late charges <br />due under the Note, and all rums due under this Security insuumnn. p <br />(II) "Riders" mc:vts all Rldcrs to ells Security Instrument the[ are executed by Borrower. The following <br />Riders arc to be executed by Borrower (check box as applicable): r–� <br />Adjusmblc Rate Rider C� Condominium Rider <br />Second Nome Rider <br />Balloon Rider �? Planned Unit UeceloQmrnt Rider 1-4 Reality Ls Rider <br />GL7 VA Rider U DSwceUy vaymem Rider <br />L. Olhcr(s) (spccil'}'] <br />(1) "Applicable Law" mi'tuls all controlling applicable federal stare and locaf statutes, regal anions. <br />ordinances and admini,imolc rules and elders Writ have the curet oC lasv) as wall as all apphcaan llOaL <br />non - appealable Judicial opinions. ;usessmems and oihu[ <br />(J) "cummunity Association UOCS, Y'ccs, and Assessments" means all dues. Cccs. Itamcow'ticrs <br />charges that arc imposed on Rorrowcr or the Progeny by a condenain "ll association, <br />association or similar organiztdiml' other than a transaction originated by <br />(K) "Eltttronic Funds Transfer" means any hidl infer toF fill 6roueh nn elcc[ronic temninal, telephonic <br />check, draft, or similar paper instrument, <br />instrument, computer, or magnetic tape so as m order, insm,oL or authorize a fintt0cial insUUU ion to debit <br />or credit [u, aCCounl. Such tcrul indades, bill is not limited to, pofnt,ef -gale transfers', automated Idler <br />transfers, mrd sutounatcd dea <br />machine uaacuctions, transfers initialed by telephone, wnc nnelroust <br />transfers. <br />(L) "Escrow Heins" means those <br />items drat are described i s Stictmen4 award of damages, or proceeds paid <br />( \1) "Miscellaneous Proceeds" mca,ss airy compen5;u,on, <br />by arty Third party (other than insurance Proceeds paid under the em'era_c'takinc of all orcany psnto }'[be <br />daul,, to, or dcstrucdon ol', the Property; (iU condenlnatiut or oche[ E <br />propmyry (iii) cunvey�ee in lieu o} condemnation: or (iv) misrepresentation of, or omissions as t0, the <br />value andlor condition of the Poopcny. <br />inurma protettng Lender against Like nonpsy[ne ll of, or dcfau t on, <br />(N Mm tNagc Insurance" utcans s <br />The Loam <br />"­ xm jd j— Form 3028 1101 <br />n; 30 <br />601NE1 mcoei <br />ZEIDO 'd EK£ KCZOb 'ON x0i nw DOH OOM STI9m V 1£ :[[ M KE- IE -,AdW <br />