<br />shall remain fully effective as if no aceekranon had occurred. llowever, this right to reinstale shall not
<br />apply in the case of acceleration under Section I6. 'file Note of a panful interest in
<br />-
<br />20. Sale of Note; Change of Loan Serviccr, Notice or Grievance.
<br />the Note (together with this Security I➢311'nmutE) can be sold one or more times without prior notice to
<br />BarroweL A sale might result iu n change in the entity (known a5 the "Loan Serviced ") that collects
<br />Pn'iodic Payments due under [hc Nelc and [],IS Security insouln I :rod performs other mortgage loan
<br />scrv)dng obligations under the Note, this 5R:atlty instrument, old Applicable Lnw. 'there also might be
<br />ores of more changes of the Later Servicer Unrelated to a sale of the Note. If there is a dlan"c of the I oan
<br />Ser, icer, Borrower will be Given written notice of the change which will attic the name and address of the
<br />new l,.orm Servic w
<br />r, the address to hich payments should be made end any other information RESPA
<br />requires in connection with a notice of transfer of scrv'icin5. If the Note 15 sold and thereafter the Loan Is
<br />serviced by a Loan Scrvieer oihcr than the purchased of the Note, the mortgage loan servicing obligations
<br />to Borrower will remain with the Loul Ssrvicer or be transferred to a successor Loan S'crvicer and are not
<br />assumed by the Note purchaser unless otherwise provided by the Nero purchaser.
<br />Neither Borrower nor Lender may commen(e, join, or be joined to any judicial acorn[ (o.a dthcr nn
<br />individual litigant or the member of a class) that arises from the other party's actions pursuant to this
<br />Security Instrument or that alleges that the other party has brcaclled cry Pney151eo aC, or any duty owed by
<br />reason of, this Security Instrument,
<br />such Borrower or Lender has notified the other party (with such
<br />notice given in colepliatcc with tine requirennunts of Section 15) Of such alleged breach and afforded the
<br />other party hereto a reasonable Period aftn the giving of such notice to lake corrective ghat tome
<br />Applicable Law provides a time purled which trust elapse before certain action can be taken,
<br />period will a deemed l he [ensemble for purposes of this paragraph. The notice of aeCCleratmo and
<br />oppo[luni[y- to cure given 10 Borrower pursuant to Section 22 and the notice of accs1craunn given to
<br />Borrower Pnnsuant tv Section lg shall be dccmcd tp satisfy the notice nett opportunity to take corrective
<br />action provisions of this Section 20.
<br />21, Hazardous Substouees. As uW d in this Section 21 (a) "llaaardons Sahstanees' are those
<br />sub6nmces defined is toxic or hafardous a bst uccs. pellutaUs. or wnales b)' Envumumental Law and the
<br />fallowing substances: gasoline, kerosene, other banunable or toxic petroleum products', toxic pesticide,
<br />and herbicidea, volatile solvents, materials containing asbcslos or formaldehyde, and mdioac[Ire rnawtials;
<br />(b) " EnvirOnmcntal Law" means federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction whoa the Property is locoed that
<br />relate to health, safety Or environmental proreclivn; (c) "Environmental Cleanup" includes any' re'Ponsc
<br />action, remedial action, or removal action. as defined in Enviroumcnlal Lew; and (d) an ' Envirommental
<br />Condition, means a condition that can cause, contribute to, or otherwise trigger :m Frivirunmcnial
<br />Cleanup. use, dis ,sal, stage, or mleasc of any ❑azardvus
<br />Borrovar shall not cause or perms[ the presen or
<br />ce, P
<br />Substalc <s, or threaten to release any linzardous Srbstrmces, on or in the ProperLy. Bofruwer shall nor do,
<br />nor allow anyone elSC to do, anYthing affecting the Properly (a) that is in violation ul say
<br />se, our trees cof i1
<br />Law, (b) which acaes an Emlromnenlal Condition, or (c) which, due to the Presence,
<br />Fazardous 5ubstancc, creates a condition that adversely affects Ehe Malec of the Property. The prec chug
<br />two sentences shall not apply to rho ptesettce, use, Or stofafc on the Property of small quantities of
<br />linzardous Substances that arc generally recognized to lie haze rd priate tot: noo tit re ident" pmduae)d Ie Uses
<br />maintenatncc of the Properly (including, but not limited to, claim, Umund, lawsuit
<br />Borrnwct sho-dl promptly give London written notice of (a) any investigation, e
<br />or nibs[ action by any gonrnntemai or regulatory aaency or private parry involving the Properly and any
<br />Hazardous Substance or Environmental Law of wlttoli Borrower has actual kn rulca ccor threat of
<br />Environmental Condition, including but no[ limited m, any spilling, leaking, dlscharee, use or release of a
<br />[crease of any Hezadous Substance, and (c) Uny condition caused by the pa<enCq
<br />Hamrelous Substance which adversely affects the value of the Progeny. IF Borrower learns, or is notified
<br />Nil a of ,n (,r F."3028 llet
<br />Nil
<br />I=.6GINE1 iocnst I
<br />9
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