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200205897 <br />acceleration has occurred, reinstate ;w Provided in Sumo, 19, by causing the action Or proceedfug to be <br />dismissed with a mllag that, in Lender's judgment, precludes forfeiture or the Ptopercy or odor Inattriel <br />impairment of Lcndcr's interest in the Property or rights under this Security hi,inununt. The prucceds of <br />any award or claim for damages that are attributable to the impairment of Lender's interest in the Property <br />are hereby assigned and shall be paid to Leader. <br />All Miscellaneous proceeds that are not applied to resioralion or mpair of the Property shall be <br />applied in the order provided for in Section 2. <br />12. Borrower Not Released; Forbearance By Lender Not a Waiver. Dxtenvon of the lime rot <br />payment or modification of amortwelon of the sums secured by this security Instrurrivat granted by Lender <br />to Borrower or any Successor in Interest of Borrower shall not operate to rdeasc the liability of liorzower <br />or any Successors in Interest of DorrowEr. Lender shall not be required to cllmmcucc proceedings against <br />any Successor in interest of Borrower or to refuse to extend lime for payment or otherwise modify <br />any Sec uon of [ho Bunts secured rr this Security Instrument by reason or any demand made by the original or <br />Borrower or any Successors in Interest of Borrower- Any to]bexrrutct by Latter in exercising ats9 tillest of <br />remedy including, without limitation. Lender's acceptance of pzymends from third persons, <br />5uccessors in Interest of Borrower or in amounts less than the amount [hen due, shall not be a waiver of or <br />preclude the exercise of any light or remedy. <br />13. Joint and Several Liability; Co- srgncrs; Sure essors and Assigns Bound. Borrower covenants <br />and agrees that Borrower's obligations and liability shall be joins and sv:verul_ HOw2 \'CT, any Dorrower who <br />co -signs this Security Instrument Got does not execute ill' (a "co- s_ner'L (n) is co- signing this <br />Securiq' Instrument only to mortgage, gran[ and convey the co- signer's interest fit rcu Property under the <br />terms of this security Instrument. (b) is not personally Obligated to pay the slue sa'trz ;mUi<this fodtear lUl' <br />Inman fir and (c) agrees that Lender and any Other Borrower can tierce to extend, Modify, forbear the <br />make env accormnodatlons with regard to the UnIRS of this Security InAflllncril or the Note <br />co- signer's consent. <br />Subjcc[ to the provisions of Section 18. any Successor m hnzrcy[ of Bonanwer, v:Iw assumes <br />vul is a gored b Lender, shall obtain <br />all Borrower 'Our wcT s right under this 5s Under Instrument to writing, o Y <br />all of Bot'rou�er's rights and benefits under this Security hnstrumcnL Ror[awer shall nut be rde;iscd from <br />Borrower's obhi IQons and li.bilhy under this Security Instrument unless Lender a °re's$ to such release in <br />writing. The covenants and agrcemcnts of this Security Instrument shall bled (except as provided in <br />Section 20) and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender. <br />14, Loan Charges. Lender may charge Borrower fees 'I Or services perfermed in connection with <br />Rorrower's default, for the purpose of protecting Lender's interns, in the Property and ]iglus under this <br />Security insllvmntt, including, hm not Ilrnilod to. attorney's' fern, property inspection and vldualioll foes. <br />Se urinal us any other fees, the but lice of express authority in [his Security Insuvmcnt to change a specific: <br />fee [o Rurtower shall not be construed as a prohibition on the charging of such fee. Lender may not charge <br />fees that are expressly prohibited by this Security Instrument or by Applicable Law . <br />if the Lotter is subject to a law which sets maximum loan cbargcs, and Ihat law is finally interpreted so <br />that the interest or other loan charges collected or to be collected in connection with the Loan exceed the <br />permitted limits, then. (a) aRY such loan chupe shall be reduced by the amomn necessary to reduce the <br />charge to the per Mal limit and (b) any sums already collated tram Borrower which exceeded perntitled <br />limits will be refunded m Borrower_ Leader may choose to nial:e this refund by rcduaitg the Prinmp1ll <br />owed under the Note or by making a direct pavmcnt to Borrower, if a refund reduces p]in(ipa). the <br />reduction +will be treated as a parLRd prepaymcu[ without any prepayment ch:+rgc (whetter or nor a <br />prepayment charge is provided for under the Note). Borrower's' ucceplance of any such refwtd made by <br />direct payment m Borrower will constitute a w:drer of any right of action Borrower might have anslng out <br />of such OvC(ehatg°. <br />15, Notices, All notices given by Borrower or Lander in connection with this Security [nstrununt <br />must be in writing. Any notice to Borrower in Connection with this Security Instnunent shall Ila declared to <br />Lave beer, given to Borrower when mailed by first class retail or when actually delivered m P.orrowcc' s <br />notice address if sun[ by Other means Notice to any one Borrower shall constitute notice to all Borrowers <br />unless Applicable Law cxpressty requires othen�se. The notice address shall be Chc Property AUTOS <br />unless Borrower has designated ❑substitute notice address by notice to Lender. Borrower shall pmntpily its a <br />change Lender <br />1 addles" then Borromumgsha1 orn) report a char t Of rddrEasrnI g��hhJ thatrspccifed Borrower's <br />GGINE) m ^cei <br />rne�io ci s Ij- Off Form 3028 1101 <br />eelbl 'd EBEFKg9 Ob 'ON HdH OWN MH OOVE S713M 0 bS:11 ]8d ZOOd- 1£ —htw <br />
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