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DEED OF RECONVEYMCE <br />Principal Residential Mortgage, Inc. k'. 1415009 -8 "SCHWIEGER" Lender ID:/ HALL, Nebraska <br />WHEREAS FIDELITY NATIONP.1.'1'ITEE INSURANCE COMPANY whose address is 15661 RED <br />HILL, AVFNUE SUITE 200, TUSTIN, CA 92780 is the preseiiL 'Trustee of record under SO <br />the tollowiny described Deed of Trust: <br />Trustor: MAR'1'Y L SCHWIEGER AND KE LER M DCHWIEGEH, HUSBAND AND WIFE KAREN M <br />HOUSE, AN UNMARRIED PERSON <br />Beneficiary: PRINCIPAL RESTDFNTIAL MORTGAGE, INC. <br />Original Beneficiary: UNTTFD NEBRASKA BACK <br />Original Trustee: UNTTRD NEBRASKA BANK <br />Dated: 11/19/1999 <br />-Recorded on 11/29/1999 as II1s Crument No. 99- 111363 <br />In the County of HALL, SLaCe of NEBRASKA <br />Mortgage Recorded 08/25/98 as Instrument No. 1998107011 in Book 9814 Page 5240. <br />i,egal: LOT 'TWELVE (12) BLOCK SIXTEEN (16) ASHTON PLACE, AN ADDITION TO <br />THE CITY OF CRAND ISLAM HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br />ProptiLy Address: 2723 WEST DTVTSION STREET GRAND ISLAND, NE 68803- 0000 <br />3501 JUAN '1'ABO C9 ALBUQUFRC)U7, Me 87111 -0000 <br />AND WHEREAS, the above said Deed of Trust has been paid in full; <br />NOW 'THEREFORE, the present Trustee having received from tilts present owner ,C the <br />btncficial interest under said Deed of Trust and the obligations secured Lhereby <br />a written request to reconvey by reason of the nbligations secured by said Decd <br />of Trust, <br />DOES HEREBY RECONVEY, without warranty, to the person or persons legally <br />entitled there'.,, the estate, title and inte re.L it,w held by it under said Deed <br />of Trust, describing the land therein as more Cully described in said Deed of <br />Trust. <br />By k'iDELITY NATIONAL TTTLF INSURANCE <br />COMPAN a^ rust ee <br />On '�✓ (DATE.) <br />By: <br />CH &151'1NA LILAC, ASS STANT VICE <br />PRESIDENT <br />STATE OF California <br />COUNTY OF Orange <br />MAY 2 8 2002 <br />ON before me, ROCRSON TAl, a Notary Public in and for the CouuLy oC <br />Orange County, State nP California, personally appeared Christina Ling, <br />Assistant Vice President, parswtally known to me (or proved to me on Lhe basis <br />of satisfactory evidence) Lo lie the person(s) whose name(s) is /are subscribed to <br />the within instrument and acku wl,dood to me that he /she /'they execuLed the same <br />in his /he r/their a 1, rzed capacity, and that by his /her /t-heir signature on the <br />instrument the per' s), or the entity upon hehalf of which the person(s) <br />act, c, xe Led L - Went. <br />HOCKSON TAI <br />RO 'KSON 'TAI sson # 1320090 <br />Notary Expires09/07/2005 k132009p '� PlI Bob <br />Orange County <br />MyComm. H�1res , 7, 2005 <br />('Phis area for notarial seal) <br />Principal Residential Mtq� 711 High St, Des Moines IA 50392 -0665, 800 - 367 -6448 <br />RIK 2000516 W69 NEHALL HALL N 3AT '. JWai IA rg 8 PALTnon1 <br />InCO>,o?d� <br />Bn`3A Retura To: Principal Residential Mortgage Attn: Release, H9, 711 <br />High Street, Des Moines, 1A, 50392 -0665 <br />C <br />n N <br />CD <br />n <br />n <br />r.�+ <br />N <br />to <br />T -� <br />N <br />N <br />`- ? <br />3 <br />DI <br />el <br />W <br />m <br />c' <br />CB <br />_a <br />r\ <br />N <br />1 <br />w <br />2C <br />O <br />200205884 <br />DEED OF RECONVEYMCE <br />Principal Residential Mortgage, Inc. k'. 1415009 -8 "SCHWIEGER" Lender ID:/ HALL, Nebraska <br />WHEREAS FIDELITY NATIONP.1.'1'ITEE INSURANCE COMPANY whose address is 15661 RED <br />HILL, AVFNUE SUITE 200, TUSTIN, CA 92780 is the preseiiL 'Trustee of record under SO <br />the tollowiny described Deed of Trust: <br />Trustor: MAR'1'Y L SCHWIEGER AND KE LER M DCHWIEGEH, HUSBAND AND WIFE KAREN M <br />HOUSE, AN UNMARRIED PERSON <br />Beneficiary: PRINCIPAL RESTDFNTIAL MORTGAGE, INC. <br />Original Beneficiary: UNTTFD NEBRASKA BACK <br />Original Trustee: UNTTRD NEBRASKA BANK <br />Dated: 11/19/1999 <br />-Recorded on 11/29/1999 as II1s Crument No. 99- 111363 <br />In the County of HALL, SLaCe of NEBRASKA <br />Mortgage Recorded 08/25/98 as Instrument No. 1998107011 in Book 9814 Page 5240. <br />i,egal: LOT 'TWELVE (12) BLOCK SIXTEEN (16) ASHTON PLACE, AN ADDITION TO <br />THE CITY OF CRAND ISLAM HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br />ProptiLy Address: 2723 WEST DTVTSION STREET GRAND ISLAND, NE 68803- 0000 <br />3501 JUAN '1'ABO C9 ALBUQUFRC)U7, Me 87111 -0000 <br />AND WHEREAS, the above said Deed of Trust has been paid in full; <br />NOW 'THEREFORE, the present Trustee having received from tilts present owner ,C the <br />btncficial interest under said Deed of Trust and the obligations secured Lhereby <br />a written request to reconvey by reason of the nbligations secured by said Decd <br />of Trust, <br />DOES HEREBY RECONVEY, without warranty, to the person or persons legally <br />entitled there'.,, the estate, title and inte re.L it,w held by it under said Deed <br />of Trust, describing the land therein as more Cully described in said Deed of <br />Trust. <br />By k'iDELITY NATIONAL TTTLF INSURANCE <br />COMPAN a^ rust ee <br />On '�✓ (DATE.) <br />By: <br />CH &151'1NA LILAC, ASS STANT VICE <br />PRESIDENT <br />STATE OF California <br />COUNTY OF Orange <br />MAY 2 8 2002 <br />ON before me, ROCRSON TAl, a Notary Public in and for the CouuLy oC <br />Orange County, State nP California, personally appeared Christina Ling, <br />Assistant Vice President, parswtally known to me (or proved to me on Lhe basis <br />of satisfactory evidence) Lo lie the person(s) whose name(s) is /are subscribed to <br />the within instrument and acku wl,dood to me that he /she /'they execuLed the same <br />in his /he r/their a 1, rzed capacity, and that by his /her /t-heir signature on the <br />instrument the per' s), or the entity upon hehalf of which the person(s) <br />act, c, xe Led L - Went. <br />HOCKSON TAI <br />RO 'KSON 'TAI sson # 1320090 <br />Notary Expires09/07/2005 k132009p '� PlI Bob <br />Orange County <br />MyComm. H�1res , 7, 2005 <br />('Phis area for notarial seal) <br />Principal Residential Mtq� 711 High St, Des Moines IA 50392 -0665, 800 - 367 -6448 <br />RIK 2000516 W69 NEHALL HALL N 3AT '. JWai IA rg 8 PALTnon1 <br />InCO>,o?d� <br />Bn`3A Retura To: Principal Residential Mortgage Attn: Release, H9, 711 <br />High Street, Des Moines, 1A, 50392 -0665 <br />