<br />Slate Of Nebmska ss
<br />County Of Nall (�
<br />On lhe-94-060y of-4,:il—, 2002, before
<br />a 10ory Public within and for said County, personally appeared RAYMOND J. O'CONNOR, ,
<br />Manager of THE MEADOWS APARTMENT HOMES LLC, a Nebraska Limited Liability Company,
<br />to me personally known to be the identical person whose signature is affixed herelo, and
<br />Hai he did acknowledge Me execution thereof to be his voluntary act and deed and the
<br />voluntary ocl and deed of said Company, and that he was empowered to make the above
<br />dedication for and in behalf of said Company.
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, 1 hove hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my official seal
<br />at Grand Island, Nebraska, on the dole lost above writen.
<br />My commission expires �cjL�ri 4 74 Za,4
<br />Qyf.'OEMERI('. Ff.4 �� n 'ar
<br />�Noalory Public
<br />�rraf N[B0.P
<br />I hereby certify that on April 8, 1002, 1 completed an accurate survey of COUNTRY
<br />MEADOWS SUBOM510C in the Chy of Grand Island, Nebraska, as shown on the
<br />accompanying plot !hereof,, that the lots, blocks, steels, avenues, alleys, parks, commons
<br />and other grounds as contained in said subdivision as shown on the accompanying plot
<br />thereof am well and accurately slaked off and marked, that !ran markers were placed al
<br />a# lot comers; that the dimensions of each tot am as shown on the plate, that each lot
<br />bears its own number, and Mal said survey was made with reference to known and
<br />recorded monuments.
<br />F.B.w.e ST
<br />t,+�psrre�9 ^
<br />Gj'Serrysn Dery! 0. Sor Ire,, He-
<br />eg. Land S 578
<br />,y�xre fia�f�42
<br />Submitted to and approved by the Regional Planning Commission of Hal! County, Grand
<br />Island, Wood River and the Pillages of Aldo, Calm and Oonoan, Nebraska.
<br />19.9 z
<br />Choumon Dole
<br />Approved and accepted by the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, this .+ l ea-day of
<br />2002.
<br />Mayor
<br />use
<br />City Clerk
<br />A )met of land comprising a port of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter
<br />(SWl14SE114), of Section Fourteen (14), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Ten (10) West
<br />of The 61h P.M., in the City Of Grand Island, Hall Counly, Nebraska, more parlicubrly
<br />described as follows:
<br />Beginning at the southwest comer of Lot Fifty Four (54), Potash Subdivision, said pomf
<br />being on the east line of said Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SW1145£114),.
<br />thence running northerly along the east line of said Southwest Quarter of the Southeast
<br />Quarter (SWI14SE114), on on Assumed Bearing of 800'08'10 "W, a distance of One
<br />Thousand Two Hundred Eighty Two and Seven Tombs (1182.70) feet, to the north west
<br />corner of Lot Forty Three (43), Potash Subdivision and the northeast comer of said
<br />Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SW114SE114); thence running M89,22 ,48"W
<br />along the north line of said Soulhwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SWI14SE1 14), a
<br />distance of Two Hundred Eighty Four and fifteen Hundredths (184.15) feel; thence running
<br />S00'0010011,, a distance of One Hundred Ninety One and Forty Seven Hundredths (191.47)
<br />feel, thence running S89'06'08% a distance of fourteen and Sixty Two Hundredths (14.62)
<br />feel; Home running 500'08'10"1. a distance of Seven Hundred and Seventy (770.0) feet;
<br />thence running 889'08108 "W, a distance of Five Hundred Seventy One and Forty Fight
<br />Hundredths (571.48) feel; thence running S00'OODO "E, parallel with the west line of said
<br />Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Ouarler (SW114S£114), a distance of One Hundred Forty
<br />Five and Sixty One Hundredths (145.61) feel; thence running N87'04'42 "W, a distance of
<br />Three and Six Hundredths (306) feet; *nce running SOP00100 [ parallel with the west
<br />line of said Southwest Quarter of the Southeast' Quarter (SW1 145£114), a distance of One
<br />Hundred seventy Four and Five Tenths (174.50) feel, to a paint Forty (40.0) feel north of
<br />the south line of said Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SWI 14SEI14); thence
<br />running 589'08'08"£ parallel with and Forty (40.0) feet north of the south line of said
<br />Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (5WI14SE1 14), a distance of fight Hundred
<br />Forty five and Three Tenths (845.30) feel, to the panl of beginning and containing 12,222
<br />acres mom or less.
<br />Nebraska Limited Liabilty Company, being the owner of the land described boron, has
<br />caused some to be surveyed, subdivided, platted and designated as COUNTRY MEADOWS
<br />SUBOIWSION; In the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, as shown on the accompanying plat
<br />thereof, and do hereby dedicate The shoals as shown thereon M the public for their use
<br />forever, and the easements as shown thereon for the locah'on, construction and
<br />maintenance of public service ufflies forever, together with the tight of ingress and egress
<br />Hereto, and hereby prohib,ting the planting of Haas, bushes and shrubs, or placing other
<br />obstructions upon, aver, along or underneath the surface of such easements; and that the
<br />foregoing subdivision as more parlieu/ady, described in He description hemon as oppeare on
<br />Ibis is made with the Ime consent and in accordance with Me desires of the undersigned
<br />owner and proprleMr.
<br />IN WIN£SS WHEREOF, 1 have affixed my signature hereto at Grand Island, Nebraska, this
<br />day of, 2002.
<br />a Nebraska Llmlled Lability Company
<br />Raymon . OConnor Morager
<br />Rockwell And Assoc. - Engineering k Surveying - Grand Island, Nebraska Sheet No.2
<br />