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200205721 <br />Exhibit E Loan N: 0016149193 <br />MORTGAGE ADDENDUM <br />I hc. fuhronng are addenda to the Mortgage. Please cheek the applicable addendum. The addendum <br />chcckcd ylall be umorporated ml , and recorded with, the Mortgage I he term - Morrgagd shall he deemed m <br />Include `Decd of'it -uah, S nppheuLle- <br />© <br />FHA, RECD AND HUD ADDENDUM ONLY <br />'1'l us rnx rAll. yr D w Anrrnn mp¢R ss meat rime 24thda —d May, 2002 endonowrpofama mm <br />na FLWl lu awmW to uta end- folemnt WC to"Fus. Ueed an net nr9er'fi11 test fs.. 'y 'notnall un, alas <br />I,,1ul IF tea umeragrea l'OOrmwlele 11 lut Go—o rs rvme CxNe -Id royal la Federal Mortgage .Corp. <br />(-,.nldaI of Pc sw,rc do.0 aua „wetlnH bo ".,— 11-11 In Nc 6avntl I erfure nt aM Inrno-rl eL <br />3607 N TAYDOR <br />Grand Island, but 68 "a <br />CROVY. R'IY /,nlllt Y. \4 <br />ITT w ua n to III Iota ayrc Nate T. 1. 9em1ity Ins I, Non u,a Icna¢ (wtl,IF end agree to <br />mgr"Il ,Ton to npa .—, ntaleil 9Tensleroftlm prvpurtye aBranown ink —I aJ-- sbyataing <br />eaaM1b a:d—dsforaomlcmlwneaAllr- <br />se of Its 1.111111ras IT radgu uy bas scpaa to L ent awynow ri,osibill, fnf ,t,fitg — ToplIDn c 111 <br />Ne filiolwll wire tde P-1111111 of O's 111 Foo Fri .4 -n vu„y Loft Nay ayrtitc imNetate w.I Holut et"1.1 all inato emu[ul ey teia <br />srrmuun 1, <br />n. /,Il or port,I a m VtuVn It le wlJ Ot III —sot tans @ace by Rmmw,, to a pwdmxf of other <br />y waso ... ot rta...ult ec -Hold to rcotpy WC pro Toae a aniniral r_aanw a . Tur. a raw,wlte ume slteI <br />It, dam or Itvufo, au ss puddod In 1— Ida (o) n I d Pt Ial of I w e,Ie„ea Rmmtn. Food', 11 <br />IF) WI legs naaaprodurt ownership banes In a enrol Vnl nsitnn :murkd"1 pi ut of am rlvoe-yca on TKI ena4g <br />mean.11A1 on, a craw¢r, an es lnvviJM Ia smtmn 1 .I III nol (I) (1) .1 us Inm,uw Revenue (bah (,—, ,, <br />mat wo 'Form dwo too ruloul tctl 6rp6 eertrm —mrne wlanu lla 1."' deem. m section lag lal hilt o <br />Irt It — to'i when isgrt amen 90 peroenobhe ongt a pmnboe IT. 11 than 11. <br />"nor t Or tarp'Nd nor un,e! nays.. .al an pm Iidd h, al uon Ie13Ief'I'd (1) (2) of Ne Internal Rnvmne t oael or <br />Irv) 4MO bus a ir-7 o111 eo of 1Ln npplievM1le eg Wye of 'he appn"FrI antalsn family nwNe le <br />pmvltea In Bd hc, I (, and III (R) of III 'FIT Rnm.ue Cud.: IT <br />e ce fall t1.111,,be,, Its rtv de,THied or te.9.oe Fly lrmtrumcnt without prior inured consent or ordoci or its <br />wm1-111, v'nlgne L111 Third or Loy, 1 lrlWF O111 ds'16x -,gra, btrnounue "I,, o, <br />,_ Ilm nit,, afaotmati aaNw FIT —rdn, ,pro mm� of Ignore 193 III "IJnranml r1om,I' <br />Cans u1 no'Frortm,on Nr me 1=111, Tud q' mu seeuray ImaumnT, <br />R.f.,u,we,vc to Ne unant Rcv.nno Coae- arl wW )n tRwr - he dam x111111.- 1.,hrnws, me pmmets ,I w Ful, <br />wgl 1111 nsm m r nnx IL. s¢r,ay Instrument and arc dotard to include The Iaprourevting regi,it,gl ll. <br />BY SIGNING BELOW, Borrower accepts and a(;tees to hie terms and provieiend in the Tax- Rxempt <br />l /Firad :r/(n"e[1iil/l((g)f/Ridr. <br />Treater r � Date Borrower Dnte <br />O VAMURCGAGE ADDENDUM <br />[Propert, Addreaa] <br />I I so long as ter NOn page 1x Ill I Firill ors, FIT or mq pwl ul 11. ,,F. IF is hold or troodu red by no—or witlmut lca}v9 <br />CIO a m)-,Tn udi1, JC eInG tbo town ofI, FIT nnd¢ ma)'. at IwEr sep[Nry dMa¢aif FIT t <br />c <br />san eon s, M1yl Le Nr T baycn be eamul Lely I— and W6ahla <br />B—Ina, <br />CF208201 (fev 12/96) <br />NIFA -089 1-G <br />uniprint <br />'1808201 <br />