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200205697 <br />26. SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE. Beneficiary, at Rcncficiary's option, may from time to time remove Trustee and appoint a <br />successor trustee by an instrument recorded in the county in which this Deed of Trust is recorded. the successor trustee, <br />without conveyance of the Property, shall succeed to all the title, power and duties corrected upon the Trustee by this <br />Decd of Trust and applicable law. <br />27. NOTICE. Unless otherwise required by law, any notice shall be given by delivering it er by mailing it by lust class mail <br />to the appropriate parry's address on page I of this ])red of Trust, or to any other address designated iu writing. Notice m <br />one trustor will be deemed to be notice u1 all Imslors. <br />28. U.C.C. PROVISIONS. If checked, the following are applicable to, but do not limit, [his Decd of "I rust <br />❑ Construction Loan. This Deed of Trust secures an obligation incurred for the construction of an improvement nn <br />the Property. <br />00 Fixture Filing. Truster grants to Beneficiary a security interest in all goods that 'I rustor owns now or in the future <br />and that are or will become fixtures related to the Property. <br />❑ Crops Timber; Minerals; Rents, Issues, and Profits. Truster grants W Beneficiary a security interest in all <br />crops, timber, and minerels located on the Property as well as all rents, issues, and profits of them including, but <br />not limited to, all Conservation Reserve Pmgtun (CRP) and Payment in Kind (PIK) payments and similar <br />govermneutal programs (all of which shall also he included in the term "Property ")_ <br />M Personal Property. Truster grants to Beneficiary a security interest to all personal property located nn or <br />connected with the Property. This security interest includes all farm products, inventory, equipment, accounts, <br />documents, instruments, chattel paper, general intangibles. and all other items of personal property Truster awes <br />now or in We future and that are used or useful in the construedieq ownership, Operation, management, or <br />maintenance of the Property_ The term "personal property" specifically excludes that property described as <br />"household goods" secured in enme:tion wilh a "consumer" loan as these teens are defined in applicable federal <br />regulations governing unfair and deceptive credit practices. <br />Id Filing As Firwrcing Statement. Truster agrees and acknowledges that this Deed of '['rust also suffices as a <br />financing statement and as such, may be filed of record as a financing statement of purposes of Article 9 of the <br />Uniform commercial Code. A carbon, photographic, image or other reproduction of this Deed of Trust is sufficient <br />as a financing statemenl. <br />29. OTHER TERMS. If checked, the following arc appheahle to this Deed of Trust: <br />❑ Hui, of Credit. The .secured Debt includes a revolving line of credit provision. Although the Secured Debt may he <br />reduced to a zero balance, this Deed Of Trust will remain in effect until released. <br />❑ Agricultural Property. 'Piaster covenants and warrants that the Property will be used principally for agricultural <br />or farming purposes and that I raster is an individual or entity allowed to own agricultural land as specified by law. <br />❑ Additional Terms. ............................ . _....... __.__ .......... __........ <br />DESIGNATION OF HOMESTEAD <br />Pursuant to the Fern Ilencsluad Protection Act, designation of homestead ❑ is attached to this Deed of Trust and nmde a <br />part hereof ❑ has been disclaimed; the disclaimer is attached to this Deed of'trust and made a putt hereof <br />SIGNATURES: By signing below, Truster agrees to the terns and covenants contained in this Deed of 'Trust and in any <br />atechments. Truster also acknowledges receipt of a copy of this Decd of'Frust on the date slated above on Rage I. <br />❑ Actual authority was granted to the parties signing below by resolution signed and dated .... ...... _--- __._.__.___. <br />Dan tic.. ....._ _... ._..... _.. <br />o r ,e ae . Lulh demo) <br />Cne" Phanc . ... ...... ...................... _. _.... _ _...... <br />...... .... ............................... <br />(atynamre) (one) <br />(signet an ice A. Loth -- (oam) (sY7aawa) .. (Dora <br />❑ Refet ho the Addendum which is attached and incorporated herein for additional 'frustors, signatures and <br />acknowledgments. <br />ACKNOWLEDGMENT: <br />STATE OF Nehfaska .. _....... .COUNTY OF ./W .... . ................... )ss. <br />0,1- 1�,.a, 'Phis instrument was acknowledged before me Wis .,.. 30fli .... ... day of__.. . Aptil,2002 <br />by JackALuth;,JanlceA Luth,Hushzndand Wife__, <br />My commission expires: ���LClzrA¢Qr <br />fseep GENERAL NOI 'ANY -SptaN Ne625Ma <br />JACOUELYN J. POLIACK otary Rlllc) <br />MY Comm. Fm. July 19, 7005 <br />S' 1' A E OF ....... ....... .......... ............. .... .COUNTY OF ...._... .._....... }s; <br />'Phis instrument was acknowledged before me this _. _. __ day of. ............ .............._...... <br />................ <br />nwby — __._. ........... ..... ...... ...... ......._ _....__. <br />.... .. ... ....... <br />cit 1'1� , 1 . . .� <br />11 ...... ... ... _....... <br />N,u fnmw.ue or [nhYt <br />_... ....... ......... ...... on behalf of the business or entity_ <br />My commission expires: <br />(seep <br />................................... ......._............_._........ <br />(NOUn g,nte) <br />i rl�i A' 1993 Bankers syxmm-, Inc., It lo", MN From AOiCO.O T- N[ page 6ofs <br />