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Z <br />M <br />CJJ N . <br />N <br />.V W4 of Nebraska Jpnce Alcove this Live For Recording Data <br />REAL ESTATE DEED OF TRUST 200205697 <br />(With Future Advance Clause) <br />❑ Construction Security Agreement —� <br />I. DAITEsLAND PARITIES. The date of this Deed of trust is ____.._. .. 02.. __... _. and the parties and their <br />�_ <br />IRUSI'OR: Jack A. Loth and Janice A. Loth, Husband and Wife <br />2016 N. Howard Avenue <br />Grand Island, NE 68801 <br />❑ Refer to the Addendum which is attached and incorporated herein for additional Tiustors. <br />'PRUSME. Heritage Bank <br />1333 N. Webb Road P.O. Box 5138 <br />Grand Island, NE 688015138 <br />470098350 <br />BENEPICIARY. Heritage Bank <br />Organized and existing under the laws of the state of Nebraska <br />1333 North Webb Road <br />P.O. Box 5138 Grand Island, NE 68802 <br />470098350 <br />2. CONVEYANCE. For good and valuable consideration, the 'ecelpt and sufficiency of which is acknowledged, and m <br />secure the Secured Debt (hereafter defined), 'I'melor irrevocably grants, conveys uad sells to Trustcc, in trust for file <br />benefit of the Rencliciary, with power of sale, the following described property: <br />Lots 1, 2, and 8 in Block f3 of Arnold and Ahbous's Addition to the Cdy of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />The mopcny is located in .__-_. __ ____. .__... at <br />(Cantny) <br />___... ..... Gfaloritsand.........._ ... ................ Nebraska.... ,,,6,88,01............ <br />(Addrees) (GIx) (%I t', t,' <br />'I'ogvthvr with all rights, caennenlx, appurtenances, royalties, minced rights, oil and gas rights, crops, timher, all <br />diversion pavmcnts ur Third party payments made to crop producers, and all existing and fuum improvements, structures, <br />fixtures, and replacements that may new, or at any time in the future, he pan. of the real estate dcsctond above (all <br />referred to as "Property ")_ I he term Propcnv also include., but is not tootled to, One and all water wells, water, ditches, <br />reservoirs, reservoir sites and dams located on the real e,law and all riparian and water rights associated with the Property, <br />however eMahlished_ <br />MAXIMUM OBLIGATION LIMIT. The total principal 'amount of the Secured DrIn Oneruhcr dclincd) secured by this <br />Deed of Trust At any one floe shall not exceed $ 1.50.00000,,,,,,_ „ „, - .__ - -- _. - 'Phis limitation of amount dues <br />nor include interest, loan charges, co ninunumL Ices, brokem }c comentsaons, attorneys' lets Rod other charges validly <br />mad, pursuant In Ibis Decd of Trust and does not apply to advances for interest accr'ucd uu such advances) umde under Iho <br />M tns et this Deed of (rust In protect licnetinary security and to perform any of the covenants contained in This DLtid of <br />'I rust. I�Wure advanecs are contemplated and, along with other future obi igarions, are secured by Ibis Intif ul 'I nisi even <br />Though all or part may not yet be advanced. Nothing in this Decd of 'frost, however, shall constitute a commitment to <br />make additional or hour, Inans or advances in any amount Any such eounuilmenl would need W he agreed to in a sepamtc <br />coat big. <br />4. SECURED DEBT DEFINED. The Tenn "Secured Debt” includes, but is not limiled m, the fallowing: <br />A. The promissory nNC(S), cnnlool(s), gumanly(s) or other evidence of debt described helow and all extensions, <br />renewals, moddi,atious or substutilmus (Lvnkmce of Dehr)_ (W/ren referencing the debts below it is suggested that <br />V,,, ind.ule items such as borrowers' names, note ourounts, interest rates, maturity dates, etc.J <br />Heritage Bank loan dated 4130102 and renewals and extensions thereof. <br />NFRRASNA - AnRICULTURALICCMMERCIAL DEED OF TRUST INOT FOR MMA, RHMC, F IA OR VA OFF AND NNi FOR consum II rune5ui 1o1e 1 o,6 <br />'_,,, ­, ” ". m e, ', . ee, MN I — IT OF a,e, III I L L <br />