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200205649 <br />Exhibit A <br />- -_ ncctheas: corner of se Northeast Quarter <br />IM! CF SLCZ1Q (P; (.- ocship 7e, (10) Nn,, R,,,, <br />e ) i - o.h P.M., Hall County, Nebraska Aer.ce <br />.- ^ <br />he s, h. - <br />W .:3f SPcnion Nine 9) a distance of 1,353 Opt (112 39i <br />_. n ,re unning north on a line varaLcl to and <br />fee' r.ecers) went of the east line of the <br />- o <br />cJ id __c_wo Nine (9) e of 33 feo, <br />( . A - -nce�running ez c aJl parallel ,, <br />s WEV said �Sectie Nine (9) a d Wanc( <br />cf t c 2.3:: meters) to Aw east Unc of th_ '.0 -:h- <br />Quart= of said Section 'ice (9) ; hence - <br />c line of the Northeast Quarte (3;..t) if s::h.'. <br />(?) a distance of 33 feet (10.058 meters) to Lot <br />.or::cc of the Quarter (NEA) of sa <br />.n, being :he ptir 0: . mg , .. <br />