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The indebtedness accured by the Trost Deed executed <br />By RONALD R. STARMAN <br />S S_ <br />10 Chicago Title Insurance Company as Successor Tureacc for tire benefit of Countrywide Funding Corp. as Beneficiary, <br />dated 08i 12 1994 and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska, in Book N /A at Page N/A <br />document No. 94- 107022 has been paid. and the Beneficiary has requested in writing that this Decd of Reconveyance be executed <br />and delivered as oatiirmal by its ccdoreancul below. <br />In considemuon ofsuch payment and in accordance with the request of the Beneficiary, the undersigned as successor Trustee <br />rcconvcys m the person or persons entitled thereto all the right, title, interest and claim acquired by the 'I rustee pursuant to the <br />Deed of I resat in the tollottdng described premises: <br />101 BIGHT (8), IN BLOCK I FIFTEEN (13), IN GII_BLRI'S ADDITION TO THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, <br />IIAI I ('OUN I Y, NEBRASKA. <br />Umcd MAY U 120 Chicago Title Insurance Company, as Successor <br />Trustee <br />S I ATf OF ('ALIFORNIA ) <br />(01:N I'i 01' ORANGE I By: Joe-l-weli. Autho zed Signor <br />On MAY Q 12M 2, before me, Rockson Tai_, Notary Public, personally appeared Jeet9c2 authorized signor, personally known <br />In rue (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person whose name Is subscribed to the within instrument and <br />acknowledged to me that he/she executed the same In his/her authorized capacity, and that by his/her signature on the instrument, the person or <br />the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. <br />a <br />ROCKSON TAI <br />9(7/41 c Cemmlwiont 1720090 <br />My uunmissiau czpims: i'.r Npyry publle - Calltornia <br />Nntary Public Onnpa County <br />J <br />my Comm EpjwS p7,20M <br />RLUUIir PORRFCONVE:YANCE <br />The Bice, h,e ry ruyucsLS the I onstee to reconvey the teal estate described above to the person (ir persons entitled thereto. <br />Countrywide Home Loans, Inc. (tka Countrywide <br />Funding Corporation) <br />STATE OF CALIFORNIA <br />COUNIY OF VENTURA_ Deanna Bums <br />Vice President <br />On 0411812002, before me, Erin E Allen, Notary Public, personally appeared Deanna Burns, Vic President personally known to me (or proved to <br />me, on the basis of satisfactory evidence( to be the person whose name Is subscribed to the within Instrument and acknowledged to me that <br />he/she executed the same in his /her authorized capacity, and that by his /her signature on the instrument, the person or the entity upon behalf of <br />which the person acted executed the instrument (',, <br />MY Commission Exp res 10/28/2005 Funn L. Allen <br />Notary Public ERIN F N.LF.N <br />_ C ' VuarnnA lST1]3a <br />3 Notary blk c Calrbmla <br />C <br />Wr..... tthrre ourtty <br />w.. Fmlres (kf 20 2005 <br />tiz* &t/ Erin Allan <br />Mail Recorded Sutisloction Tu_ Document Prepared By: <br />RONALD R_ STARMAN C fC Real Lsone Services <br />911 W 13TH ST 1800 1'apo Canyon Road, MSN SV2 -88 <br />GRAND ISLAND NE 68801 Simi Valley, CA 93063 <br />Doc ID 40001603172005N <br />1 <br />C <br />_ <br />!i <br />Z <br />c <br />on <br />m <br />^C <br />ti <br />O <br />O <br />°' <br />I z <br />ry <br />Go <br />3 <br />r L <br />O <br />y <br />g <br />No <br />y <br />cn: <br />200205645 <br />DEED OF RECONVEYANCE <br />L& <br />The indebtedness accured by the Trost Deed executed <br />By RONALD R. STARMAN <br />S S_ <br />10 Chicago Title Insurance Company as Successor Tureacc for tire benefit of Countrywide Funding Corp. as Beneficiary, <br />dated 08i 12 1994 and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska, in Book N /A at Page N/A <br />document No. 94- 107022 has been paid. and the Beneficiary has requested in writing that this Decd of Reconveyance be executed <br />and delivered as oatiirmal by its ccdoreancul below. <br />In considemuon ofsuch payment and in accordance with the request of the Beneficiary, the undersigned as successor Trustee <br />rcconvcys m the person or persons entitled thereto all the right, title, interest and claim acquired by the 'I rustee pursuant to the <br />Deed of I resat in the tollottdng described premises: <br />101 BIGHT (8), IN BLOCK I FIFTEEN (13), IN GII_BLRI'S ADDITION TO THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, <br />IIAI I ('OUN I Y, NEBRASKA. <br />Umcd MAY U 120 Chicago Title Insurance Company, as Successor <br />Trustee <br />S I ATf OF ('ALIFORNIA ) <br />(01:N I'i 01' ORANGE I By: Joe-l-weli. Autho zed Signor <br />On MAY Q 12M 2, before me, Rockson Tai_, Notary Public, personally appeared Jeet9c2 authorized signor, personally known <br />In rue (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person whose name Is subscribed to the within instrument and <br />acknowledged to me that he/she executed the same In his/her authorized capacity, and that by his/her signature on the instrument, the person or <br />the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. <br />a <br />ROCKSON TAI <br />9(7/41 c Cemmlwiont 1720090 <br />My uunmissiau czpims: i'.r Npyry publle - Calltornia <br />Nntary Public Onnpa County <br />J <br />my Comm EpjwS p7,20M <br />RLUUIir PORRFCONVE:YANCE <br />The Bice, h,e ry ruyucsLS the I onstee to reconvey the teal estate described above to the person (ir persons entitled thereto. <br />Countrywide Home Loans, Inc. (tka Countrywide <br />Funding Corporation) <br />STATE OF CALIFORNIA <br />COUNIY OF VENTURA_ Deanna Bums <br />Vice President <br />On 0411812002, before me, Erin E Allen, Notary Public, personally appeared Deanna Burns, Vic President personally known to me (or proved to <br />me, on the basis of satisfactory evidence( to be the person whose name Is subscribed to the within Instrument and acknowledged to me that <br />he/she executed the same in his /her authorized capacity, and that by his /her signature on the instrument, the person or the entity upon behalf of <br />which the person acted executed the instrument (',, <br />MY Commission Exp res 10/28/2005 Funn L. Allen <br />Notary Public ERIN F N.LF.N <br />_ C ' VuarnnA lST1]3a <br />3 Notary blk c Calrbmla <br />C <br />Wr..... tthrre ourtty <br />w.. Fmlres (kf 20 2005 <br />tiz* &t/ Erin Allan <br />Mail Recorded Sutisloction Tu_ Document Prepared By: <br />RONALD R_ STARMAN C fC Real Lsone Services <br />911 W 13TH ST 1800 1'apo Canyon Road, MSN SV2 -88 <br />GRAND ISLAND NE 68801 Simi Valley, CA 93063 <br />Doc ID 40001603172005N <br />