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200205623 Loan No.: 2900007948 <br />ASSIGNMENT AND TRANSFER OF LIEN <br />THE STATEOF Nebraska <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: <br />COUNTYOF Hall <br />That HCMMA0LD, INC. A SOUTH CAROLINA CORPORATION <br />acting herein by and through its duly authorized officers, hereinafter called transferor, of the County /Parish of <br />Lexington and State of South Carolina for and in consideration of TEN AND <br />NO /100 DOLLARSCASH, AND OTHERGOOD AND VALUABLECONSIDERATION,to it in hand paid by <br />l <br />-���1 L , �,nC - `'� 1 fGTivc NcdCw �!, (Iblurrlkaa I � 24zz�3 <br />hersinaflercalled transferee,the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has this day Sold, Conveyed, Transferredand <br />Assigned and by these presents does Sell, Convey, Transterand Assign unto the said transfereethe hereinafter described <br />indebtedness. <br />AND transferor further Grants, Sells and Conveys unto the transferee all the rights, title, interest and liens owned <br />or held by transferor in the hereinafter described land by virtue of said indebtedness herein conveyed and assigned. <br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD unto the said transferee, transferee's heirs and assigns the following described <br />indebtedness together with all and singular the following mentioned lien and any and all liens, rights, equities, remedies, <br />privileges, titles and interest in and to said land, which transferor has by virtue of being legal holder and owner of said <br />indebtedness. <br />SAID INDEBTEDNESS,LIENS AND LAND BEING DESCRIBEDAS FOLLOWS: <br />One certain promissory note executed by corv.Er .Ha.,PA:O AN �sr www TOT A, x1,saA,m AMO NItt <br />AS JOINT TENANT'S AND NOT AS TEbL4N'i5 IN O7DM'KON 1),-r 1A "T#02cc:l Ilo'7? IC/3i/C', <br />and payable to the order of HCIvIEGOLD, INC. A SOUTH CAROLINA CORPORATION <br />in the sum of $ 63, 900.00 dated October 25, 2001 and bearing interest and <br />due and payable in monthly installments as therein provided. <br />Said note being secured by Security Instrument of even date therewith to <br />HU,JECCLD, TNC. A SOUTH CAROLINA CORPORATION ,Lender, <br />duly recorded in the Real Property Records of Hall County, Nebraska <br />and secured by the liens therein expressed, on the following described lot, tract, or parcel of land, lying and being <br />situated in Hail County, Nebraska to wit: <br />SEE Ai'L'ACIi"F.D FXHIBIT "A" <br />EXECUTEDwithout recourse on the undersigned to be effective on the . / —_)= day of <br />HVMnO]r, iNC A SocoT (ANOLLNA lrtl-0rATTON <br />Kim Wilbourne <br />. - Vice President <br />THE SIATEOF South Carolina <br />COUNTY /PARISHOF Lexington Q <br />This instrument was acknowledged before me this / I day of C061 by <br />1.— 4141 Vi, P,P i 99P,t - - I <br />on behalf of said entity. <br />1 -tv-A, 2 /9 <br />o o,-� pn't uy Notary Iic -State of <br />Pleise Reran to: <br />HOM93OLD 1NC. A SO F�ppRROLIIy4 <br />CORPORATION (,CaVG Ck {�'Ul:i Rw My Commission Expves <br />1}3-- Rte-- AVIIdt7E y�,:µ,t gr�� 5[ SBPtember24,2011 <br />Attn: to— se a '(c: <br />ASSIGNMENT AND TRANSFER OF LIEN WITHOUT RECOURSE <br />