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CON'ENANTS 200205611 <br />I. PAymants. B.,fowcr agrees to make soil puYanenls on the recuaed deM wfien dam. Unless Rrrrower and Leader agar olhcrwise. any pal'nents Lender reccmes hour <br />personae, or for burrowers benefit will be applied Boll to any ;an mm..6 Buvrwm tees on the secured debt exclusive of interest or principal, second to Interest. and (her m <br />tourist. It mutual prepayment office secured debt occurs for any reason, it will not recall or cxcuncany scheduled payment until the armed debt is paid in full. <br />2. Clefns Agafosl Title postal will pay all taxes. nsscssmenu. Laid Other charges Attributable to the positions when An, and will defend tide m the moped, against <br />ry claim, which would unfair Wn Gen of this deed t,1' Imsl. Iander may require Bonowcr to assign any rights, claims or defenses such Bcnosver Inns have dgAlaot <br />pallier whn .supply labor or materials to improve or nmandoiaa the property <br />3. Insurance. Bar will keep the larval roared under terms acaploble to Lender at Borrower's aspen and err Lenders Ill All Insolence pudic 'link <br />addle austandard parr r louse In haver oflxadcr�aLende, will be named as loss payee or as the insured on anyesuch Insurance policy- Any insurance proceeds may be <br />applied, within Lender's discretion, to either the restoration or repair of the narrowed property or to the segued deM. If Larder requires mortgage Insurance, Borrower <br />agrees to marabout loch iaoumnw for as lcan,, as 1 order requires. <br />a. Pmpea'N. Borrower will keep Ih, lomypy aligned condition and make all repairs witeambly necessary <br />5. Expenses Borrower agrees m pay all leader s upcnsu. Including o nablc armarra ' feel, If Borrower breaks any covenants in this decd of trust or in I <br />obligation seemed he lhisdreed ofvcsl Borrower will pay these amountsm loaWerits prow ldud In Covenant 9 dithis deM Of trust. <br />6. Print, 5rcnsirs Interests. Unless Burrower frill obtains I andds written contest, Rrrtwcr will sort make or permit any changes to Any prior security interests. <br />Hot, will foroam all of flovower s obligations under any prior mortgage, deed aftnut nr "Wu'cranny agar neat including Rnrtwcrs covenants In make evincins <br />when due <br />Z Assign end of Rents and Profits. Borrower assigns are Lender the rents Land polls of the potions Unless Bill and Lender have eed oaawis In a Lung <br />Burrower may collect and rctiain the rends as Zone as Follows, Is seal In default If borrower defaults, Lender_ tenders agent, or a cmaneappointed receiver may take <br />I'll ssessin and morage the flown, and collect the rents. Any was I codes cullcls shall be applied fin m the costs of mangling the proposes_ including coup costs and <br />a[mmcys' lees, crloolos irnr to rental agents, and any mhcr, accessary related expenses. The remaining muounl ofmnts will then vpply to payments on the secured debt as <br />,invited in covenant I. <br />8. I.,owhold.s-. C'rndonumanlun Planned I nit Ilevelnpments. Borrower agrees to comply with the Inswrier, of any lease if Nis deed of trust is on Icrscludd. If Ihis <br />decd of trust Is rat a unit is a condominium or u plumaed unit development, Rolowef will perform all of Bnnowcr's duties undcr ac sessions, by laws, or regulations of <br />the anambinlnm or planned unit development. <br />9. Authority of Lender to Perform fur Bernivi If Borrower fails m perhaps, any ofBo reaver's duties undcr this decd of trust tender may perform ere duties or <br />,o <br />athem to be performed. Lender may sign Borrower .s more Or pay at* ralmall if areessary for performance If any recantation on the pmperry, is discontinued or not <br />carried rat In a reasunuLle anonner Lender any do whatever is ncasearym protect Lenders security interest in the property . This that Include completing the construction. <br />Lender s Alure to perform will not preclude Leader front exercising any of its other ugt6 under the law r, this deed rf Imet <br />Any amounts paid by Leader to ponce Lender's security Ivtciest will be sccumd by Ihis deed of trust Such amounts will be due can demand and will bear iatercn train the <br />Jute of WC payment until pall in full at the interest rate in effect oil the secured debt. <br />W. Default and A¢elera firm. If Borrower foils Ire nnls Any payment when due or breaks any covenants under this deed of trust or am, ohligation secured by this decd of <br />bast u try pill' mngaye it r decd of trust. Lender may accelerate the mamrfty of the secured debt mad do Laid Immedlme pzymenh and A , vdke the pnwer of sale and <br />any other remedies actuated by applicable law <br />11, Respell for Native of Default It is hereby mqursted Nat copies of nulices officinal and talc be wart m each pea rat who Is a party hems. al its addms of each <br />such person. As sal Inch hues. <br />12. Power At Sale. If the I. order 1 yokes the power ol'sale. the 'I mass, shall first record in the office al he cgisacr of is o of .tech Cannot sl the hurt pmpcny ,I <br />me out oe patrol thereof Is riimited to anti¢ of default containing he Information required by law. The Trustee shall also mail copies of the notice of default to ac <br />Renown_,, each person who .1 apany harm, and In other pemnn' a' prescribed by applicable Inw. Not less than one month after the q'mdee records the notice of default <br />of two months if tile Inca property is not In any Incorporated city or village still Is used in famaae oPoumo ecuied rat by the ausma the I code, shall give public notice of <br />sale to the persons Land In the Farmer pascribed by applicable law. Tree without demand oar Borrower, shall sell the property at public auction m Nc Mghcst bidder If <br />refined totl From l Lnmedend Protection Actl peace shall offer ale papery All It _paa(C Soles as wanted by al"ll-ble law partner Last, postpone sans hfall or Any <br />panel of the polar) - I, public annmmcomcnr an the lane and place of any previously scheduled sale. Lender or its designee may purchase the potent of atp sale. <br />Cps 1t fl w eat of the ft, se had, Trustee shall deliver to the purchaser I merge s deed costs ey b ere ptpedls The a t ds contained Unco, a dead shall be <br />prima or <br />ev.NCnce of far truth of tile statements Leonard flamer. 'I iussa shall apply the proceeds of the sale in the following order. (a) to all expenses of the sale, <br />acluding_ but not flicied m reasonable inall I flu reasonable nau '' lcu and anotatrailot tee ; (b) I. all hams oci and by Ill decd of tr a, and let Ile balance _ it <br />rip, In tlo for legally entitled to rccefee it. <br />13. Forednsnt. AI Lender's optima this dad at trust may he foreclosed In the meaner provided by uppla-ble Inw Im far drone of amngages on real p,rae,a <br />N. Inspection. Lcndcr may Cmc, the property to inspvA It If I Older g;v s Beriover notice beforehand line notice must state the rearonahbc call- Inn Lender's <br />nsfil <br />15. Condemnation. porticoes Assigns to Lcndcr the proceeds of Lay award or claim fur dmnal connected with a andeannation or other Taking ofall or any prof of the <br />property. Buda pmweds w'dl be applied as provided in Covenant I. This assignment Is subject to the terns of any prior securiy ngrecmrnt. <br />L6. a4a' Rv exenin' le a, cmedy realistic to lender, Leader doe's col a up ea, ,lens to later e out other ¢ acdv_ Ly a at sciaLsong aro, waird, upon <br />Borrower `s defauh. I.wwer duo amt waive airy ,iglu, later consider he aver o default If it happens again. <br />17. .loin, mad Several Li.hillty; Co-signers; Successors and Assigns Bell all. All duties under [hit deed of trust Ore loin tad several. Any Bonower who wnigm am, <br />deed of trust but does not cosign the underlying data iList, an,ntsts) does so only to grant sad convoy that Borrower's Interest In the property to the trustee under the terms <br />train, deed ofInd_ In addition such a Borower agrees that the L antler and any other Bonosrer under this deed of trust rimy extend, inudify or nuke cap- later Wanes In <br />the terms of this deed of tea m the secured debt without that Turnover r consent and without releasing that Borrower from the terms of this dad of trust. <br />❑ere chair' and hoaefll a is decd ill lung shall hind and buaefil the Loss ersorr and asslgtw of Lcndcr and laonmvcr <br />18, Notice. Unless otherwise required by law. any notice to Borrower shall be given by deflating it or be mailing it by eeffied nail addressed to Bonower at the <br />property address or any other adl tart Borrower has given m lender. Rovrwer will give any notice to 1 ender by certified mail to Leader's address nn page I drabs <br />deed rftrua rmo any other Address. which I cnticr bun designated - Anyohns —ode to Iendarslmll Ill in Landia a nd less assmmd on page 1 of this decd of rust_ <br />Any rare, ObAll he declared to have been riven to peorrowcr or Lender when given In the manner staled abay.. <br />19. Transfer of the Properly or n Rmmfieial Interest in the than 'rower. It all or any pan of the property or any Interest in It is sold or transferred without the Lender's <br />,,lot ,rhea cultism. Leader may demand Immemme paymanl or secs rd debt Lord,, raw ago duaaaad an liediote payment if the Rollover it not o natural pecun mad <br />a beneficial interest In ere turnover is sold orlonsfic red . I looever. I ender may not demand payment In the Abuse ahmlhons it I is prohibited hl, federal haw as of date <br />of this deed of trust. <br />20. Reronreynvca M hon In, ohligation .secured ov this deed of trust has been paid. and Lender has no further obligation to make advances under the normal or <br />agree rents .,,red by Ills deed eI fast the "I' issues shall, a pe It ulu¢I by tire Lear,, e' t toast property TM1.I. ender sushi loon m the Rr awe,. or to <br />Rortwcr'a s1el in Interest the trust deed and the note or other evidence of obligation so vnnsftcd. Burrower shall pay tiny recordation costs. <br />21. Successor 'I I mile. Lcndcr, at Leader's option may remove l reace and upponnt it successor battle by lint mailing a 11"I If the nth Melon el I'LL as warned <br />b app la-ble law_ and then by filing the a bdimallon of notice for record In the office of the register arf deeds of each count- In which the tun propany, or some pan <br />thereof is sinned. 'fhc successor trustee, as about ronvv)Luce of ere pmi stedl succeed of All the power duGCa Author lty and title ill me Torocir named In tbm deed Of <br />last and ul not w¢essor total, <br />