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<br />----------------------- [SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDING DATA]--- - - - - -- - - - - - --
<br />You are hereby notified that Lynn A. Wiley, a single person and .lacquel)n A, Wallin- a single
<br />person, as Trustors, did on or about October 15, 1997, make, execute and deliver onto Arend R. Maack,
<br />'I7rtstee, a Deed of Trust wherein said Tro,nas conveyed the following- described real property:
<br />See Exhibit A
<br />as security for repayment of a loan which the Trustors obtained from Home Federal Savings & Loan
<br />Association of Grand Island, Beneficiary of said Deed of Trust which was recorded on October 17, 1997, in
<br />the office of the Register of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska, as Instrument No. 97- 108700.
<br />On or about October 15, 1997, Home Federal Savings & Loan Association of Grand Island,
<br />Beneficiary, assigned all of its right, title and beneficial interest in the Deed of Trust to Principal Residential
<br />Mortgage, Inc. The Assignment was recorded October 17, 1997, in the office of the Register of Deeds of
<br />Loll Count), Nebraska, as Instrument No. 97- 108701.
<br />Camille R. Hawk, Attorney at Law, has been appointed Successor Trustee, pursuant to a Substitution
<br />Of ustee filed Cur record with the Register of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />You are further notified that there has owun'ed a breach of an obligation of the I rustors for which
<br />the Trust property was conveyed as security, to-wit, that the Trustors have failed to pay the Beneficiary
<br />payments that were contractually due.
<br />You are further nntified that the Beneficiary has elected to declare the entire unpaid principal
<br />balance, together with interest thereon, at once due and payable, and the Trustee has elected to sell of cause
<br />to be sold the real property described in said Deed of 'roust to satisfy said obligation.
<br />DATED: May20,2002.
<br />Rcwrn to
<br />Forednmrc 1%,Mrenf
<br />Filz_oLoid schor, aarieallcr
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<br />13201 Afro -, Saeel. sula 400
<br />Omaha, Ni 68 114 -5 2 3R
<br />) ss.
<br />Camille R. Hawk, Attorney at Law, Successor Trustee.
<br />By Camille R. Hawk ( #20395)
<br />P.C., L.L.O.
<br />13220 California Street, Suite 400
<br />Omaha, NE 68154 -5228
<br />(402) 342 -1000
<br />The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me, a notary public by Camille R. Hawk on
<br />May 20, 2002.
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