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TRACT NO. 1: <br />200205510 <br />Beginning at a point on the Northerly line of Lot One (1) Kramers <br />Subdivision, Hall County, Nebraska, being one hundred sixty five and five <br />tenths (165.5) feet easterly of the Northwest corner; thence northerly <br />parallel to the Westerly line of the Southwest Quarter (SW1 /4), Section <br />Thirty Three (33), Township Twelve (12) North, Range Nine (9) West of <br />the 6th P.M., a distance of five hundred sixty one and five tenths (561.5) <br />feet to a point on the Northerly line of the tract of land as described in <br />Document 94- 108632, recorded at the Register of Deeds Office, Hall <br />County, Nebraska. <br />and <br />TRACT NO. 2: <br />Commencing at a point of the Westerly line of the Southwest Quarter <br />(SW1 /4), Section Thi j Three (33), Township Twelve (12) North, Range <br />Nine (9) West of the 6t P.M., being one thousand three hundred fifty and <br />eight tenths (1,350.8) feet north of the Southwest corner of the said <br />Southwest Quarter (SW1 /4); thence easterly perpendicular to the <br />Westerly line of said Southwest Quarter (SW1 /4), a distance of two <br />hundred thirty one and five tenths (231.5) feet to the ACTUAL POINT OF <br />BEGINNING; thence continuing easterly on the last described course, a <br />distance of twenty four (24.0) feet; thence northerly parallel to the <br />Westerly line of said Southwest Quarter (SW1 /4), a distance of thirty <br />(30.0) feet. <br />The above - described easement and right -of -way containing a combined <br />total of 0.278 acres, more or less, as shown on the plat dated 5/1/2002, <br />marked Exhibit "A ", attached hereto and incorporated herein by <br />reference, <br />together with the following rights: <br />Grantee shall have unrestricted ingress and egress to the above - described <br />easement and right -of -way for any purpose necessary for the surveying, construction, <br />inspection, maintenance, repair, replacement, relocation, extension, removal, and <br />operation of such public utilities and appurtenances. Such rights of ingress and egress <br />shall be exercised in a reasonable manner. <br />-2- <br />