<br />(Legal Description)
<br />That part of fax Lots 27, 28 and 29, in the Southeast %4 ofSection 3 and that part of Tax Lot 5, in the Northeast' /. of
<br />Section 10, together with that part of said Southeast'/ of Section 3, and that part of said Northeast %4 of Section 10, all
<br />in Township 15 North, Range 13, East of the 6" P.M, Douglas County, Ncbraska, described as follows, to -wit.
<br />Beginning at a point on the Northerly line of said Tax Lot 29, distant 50 feet Northeasterly, measured at right angles
<br />from the center line of the main [rack of the Chicago and North Western Railway Company, as said main track was
<br />originally located and established; thence Southeaster]y, parallel with said main track to the Southerly line of said
<br />Section 3, thence Easterly along said Southery, line of Suction 3 to a point distant 50 feet Westerly, measured at right
<br />angles, from the center line of the main track of Chicago, Saint Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha Railway Company, as
<br />said main track was originally located and established; thence Northery, parallel with said center line of the main track
<br />of the Chicago, Saint Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha Raihvay Company to the Northerly of said Tax Lot 28; thence
<br />Westerly, along the Northeriv lines of said Tax Lots 28 and 29, to the point of beginning.
<br />All that part of Tax Lot 29 in the Sout)nvwt '/4 of the Southeast '/4 of Section 3, Township 15 North, Range 13 East of
<br />the 6 "' P_M., Douglas Count -, Nebraska, bounded and described as follows, to wit, Beginning at a point distant 50 feet
<br />Northeasterly, measured at right angles, from the center line of main track of the Chicago and North Western Railway
<br />Companv, as the same is now located and established, and distant 30 feet South, measured at right angles, from the
<br />North line of aforesaid "fax Lot 29, said North line of Tare Lot 29 being parallel with and distant 198 feet South from the
<br />North line of file SOUCIllleSt /, of the Southeast'' /4 of aforesaid Section 3: thence due East, this.
<br />That part of the West %2 Southeast '/4 of Section 3, Township U North, Range 13 Fast ofthe 6" P.M., Douglas County,
<br />Nebraska, bounded as follows: on the Northeast and Southwest by lines parallel with and distance 50 feet Northeasterly
<br />and 50 feet Southwcsterly measurod at right angles, from the carterlinc of the main track of the Omaha and North
<br />Western Railroad Company (predecessor to Union Pacific Railroad Company), as said main track centerline was
<br />originally located and established over and across Section 3- on the Northwest by tine North line of said Northwest '/4
<br />Southeast '/4 of Section 3; and on the Southeast by the North line of tax lot 28 in the Southwest '/. Southeast % of said
<br />Section 3; excepting from this that piece of the above references] track located North of the center line of Cornish
<br />Boulevard on the South and on the North by the North line of said Northwest % Southeast A/, of Section 3, and on the
<br />Southeast by the North line of Tax I nt 28 in the Southwest '/4 Southeast `/4 of said Section 3, expecting from this that
<br />piece of the above referenced tract located North of the center line of Cornish Boulevard on the South and on the North
<br />by the North line of said Nnrthwcst' /, Southeast'/ of Section 3.
<br />That part of the Southwest '/4 Southeast '/ of Section 3, Township 15 North, Range l3 Past of the 6 "' P.M., Douglas
<br />County, Nebraska, a n9angular shaped parcel, bounded as follows; on the North by We North line of Tax Lot 28; on the
<br />Past by a Tine parallel with and distance 33 feet Westerly. measured at right angles, from the East line of said Tax Lot
<br />28_ and on the Southwest by a line parallel with and distance 50 feet from Southwesterly, measured at right angles, from
<br />the ecnterlinc of the main track of the Omaha North Western Railroad Company (Predecessor to Union Pacific Railroad
<br />Company), as established over and across said Section 3.
<br />AND
<br />Lot 2, Luzenae Second Subdivision in the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Ncbraska .
<br />which has a property addresses of 1401 Laird Street, Omaha, Nebraska and 1215 East Highway 30. Grand Island,
<br />Nebraska_
<br />omyupenmc. doe
<br />