(c) all rents (or payments in lieu of rents), payments and liabilities at
<br />any time payable under any and all of the Existing Leases or
<br />Future Leases, any and all security deposits received or to be
<br />received by Borrower pursuant to any and all Existing Leases or
<br />Future Leases and all rights and benefits accrued or to accrue to
<br />Borrower under may and all of the Existing Leases or Future
<br />Leases (the "Collateral "). The Existing Leases, Future Leases
<br />mid Collateral are collectively referred to as the "Leases ", and a
<br />reference to Existing Leases, Future Leases, Collateral or Leases
<br />shall be a reference to the same as amended, extended, renewed or
<br />modified from time to time.
<br />Borrower makes the foregoing grmit and assignment to Lender for the purpose of securing:
<br />(a) payment to Lander of all indebtedness evidenced by and arising
<br />under the Note Secured by Deed of Trust (the "Note ") executed
<br />by Borrower in the principal amount. of FOUR HUNDRED
<br />($475,000.00), payable to Lender or its order, and dated as of the
<br />date of this Assignment as the same may be amended, extended,
<br />renewed or modified from time to time; and
<br />(b) the payment of all indebtedness and the performance of all
<br />obligations of Burrower to Lender now existing or arising after
<br />the date of this Assig orent in connection with the loan evidenced
<br />by the Note (the "Loos'), including without limitation, all
<br />indebtedness and obligations secured by or Mixing under the Deed
<br />of Tmst on the Property dated as of the date hereof and securing
<br />the Note, and sl1 of the other documents all of the o her documents evidencing or securing
<br />0 k9
<br />4
<br />G M i
<br />T
<br />N
<br />t)
<br />y
<br />When recorded return to
<br />TierOne Bank
<br />Attu: Commercial Lending Admin.
<br />1235 "N" Street
<br />o co
<br />C
<br />Lincoln, NE 68508 o
<br />'-'
<br />r✓
<br />IF
<br />Loan No.
<br />01- 10176952
<br />THIS ASSIGNMENT OF LEASES AND RENTS is made as of May 13, 2002, by OMAHA PAPER
<br />STOCK COMPANY, INC., a Nebraska corporation ( "Borrower ") to TierOne Bank ( "Lcrider ").
<br />n
<br />In consideration of Lender's agreement to issue the Loan, as described below,
<br />and for oOner
<br />valuable consideration, receipt and adequacy of which is acknowledged
<br />by Borrower,
<br />Borrower grants and assigns to Lender.
<br />(a) all of Borrower's right, title and interest in, to mid under and with
<br />respect to any and all existing leases, licenses and other
<br />agreements of any kind relating to the use or occupancy of any of
<br />the property described in Exhibit A (the "Property "), as such
<br />documents are described in Exhibit B (collectively "Existing
<br />Leases "); mud
<br />(b) all of Borrowers right, title and interest in, to and under and with
<br />respect to any and all leases, licenses and other agreements of any
<br />kind relating to any use or occupancy of all or any portion of the
<br />Property entered into allot the date of this Assignment
<br />(collectively "Future Lewes"), and
<br />(c) all rents (or payments in lieu of rents), payments and liabilities at
<br />any time payable under any and all of the Existing Leases or
<br />Future Leases, any and all security deposits received or to be
<br />received by Borrower pursuant to any and all Existing Leases or
<br />Future Leases and all rights and benefits accrued or to accrue to
<br />Borrower under may and all of the Existing Leases or Future
<br />Leases (the "Collateral "). The Existing Leases, Future Leases
<br />mid Collateral are collectively referred to as the "Leases ", and a
<br />reference to Existing Leases, Future Leases, Collateral or Leases
<br />shall be a reference to the same as amended, extended, renewed or
<br />modified from time to time.
<br />Borrower makes the foregoing grmit and assignment to Lender for the purpose of securing:
<br />(a) payment to Lander of all indebtedness evidenced by and arising
<br />under the Note Secured by Deed of Trust (the "Note ") executed
<br />by Borrower in the principal amount. of FOUR HUNDRED
<br />($475,000.00), payable to Lender or its order, and dated as of the
<br />date of this Assignment as the same may be amended, extended,
<br />renewed or modified from time to time; and
<br />(b) the payment of all indebtedness and the performance of all
<br />obligations of Burrower to Lender now existing or arising after
<br />the date of this Assig orent in connection with the loan evidenced
<br />by the Note (the "Loos'), including without limitation, all
<br />indebtedness and obligations secured by or Mixing under the Deed
<br />of Tmst on the Property dated as of the date hereof and securing
<br />the Note, and sl1 of the other documents all of the o her documents evidencing or securing
<br />0 k9
<br />4
<br />