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FILE: 02 -7841 <br />EXHIBIT "A" <br />200205205 <br />Part of Lots Four (4) and Five (5), Block Two (2), in Sothman's Subdivision to the City of Grand Island, <br />Hall County, Nebraska, described as: Commencing at a point on the Easterly line of Lot Four (4), Six <br />(6) feet Northwesterly of the Southeast corner of said Lot Four (4), thence in a Southwesterly direction <br />along a line parallel to the Southerly line of said Lot Four (4), a distance of One Hundred Twenty -five <br />(125) feet to the Westerly line of said Lot Four (4), thence in a Southeasterly direction along the Westerly <br />lines of said Lots Four (4) and Five (5), a distance of Fifty (50) feet, thence in a Northeasterly direction <br />along a line parallel to the Southerly line of said Lot Four (4), a distance of One Hundred Twenty-five <br />(125) feet to the Easterly line of said Lot Five (5), thence in a Northwesterly direction along the Easterly <br />lines of said Lots Four (4) and Five (5), a distance of Fifty (50) feet to the point of beginning. <br />Page 2 Form Software by Automated Real Estate SerAces, Inc. 1- 1100 - 390 -1215 02 -7u1 / <br />