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FILE: 02 -7837 200205199 <br />EXHIBIT "A" <br />of the Southwest Quarter (SWl /4) of Section Twelve (12), Township <br />a <br />A tract of land comprising part Nebraska and more particularly <br />Nine (9) North, Range Twelve (12) West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, <br />described as follows: <br />Beginning at the southwest corner of said Southwest Quarter (SW1/4); thence running northerly, along <br />the west line of said Southwest Quarter (SW1 /4), a distance of (,Be Thousand Ninety Six and <br />and upon deflecting right 90° OOP Oo" and running easterly, a <br />feet; thence <br />Eighty Four Hundredths (1,096.84) Five Hundredths (79955) feet; thence deflecting right <br />distance of Seven Hundred Ninety Nine and Fifty Quarter (SWl /4), a <br />gip 00+ 00" and running southerly, parallel with the west line of said Southwest Qu point on the <br />distance of One Thousand Eighty Two and Thirty Eight Hundredths (1,08238) feet to a <br />/4); <br />r SWi thence deflecting right W 5T 51" and running westerly, <br />south line of said Southwest Quarts ( attar (SWl /4 , ) a distance of Seven Hundred Ninety <br />along and upon the south line of said Southwest Quarter <br />Nine and Sixty Nine Hundredths (799.69) feet to the point of beginning. <br />TMO Sollwa a by Apt -e-d ROM E8010 garviesa, Ins. 1400.130 -1"5 <br />Page a <br />