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200205192 <br />EXHIBIT "A" <br />Part of Lot Two (2), Mainland, and a part of Lot Three (3), Island, all being in Section Eleven (11), <br />Township Ten (10) North, Range Ten (10) West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska. more <br />particularly described as follows: <br />Beginning at the North Quarter (N1 /4) Section Corner of said Section Eleven (11); thence N89a17154"W, <br />along and upon the north line of said Lot Two (2), Mainland, a distance of Two Hundred Sixteen and <br />Ninety Three Hundredths (216.93) feet; thence S00e01127 "E, a distance of Nine Hundred Forty Three <br />(943.0) feet; thence S75e25145"W, a distance of Three Hundred Four and Twenty One Hundredths <br />(304.21) feet; thence S10e05'05"W, a distance of Four Hundred Two and Seventy One Hundredths <br />(402.71) feet; thence S24 °58'50 "E, a distance of Two Hundred Fifteen and Eight Six Hundredths (215.86) <br />feet to a point on the centerline of a Thirty (30.0) foot wide easement for road purposes; thence <br />N50a01'30 "E, along and upon said roadway easement centerline, a distance of Six Hundred Twentyand <br />Sixty Five Hundredths (620.65) feet; thence N00 °50'53 "E, a distance of Two Hundred Seventy Six and <br />Thirty Eight Hundredths (27638) feet; thence N79a16103 "E, a distance of Eleven and Seventeen <br />Hundredths (11.17) feet to a point on the east line of said Lot Three (3), Island; thence N00*01'271W, <br />along and upon the west line of said Lot Three (3), Island and its northerly prolongation, a distance of <br />Nine Hundred Thirty One and Eighty Six Hundredths (931.86) feet to the point of beginning. <br />Pa96 2 Fonn Saftare by Automabd Real Estate Sarvices, Inc. 1- 1100 - 770.1293 02-7754/ <br />