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ADDITIONAL TERMS OF THE CON' <br />GENERAL TERMS - As used in this document, "contract" includes the <br />terms 0 the security agreement. You have, bedn givers an opportunity <br />to purchase the property and /or services on the front side for mile cash <br />or the total <br />If you buy let which <br />time. total price le priao d(srolost�d <br />in the outlined box on the front side is based on the terms in effect: <br />today and the assumption that all payments will be made as scheduled. <br />The actual total sale price may be more or loss than tile, amount dis• <br />closed depending on the interest rates in effect from time to time (if <br />variable) and'your payment record. You agree to buy the property <br />and /or services from us at the actual total sale price according to the <br />terms of this contract. <br />YOU agree this lbe ttNobia k, Including tilt) Uniform Com norrcaCod, You agree hath of <br />s <br />and any other written agroamunt pertaining to this sale contain all of <br />the arms end provisions of your agreement with ue and that we have <br />not rmida any oral warranties or promisrs regarding the secured prop- <br />arty. This contract takes affect when signed try you. <br />Any term of this contract which does not comply with epplicat)le law <br />will not br effective If that law does not expressly or impliedly permit <br />varlations by agreement. If any part of this contract or security agruu- <br />rnent cannot be enforced according to its terms, this fact will not affect <br />the balance of Tire contract and security ngrounreni. <br />INTEREST- IntnrnNt nccruos on the unpaid balanc of principal rnnauraintjr <br />from time to time, serfsl pall in full. If this contract is marked "variable rate, ' <br />YOU will pay interest at the rats in effect from time to time. I•fowtrvor, the <br />interest rate on this contract will never exceed the maximum rate allowed <br />by law for this contract. The Truth -in- Lending disclosures on the reverse side <br />will Indicate if thare are any contractual limitations on the periodic or total <br />interest rate Increasais for this contract, Each payment will be first applied <br />to interest accrued up to the time the pa ment is actually made, then to <br />principal. Tile actual amount of our fin I b <br />TRACT AND SECURITY AGREEMENT 200205061. <br />(a) You will arrange for us to be named as loss payee on any such <br />Eolicy so that arty benefits arising from ttre insured risks will first <br />e paid to us for application toward the secured obligations; <br />(b) you agree that wo may, in the event of a loss, require additional <br />Sacurlty of assurances of payment or s:io secured obligations as <br />a condition of pormitting any insurance benefits to be used for <br />repair r rePlacomont of the property; <br />lc) you agree to purchase Insurance t?rom a company that is authorized <br />to do business In Nebraska and that it) roaeanably acceptable to'.;S: <br />(d) you will maintain this Insurance until all thu secured obligations <br />are paid In full; and, <br />(o) If you fall to obtain or maintain this Insurance, or you fall to arrange <br />for us to be named as loss frayae, 'No may (but in no avant are <br />required t) purchase such insur'anco which will secure only our <br />Interest In the property. The amount we pay for such Insurance <br />will be added to the secured obligations, will be Immediately due <br />and will stun intomst at the rate in effect from timu to titre, until <br />pint in full. <br />WAIVER - You wdivfr (to tho extent hurrmitiod by law) demand, present- <br />ment, notice of acceleration, nolrcu of Intention to accelerate, protest, <br />notice of dishonor and notice, of prolcfoc This means you give up the <br />right to roquire us la dull-1111 payrnents of the amount due, to give <br />notice )hart arriuunr3 (full )lava no: hear paid or to give notice that we <br />me e1wicing tho contract imiricAt,nailr dint <br />r,t'.A)'ANTEE - You guarantee ho payment of this contract, You also <br />agree that all the other terms of the contract will apply to you. <br />NAME <br />than the amount scheduled, dependingaonethe e interest rat mint effect (if <br />variable) and your payment record. <br />If the interest rate on this contract is scheduled tr•r change other than <br />at the Santa time the base rate changes, then the interest rate will ire. <br />determined by using the base rate in effect at the time the Interest rate <br />is to change. Changes In the bane rata occurring between scheduled i <br />changes in the interest rate will then be ignored. Decreases in tho <br />Inturst rate for this contract will have the opposito effect on payrnents <br />that increases would h• a. I <br />OWNERSHIP AND JuTIES TOWARD PROPERTY - By giving us tht:, <br />security interest, you. represent and agree; <br />(a) you will defend this property against any claim marlo by anyvno <br />el §e, and will do whatever is necessary to preserve our status in <br />thu property; <br />(b) tilt) security interest you are giving us in this property has first priority <br />over th 'Claim of any other or your general or docuted cruditors. You <br />have s -gned or irnmediatt)fy will sign any additional documents or <br />provide us with arty additional information wu may ruquiru to perfect <br />and preserve our first priority in this property. You will rat hu,eaher <br />do anything to dufoal our position; <br />(c) You will keop the property in your possession in )Mod cundrtinn <br />and repair, and use it only fur the lawfie rurnosrrs for which it was <br />intended. Unless otherwise agreed in ng, the property will bu <br />located at the address lislad on the fro, of this trrn; <br />id) you will not attempt to sell the propo / tunless it Is inventory and <br />identified as such) or otherwise transfer any rights in this property <br />to anyone also. You will not permit there property to becurmo attached <br />to any real estate without first providing us an opportunity to <br />preserve our first priority status; <br />(e) You will pay all taxes and assossrnents on the property as they <br />become due; <br />(f) you will provide us reasonable access to the property for the pur- <br />pose of inspection . rid notify us of any loss or dame, e; and <br />(g) you agree that the ;ortificate of title to this property, many, shall <br />be endorsed to show the security interest we hava in this property. <br />~ THIRD PARTY AGREEMENT Y <br />By signing within this enclosure, you agree: to give us a security <br />Interest, in and Ilan on the property Iihat is described 7n the front <br />side. You agree to be bound by ttte terms of this contract and security' <br />agreement but, rogaidjoss of any provision to the contrary contained <br />horoin, riot to be liable for any payment it requires. You agree that <br />we may, without releasing you or thr property from this Third Party <br />Agroe,ment and without notice or d,rniand upon you, renew, extend <br />or change arty terror of tills contract and security agreement, or take <br />or release other security (including guaranties) for the obligations <br />of any Buyer. <br />You waive (to the extent permitted r.y law): <br />(a) all notices and demands; <br />(b) any right to require that wo foreclose on any particular security, sue <br />any Buyur or any other person or, I,Ursuo any other res mady we <br />may have; <br />(c) any defense or claim against us arising out of the disability or <br />non - liability of any Buyer for any reason other than full pay - <br />mont; <br />Ida ill statute,:, of limitation to the extent permitted by law; and <br />ir.l any doren,e Of claun afjainist us arising out of Our election to <br />forer,lusu+ nn the Collateral, by judicial or nonjudi,�ral sale, or <br />our elochon to exercise any other right or remedy We may hdV0, <br />even though that election extinguishes your right to reimburse - <br />mont from the Buyer. <br />You acknowledge receipt of a completed copy of this contract arid <br />socurity agreement; <br />Data: - <br />X <br />Name. _._..._ <br />i <br />