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200204921 <br />4. The Grantee acknowledges that it has inspected the Property as to its asbestos <br />content and condition and any hazardous or environmental conditions relating thereto. The <br />Grantee shall be deemed to have relied solely on its own judgment in assessing the overall <br />condition of all or any portion of the property, including, without limitation, any asbestos <br />hazards or concerns. <br />5. The Grantor assumes no liability for any damages to person or property, and gives <br />no warranties, either express or implied, with regard to the presence or absence of asbestos or <br />ACM in buildings and structures, or whether the Property is or is not suitable for a particular <br />purpose. The Grantee further agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Grantor, its officers, <br />agents and employees from and against all suits, claims, demands or actions, liabilities, <br />judgements, penalties, costs and attorneys' fees arising out of or in any manner predicated upon, <br />future asbestos abatement or remediation from within buildings and structures on the Property; <br />disposal of ACM or asbestos after conveyance to the Grantee; personal injury, death or property <br />damages resulting from, related to, caused by or arising out of exposure to asbestos within <br />buildings or structures on the Property after the conveyance of such portion of the Property to the <br />Grantee. The Grantee's obligation hereunder shall apply whenever the United States incurs costs <br />or liabilities for actions giving rise to liability under this subsection. The Grantee shall not be <br />responsible for indemnifying or holding the Grantor harmless from any loss, claims, liabilities, <br />judgments, penalties, costs, or damages arising out of exposure to asbestos that occurred prior to <br />the date of this Deed. <br />e. Land Use Restrictions: The Department of the Army has undertaken careful <br />environmental study of the Property and concluded that the highest and best use of the Property <br />is limited by its environmental condition to industrial /agricultural uses. In order to protect <br />human health and the environment, promote community objectives, and further the common <br />environmental objectives and land use plans of the Grantor, State of Nebraska, and Grantee, the <br />covenants and restrictions are included in this deed to assure the use of the Property is consistent <br />with environmental condition of the Property. The following restrictions and covenants benefit <br />both the lands retained by the Grantor and the general public welfare and are consistent with the <br />State of Nebraska and Federal environmental statutes. <br />1. IndustriaVAgricultural Use Restrictions <br />(a) The Grantee covenants for itself, its successors and assigns, that the Property <br />shall be used solely for industrial and agricultural purposes and not for residential purposes, the <br />Property having been remediated only for industrial and agricultural uses. Industrial and <br />agricultural uses include, but are not limited to, administrative /office space, manufacturing, <br />warehousing, restaurants, hotels /motels, and retail activities. Residential use includes, but is not <br />limited to, housing, day care facilities, and schools (excluding education and training programs <br />for persons over 18 years of age), assisted living facilities, and outdoor recreational activities <br />(excluding recreational activities by employees and their families incidental to authorized <br />industrial and agricultural uses on the Property). <br />H <br />