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Rl. — RECORDED DISTANCE AND /OR ANGLE ON SURVEY BY RONALD R. ROCKWELL. <br />L. S. NO. 349. DATED JANUARY 24. 2001 (PARCEL NO. 8) <br />A. — ACTUAL DISTANCE AND /OR ANGLE <br />I I <br />20o2o4s2i <br />C = INDICATES 1/2" IRON PIPE PLACED <br />. r• <br />FOUND 1/2" edt <br />EEE IRON PIPE � qd <br />go*( <br />3,204.98' A. <br />DETAIL <br />NOT TO SCALE <br />3.204.96' A. <br />3.436.41' A. <br />LEGAL DESCRIPTION <br />A trout of land comprising a art of the Southeast Quarter (SF.t /4), part of the Southwest Quarter (SW1 /4), part or the Northwest Quarter (NW1 / ;), and a <br />part of the Northeast Quarter F \EI/4), all being in Section Twenty Four 124). Township Eleven (I I) North. Range Eleven (11) West of the 8th P.V.. Hall County. <br />Nebraska. and more particularly described as follows: <br />Ieginning at the northeast corner of said Southeast Quarter 1 =E1 /4): thence running southerly. along and upon the east line of said Southeast Quarter <br />ISEI /a), a distance of Nine Hundred Fifty Six and Fcrly Nine Hundredths (956.49) feet: thence deflecting right 90'05'05" and running westerly, a <br />distance of Three Thousand Four hundred Thirty Sis ar.d Forte One Hundredths 13.438.11) feet: thence deflecting right 89.59'45" and running northerly. <br />• distance of One Thousand fix Hundred Fifty :three and Forty Five Hundredths (1.65:115) feet: thence deflecting right 89'59'15" and running easterly. <br />• distance of Three Thousand Two Hundred Four and Ninety Six Hundredths (3, °04.96) feet: thence deflecting left 90'02'05" and running northerly. <br />parallel with the east line of said Northeast Quarter INE1 /4). a distance of One and Eights Nu.e Hundredths (1.89) feet: thence deflecting right <br />90'02'05" and running easterly, a distance of Two Hundred Twenty Nine and Fifty Four Hundredths (229.54) feet to a point on the east line of <br />said Northeast Quarter tNEJ /sl: thence deflecting right H9157'55" and running southerly. along and upon the east line of said Northeast Quarter <br />(NEI /4). a distance. of Six hundred Ninety Nine and F.ighly Six Hundredths (699.861 fe <br />more or less. et to the point of beginning and containing 130.449 acres. <br />.0R <br />SCRjjE1'S (;ERTIEIC :tTE <br />1 hereby certify that to the test of my knowledge and belief. the accompanying plat is from an accurate survey of the described property made under my <br />supervision. <br />1� <br />Lee D. Wagner. Registered Lend Sur. 557.'�- <br />