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<br />200204822
<br />THIS AGREEMENT made and executed this ,� ,vp day of 07 A y , 20029 by
<br />HERITAGE BANK, formerly known as BANK OF WOOD RIVER, Beneficiary and Trustee,
<br />hereinafter referred to as "Subordinating Party" (whether one or more), for the benefit of
<br />CENTRAL PLATTE NATURAL RESOURCES DISTRICT, a Nebraska political subdivision,
<br />hereinafter referred to as "Easement Holder ".
<br />WHEREAS, NORMAN N. STELK and SHIRLEY M. STELK, Husband and Wife,
<br />whether one or more, hereinafter referred to as "Obligor ", has granted to the Subordinating Party
<br />a Deed of Trust in respect to that real estate described as:
<br />Parcel 1: The Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (NE 1 /4NE 1 /4) of
<br />Section Three (3) in Township Ten (10) North, Range Ten (10) West of the 61h
<br />P.M. in Hall County, Nebraska; and
<br />Parcel 2: The east One -Half of the Southeast Quarter (E 1 /2SE 1 /4) of Section
<br />Thirty -Four (34), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Ten (10) West of the 61h
<br />P.M., Hall County, Nebraska Excepting a certain tract therefrom as recorded on
<br />the Plat of Pierce Subdivision filed August 13, 1992 in the Register of Deeds as
<br />Document No. 92- 107072;
<br />that has been indexed against such real estate for the purpose of securing indebtedness therein
<br />described;
<br />WHEREAS, the Easement Holder has acquired a Temporary Construction Easement and
<br />Flood Protection Levee Easement from Obligor whereby certain funds have been paid to the
<br />Obligor and for which the Easement Holder is to have unrestricted rights of use for public
<br />purposes in respect to real estate which includes in part or in whole that collateral in which the
<br />Subordinating Party claims an interest, hereinafter referred to as the "Subordinated Collateral ";
<br />and
<br />WHEREAS, the Subordinating Party is willing to subordinate any lien it may now or
<br />hereafter have in respect to the Subordinated Collateral by reason of the Temporary Construction
<br />Easement and Flood Protection Levee Easement of record, whenever and wherever filed, in
<br />order to assure the Easement Holder of the unrestricted right to utilize the Subordinated
<br />Collateral for which good and valuable consideration has been paid by Easement Holder to the
<br />Obligor;
<br />NOW, THEREFORE, it is agreed:
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<br />200204822
<br />THIS AGREEMENT made and executed this ,� ,vp day of 07 A y , 20029 by
<br />HERITAGE BANK, formerly known as BANK OF WOOD RIVER, Beneficiary and Trustee,
<br />hereinafter referred to as "Subordinating Party" (whether one or more), for the benefit of
<br />CENTRAL PLATTE NATURAL RESOURCES DISTRICT, a Nebraska political subdivision,
<br />hereinafter referred to as "Easement Holder ".
<br />WHEREAS, NORMAN N. STELK and SHIRLEY M. STELK, Husband and Wife,
<br />whether one or more, hereinafter referred to as "Obligor ", has granted to the Subordinating Party
<br />a Deed of Trust in respect to that real estate described as:
<br />Parcel 1: The Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (NE 1 /4NE 1 /4) of
<br />Section Three (3) in Township Ten (10) North, Range Ten (10) West of the 61h
<br />P.M. in Hall County, Nebraska; and
<br />Parcel 2: The east One -Half of the Southeast Quarter (E 1 /2SE 1 /4) of Section
<br />Thirty -Four (34), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Ten (10) West of the 61h
<br />P.M., Hall County, Nebraska Excepting a certain tract therefrom as recorded on
<br />the Plat of Pierce Subdivision filed August 13, 1992 in the Register of Deeds as
<br />Document No. 92- 107072;
<br />that has been indexed against such real estate for the purpose of securing indebtedness therein
<br />described;
<br />WHEREAS, the Easement Holder has acquired a Temporary Construction Easement and
<br />Flood Protection Levee Easement from Obligor whereby certain funds have been paid to the
<br />Obligor and for which the Easement Holder is to have unrestricted rights of use for public
<br />purposes in respect to real estate which includes in part or in whole that collateral in which the
<br />Subordinating Party claims an interest, hereinafter referred to as the "Subordinated Collateral ";
<br />and
<br />WHEREAS, the Subordinating Party is willing to subordinate any lien it may now or
<br />hereafter have in respect to the Subordinated Collateral by reason of the Temporary Construction
<br />Easement and Flood Protection Levee Easement of record, whenever and wherever filed, in
<br />order to assure the Easement Holder of the unrestricted right to utilize the Subordinated
<br />Collateral for which good and valuable consideration has been paid by Easement Holder to the
<br />Obligor;
<br />NOW, THEREFORE, it is agreed:
<br />