County, State of Nebraska, has received from
<br />the beneficiary thereunder, a written request to reconvey, reciting that all sums secured by such trust deed have been
<br />fully pold and that such trust deed old the note secured thereby have been surrendered to the undersigned, as trustee,
<br />for cancellation;
<br />NOW, THEREFORE, in accordance with such request old the provisions of such trust deed, the said corporation by
<br />and through it's authorized officer, as trustee, does hereby reconvey, without wavonry to the person or persons entitled
<br />thereto. namely: _ arty D & Marilyn A. Jensen husband and wife _
<br />the estate now held by it thereunder, to -wit:
<br />Lot Twenty -Three (23), Ross- Theasmeyer Subdivision, City of Grand Island,
<br />Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />In witness whereof, the undersigned has executed this deed of reconveycnce at —. -- --
<br />First National Bank, Schuyler on_.A11ri�
<br />5
<br />Fir [ ational Sank Schuy ler , A Nebraska COrporolion
<br />Dy
<br />f
<br />N Y_%13 Asst. Vice Pr si ent Authorized Officer
<br />) ss.
<br />On this 17t1i day of April, 2002 before me, a Notary Public, duly commissioned,
<br />qualified for and residing in said County, personally came Cheryl Jakubowskii As sistanC Vice President
<br />known to me to be the identical person whose name is affixed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the
<br />execution thereof to be their voluntary as and deed and the voluntary no and deed of said corporation.
<br />WITNESS my hand and notarial seal the day and year lost above wtirten.
<br />BB�AtIgf1AY MtlIdllirW �-� Notary Public
<br />`�' �B�BFL�416AN
<br />Rem 1/44
<br />Jec NOM PIM119 CO NE 60520
<br />y
<br />O CJ on d
<br />C. f1 A Z t
<br />x ? yi tV
<br />T
<br />DD m
<br />m --c m
<br />d
<br />T W
<br />3 r n
<br />04809
<br />2 002
<br />N
<br />EYrst National Bank, Schuvler
<br />, A Nebraska Corporation
<br />WHEREAS,
<br />Cheryl Jakubowskl. Assistant
<br />Vice President _ — it's authorized officer,
<br />by and through
<br />as trustee under the trust deed
<br />First National Ban Schuyler ,.
<br />--
<br />_
<br />by Larry —D'& Marilyn A. Jensen..
<br />toh =� fi. 7000
<br />dated -- Oct -- —'
<br />— ,executed
<br />N tional Bank, Schuvl
<br />er —.— is named as beneficiary,
<br />as trusror, in which —+�-�—
<br />aslnstrumi
<br />0700008498 in the office of the Register of Deeds of :
<br />and said corporation astrustee ,ondrecorded
<br />County, State of Nebraska, has received from
<br />the beneficiary thereunder, a written request to reconvey, reciting that all sums secured by such trust deed have been
<br />fully pold and that such trust deed old the note secured thereby have been surrendered to the undersigned, as trustee,
<br />for cancellation;
<br />NOW, THEREFORE, in accordance with such request old the provisions of such trust deed, the said corporation by
<br />and through it's authorized officer, as trustee, does hereby reconvey, without wavonry to the person or persons entitled
<br />thereto. namely: _ arty D & Marilyn A. Jensen husband and wife _
<br />the estate now held by it thereunder, to -wit:
<br />Lot Twenty -Three (23), Ross- Theasmeyer Subdivision, City of Grand Island,
<br />Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />In witness whereof, the undersigned has executed this deed of reconveycnce at —. -- --
<br />First National Bank, Schuyler on_.A11ri�
<br />5
<br />Fir [ ational Sank Schuy ler , A Nebraska COrporolion
<br />Dy
<br />f
<br />N Y_%13 Asst. Vice Pr si ent Authorized Officer
<br />) ss.
<br />On this 17t1i day of April, 2002 before me, a Notary Public, duly commissioned,
<br />qualified for and residing in said County, personally came Cheryl Jakubowskii As sistanC Vice President
<br />known to me to be the identical person whose name is affixed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the
<br />execution thereof to be their voluntary as and deed and the voluntary no and deed of said corporation.
<br />WITNESS my hand and notarial seal the day and year lost above wtirten.
<br />BB�AtIgf1AY MtlIdllirW �-� Notary Public
<br />`�' �B�BFL�416AN
<br />Rem 1/44
<br />