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t <br />MAXMUM LIEN. The lien of thislpaoo of Tront:,is # n <br />THiS DEED OF TRUST $ 4*d A p ril <br />V0,04, 104 <br />NE 688I11 •, husbaand acid w'if are' jpintdf�itlttr(`� <br />Vine, P., O. 0ox 246,- 911Vor_ CNok, 0,0 <br />Sometimes sometimes as " Beneffelary'" ; 'atW Formero f � <br />68663( <br />referred to beliow set "Try *tai "� t <br />- CONVEI(ANf',E AND t3RANT: For *'aitl%IiS raft <br />tender ai>< BenQttctary; all of Trust''e"'Oht� #tier 4f1d`f <br />subsequently ,erected' or affixed bultding:t, itnp�yaEt�l <br />ditch rights (Including stock in utUf Est with dltch'or 1r TOa ti h tidl )�. <br />without limitation all minerals, oll, Oast geothermal and. similar °fttai <br />Nebraska- <br />Lots TwenW4, I c (26) atW 7 w 1*+ fiiltel �� <br />County,' Nbrt'tska,$Eft'i�t ,i+'afr ` <br />recorded In' 06OW90 air +ape 3 <br />' ill l >II p C <br />A <br />The Real Property or its ,*ddreqa. is r,ptt1lrlDfty <br />6881)3: <br />CROSS- COLLATF_RAi RATION. In,.addftion to - ft .NOte, #hl4 ao+ <br />Trustor to Lender, or any one or Moto otttlfrm, 4$ Wpl1 as MOO <br />OO <br />or hereafter arising, wheth related, qrr Itnralat 440111 :pt� ` °a <br />indirect, determined or und6termlhoOi absolute dr, ctfnirlgorat ritf <br />others, whether obligated as guarantsr; surety, acilorhmodapon part <br />may become barred by any statute oF`tlmMtlone, -4n ! whether th J <br />unenforceable. <br />FUTURE ADVANCES. Specifically, Without limita n, thi pel;!d �t <br />amounts tender, in Its discretion may loan to Trusto .014 <br />t� t ftti { <br />f� iii T fit in Irlf WIT YIIBR Op' S r fott, )4t �ng4t of <br />i it rino it s r l propel --tq gsxher wliti all Xistiop or <br />� n do, is Of �a attd , pttt an }a11 w+a ra ydteF�; ht> and <br />a apt rlohtst OY41Pes, and prb is'rsiafino to the r tp� -fin I in <br />B r`RipSl 'rop+aty�'j l0atd fn Heil ou o <br />'t j� I�virnl, Sn AddI �Q to City pf �i'etr,if� ls��rid, xHaU <br />�d�, � prtt�i�tlet�y�rs�t'ibsd Its ° W'fi� . pfliedtt; <br />Mt9` f,� D4, Mar i H rn A�►f nus, :.+3rt nd lal lgd,,t'NE <br />Tttaetu. all pbNgatlgns, debts acid Ilabilities, plus in #east tttsraon, of <br />�h�pa��'rdstor�r�an� or"'more °of them; +NhethefndW �dstino <br />�et6Vvttett ®r'1(dltthtarj+ or otherwise; whQttt®r riot! �' not o41s� ;dlteci or <br />lade dnligntd�ted whether �'rustor?ma be tiabio indivfdrtaliy sar•�gmNy'with <br />bttisrvdse, 4rtd vihetherrecovery upo tuk�tt amounts maytle'@r',hereafter <br />r� ores #•a in additi tQ .the ecnoui�)s spectHed in` the Mote; all More <br />'�re�t 1M�Iph <br />interest In the i'erson ii propertyan¢ ants tl �4 t <br />THIS DEED OF TRUST,- INCLUDItoo Ttt4F AS6PI Mol±T1 R Af1> >I 4tt )N'i Fi ST I Tt Y T$ l4_1 ? I S9NAt <br />PROPERTY, IS GIVENkTO SECURE tA) P►Ilr�f: � 'OP t D y „Pt:�i9P 3PtMf�+1 .` 11i1NNt► D; it.1 f�t0litT1ONS <br />UNDER THE NOTE, THE RELATE IaOCfJMBNr &; AND` fl '00'""', *' * S7'.s TH(8'RS `Fr'R fit uST tlliifSl+1'_At�lt� AFL p:�74'THE <br />FOLLOWING 't'ER04, <br />PAYMENT AND PERFORMANCE. `t:XOept iris other vf6e p'rovfdad fnvth�. d.of Trust,,Trustor shall,prt)+ to t;enderrall'amounts scouted by this <br />Deed of Trust as they become due, and shall strictly arPd In a timely f canner perform all of Trystoes obligstiorta under the'Note, this Doed:of Trust, <br />and the Related Documents. <br />POSSESSION AND MAINTENANCE Q Tt Pk E Yc �1'rustQr agraea that Trustoes pbs ssioFl arltt use of the Property, shall be'_govelrned <br />by the Wlowl ' provisions:�F. <br />Possession and Use. Until the boourrence of art EJe t of Rafaultr TrUMOr may (1) remain in pas iqn and #Qhtrol of the'Propsrty, (2) <br />use, operate or manage the= Propeity; and (3) dollert tie Aire frpm Propsrty. " <br />,. � . <br />Duty to Maintain. Trustor shall maintain the Property In goes atindlflgri" and promptly perform p0 reps rs,`replaceinents, and maintenance <br />necessary to preserve its-value: <br />Compliance Wltit Envtronmbntat t Ws: True oc rppt�e nts tnd wvarr tp Lender thafE, i) Qui ng the• pedot( of Trtlstdr' to�►a9rslilp of <br />the Property, there has besot no use rieraso , mairVfaature storage slmOnl,�disposal, rate seiorthrert#enad_rallsase;of a y' ai'dous <br />Substance,b)r aryr person on, under, aboutor irorp'the prdpaklyl {Z)" Timor has no knowledoe of, .or reason to b0f0ita tha"tgro fraa`n, <br />except as previously disclose d'to and acknowledge�i,. by Lender In wn�ino, a) .;any b , ach or violat on o> any Cn►+lrai mend L04-,(0) , .;any <br />use,'generaticn, manufacture, storages treatonent,: dlaposol; rele sa' yrht{ rtaa ned r As� a 4ny kle(z0 us S�lBtAnQ6 `err � urldpr� pttout �or <br />from the Property by any prier `own af thW cy ap t Fd by any <br />ce e t a' d <br />person oelatlno to such matters; and 0) bccet as previotrslyisclpsed tq rind acknowledged by Lndarfn wrhng, (a) `n�ittrer Trustor nor <br />any tenant, . contractor, agent or other authorized user of the P'ropetty shed use, generate, manufacture, More, traat, dispose of or release any <br />Hazardous Substance on, under, about or from the Properlyr a#d`, (b) any such activity shall be conducted in cQMplf4ncp with'alf applicable <br />federal, state, and local laws, reoulat%ns anteordinanges, inpluding�WlthOut limitation all Enyironmontal taws: Trustor authoiizoo"Lender and <br />Its agents to enter upon the Property to make such inspec one. and: sty; . at Trustor's� expense, Lender may deem appp, ropridts to <br />determine compliance of ttts property With this ctloh of the 0864 of Treat. AO-Ins poetlsn� 4rtests made bytender shall bo, i Loader's <br />purposes only and shall not be construed to create it by tespgita9hllfty o►lisbtiHyon the part ref Leridslr to.Tkustpr ofto anyotttef ttfon,Th@ <br />representations and warranties containers hefefn srp bas@d on uI? r`a' due, dint fm In Inyestleatlng� the Props • for ,.H .• <br />Substances. Trustor hereby fit) reuses an araiyps any o claatttst Lender r. insetrtifty' or c�rifrfttgiorr fn evait istor <br />becomes= lf8ble for cleanup pr of i r c siB unn oy.�soeh,t ` t lxtd i glees to lndemriify and tiaid tisrml L4nder',s atrfst sttyk •. yd 4U . <br />ciairns, tossE+s,` �abllihes, dame ,'penaki , a d`ex n � h ira�may` Clirpotly" or IMdir tty austsin or "Not IM"Ads �i�m'a: branch <br />of this section of the Bead of Trust pr as a c`pristquetice of any, use,, generation, manufacture, storage, dlsppsai, release tic theaiy�ad <br />1:; <br />s <br />-•. <br />s <br />r <br />t <br />/mom <br />f <br />WHEN RECORDED MAiL TO: <br />F=armers State hark <br />2nd and Vine <br />P. 0, Botc 240, <br />!Silva► fli Eck gait A&AA4_n*Aaaz <br />t <br />MAXMUM LIEN. The lien of thislpaoo of Tront:,is # n <br />THiS DEED OF TRUST $ 4*d A p ril <br />V0,04, 104 <br />NE 688I11 •, husbaand acid w'if are' jpintdf�itlttr(`� <br />Vine, P., O. 0ox 246,- 911Vor_ CNok, 0,0 <br />Sometimes sometimes as " Beneffelary'" ; 'atW Formero f � <br />68663( <br />referred to beliow set "Try *tai "� t <br />- CONVEI(ANf',E AND t3RANT: For *'aitl%IiS raft <br />tender ai>< BenQttctary; all of Trust''e"'Oht� #tier 4f1d`f <br />subsequently ,erected' or affixed bultding:t, itnp�yaEt�l <br />ditch rights (Including stock in utUf Est with dltch'or 1r TOa ti h tidl )�. <br />without limitation all minerals, oll, Oast geothermal and. similar °fttai <br />Nebraska- <br />Lots TwenW4, I c (26) atW 7 w 1*+ fiiltel �� <br />County,' Nbrt'tska,$Eft'i�t ,i+'afr ` <br />recorded In' 06OW90 air +ape 3 <br />' ill l >II p C <br />A <br />The Real Property or its ,*ddreqa. is r,ptt1lrlDfty <br />6881)3: <br />CROSS- COLLATF_RAi RATION. In,.addftion to - ft .NOte, #hl4 ao+ <br />Trustor to Lender, or any one or Moto otttlfrm, 4$ Wpl1 as MOO <br />OO <br />or hereafter arising, wheth related, qrr Itnralat 440111 :pt� ` °a <br />indirect, determined or und6termlhoOi absolute dr, ctfnirlgorat ritf <br />others, whether obligated as guarantsr; surety, acilorhmodapon part <br />may become barred by any statute oF`tlmMtlone, -4n ! whether th J <br />unenforceable. <br />FUTURE ADVANCES. Specifically, Without limita n, thi pel;!d �t <br />amounts tender, in Its discretion may loan to Trusto .014 <br />t� t ftti { <br />f� iii T fit in Irlf WIT YIIBR Op' S r fott, )4t �ng4t of <br />i it rino it s r l propel --tq gsxher wliti all Xistiop or <br />� n do, is Of �a attd , pttt an }a11 w+a ra ydteF�; ht> and <br />a apt rlohtst OY41Pes, and prb is'rsiafino to the r tp� -fin I in <br />B r`RipSl 'rop+aty�'j l0atd fn Heil ou o <br />'t j� I�virnl, Sn AddI �Q to City pf �i'etr,if� ls��rid, xHaU <br />�d�, � prtt�i�tlet�y�rs�t'ibsd Its ° W'fi� . pfliedtt; <br />Mt9` f,� D4, Mar i H rn A�►f nus, :.+3rt nd lal lgd,,t'NE <br />Tttaetu. all pbNgatlgns, debts acid Ilabilities, plus in #east tttsraon, of <br />�h�pa��'rdstor�r�an� or"'more °of them; +NhethefndW �dstino <br />�et6Vvttett ®r'1(dltthtarj+ or otherwise; whQttt®r riot! �' not o41s� ;dlteci or <br />lade dnligntd�ted whether �'rustor?ma be tiabio indivfdrtaliy sar•�gmNy'with <br />bttisrvdse, 4rtd vihetherrecovery upo tuk�tt amounts maytle'@r',hereafter <br />r� ores #•a in additi tQ .the ecnoui�)s spectHed in` the Mote; all More <br />'�re�t 1M�Iph <br />interest In the i'erson ii propertyan¢ ants tl �4 t <br />THIS DEED OF TRUST,- INCLUDItoo Ttt4F AS6PI Mol±T1 R Af1> >I 4tt )N'i Fi ST I Tt Y T$ l4_1 ? I S9NAt <br />PROPERTY, IS GIVENkTO SECURE tA) P►Ilr�f: � 'OP t D y „Pt:�i9P 3PtMf�+1 .` 11i1NNt► D; it.1 f�t0litT1ONS <br />UNDER THE NOTE, THE RELATE IaOCfJMBNr &; AND` fl '00'""', *' * S7'.s TH(8'RS `Fr'R fit uST tlliifSl+1'_At�lt� AFL p:�74'THE <br />FOLLOWING 't'ER04, <br />PAYMENT AND PERFORMANCE. `t:XOept iris other vf6e p'rovfdad fnvth�. d.of Trust,,Trustor shall,prt)+ to t;enderrall'amounts scouted by this <br />Deed of Trust as they become due, and shall strictly arPd In a timely f canner perform all of Trystoes obligstiorta under the'Note, this Doed:of Trust, <br />and the Related Documents. <br />POSSESSION AND MAINTENANCE Q Tt Pk E Yc �1'rustQr agraea that Trustoes pbs ssioFl arltt use of the Property, shall be'_govelrned <br />by the Wlowl ' provisions:�F. <br />Possession and Use. Until the boourrence of art EJe t of Rafaultr TrUMOr may (1) remain in pas iqn and #Qhtrol of the'Propsrty, (2) <br />use, operate or manage the= Propeity; and (3) dollert tie Aire frpm Propsrty. " <br />,. � . <br />Duty to Maintain. Trustor shall maintain the Property In goes atindlflgri" and promptly perform p0 reps rs,`replaceinents, and maintenance <br />necessary to preserve its-value: <br />Compliance Wltit Envtronmbntat t Ws: True oc rppt�e nts tnd wvarr tp Lender thafE, i) Qui ng the• pedot( of Trtlstdr' to�►a9rslilp of <br />the Property, there has besot no use rieraso , mairVfaature storage slmOnl,�disposal, rate seiorthrert#enad_rallsase;of a y' ai'dous <br />Substance,b)r aryr person on, under, aboutor irorp'the prdpaklyl {Z)" Timor has no knowledoe of, .or reason to b0f0ita tha"tgro fraa`n, <br />except as previously disclose d'to and acknowledge�i,. by Lender In wn�ino, a) .;any b , ach or violat on o> any Cn►+lrai mend L04-,(0) , .;any <br />use,'generaticn, manufacture, storages treatonent,: dlaposol; rele sa' yrht{ rtaa ned r As� a 4ny kle(z0 us S�lBtAnQ6 `err � urldpr� pttout �or <br />from the Property by any prier `own af thW cy ap t Fd by any <br />ce e t a' d <br />person oelatlno to such matters; and 0) bccet as previotrslyisclpsed tq rind acknowledged by Lndarfn wrhng, (a) `n�ittrer Trustor nor <br />any tenant, . contractor, agent or other authorized user of the P'ropetty shed use, generate, manufacture, More, traat, dispose of or release any <br />Hazardous Substance on, under, about or from the Properlyr a#d`, (b) any such activity shall be conducted in cQMplf4ncp with'alf applicable <br />federal, state, and local laws, reoulat%ns anteordinanges, inpluding�WlthOut limitation all Enyironmontal taws: Trustor authoiizoo"Lender and <br />Its agents to enter upon the Property to make such inspec one. and: sty; . at Trustor's� expense, Lender may deem appp, ropridts to <br />determine compliance of ttts property With this ctloh of the 0864 of Treat. AO-Ins poetlsn� 4rtests made bytender shall bo, i Loader's <br />purposes only and shall not be construed to create it by tespgita9hllfty o►lisbtiHyon the part ref Leridslr to.Tkustpr ofto anyotttef ttfon,Th@ <br />representations and warranties containers hefefn srp bas@d on uI? r`a' due, dint fm In Inyestleatlng� the Props • for ,.H .• <br />Substances. Trustor hereby fit) reuses an araiyps any o claatttst Lender r. insetrtifty' or c�rifrfttgiorr fn evait istor <br />becomes= lf8ble for cleanup pr of i r c siB unn oy.�soeh,t ` t lxtd i glees to lndemriify and tiaid tisrml L4nder',s atrfst sttyk •. yd 4U . <br />ciairns, tossE+s,` �abllihes, dame ,'penaki , a d`ex n � h ira�may` Clirpotly" or IMdir tty austsin or "Not IM"Ads �i�m'a: branch <br />of this section of the Bead of Trust pr as a c`pristquetice of any, use,, generation, manufacture, storage, dlsppsai, release tic theaiy�ad <br />1:; <br />