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LF205 -04 <br />200204741 <br />GENERAL POWER OF ATTORNEY <br />(With Durable Provision) <br />NOTICE: THIS IS AN IMPORTANT DOCUMENT. BEFORE SIGNING THIS DOCU- <br />MENT, YOU SHOULD KNOW THESE IMPORTANT FACTS. THE PURPOSE OF THIS <br />POWER OF ATTORNEY IS TO GIVE THE PERSON WHOM YOU DESIGNATE (YOUR <br />"AGENT") BROAD POWERS TO HANDLE YOUR PROPERTY, WHICH MAY <br />INCLUDE POWERS TO PLEDGE, SELL OR OTHERWISE DISPOSE OF ANY REAL <br />OR PERSONAL PROPERTY WITHOUT ADVANCE NOTICE TO YOU OR APPROVAL <br />BY YOU. YOU MAY SPECIFY THAT THESE POWERS WILL EXIST EVEN AFTER <br />YOU BECOME DISABLED, INCAPACITATED OR INCOMPETENT. THIS DOCUMENT <br />DOES NOT AUTHORIZE ANYONE TO MAKE MEDICAL OR OTHER HEALTH CARE <br />DECISIONS FOR YOU. IF THERE IS ANYTHING ABOUT THIS FORM THAT YOU DO <br />NOT UNDERSTAND, YOU SHOULD ASK A LAWYER TO EXPLAIN IT TO YOU. YOU <br />MAY REVOKE THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY IF YOU LATER WISH TO DO SO. <br />TO ALL PERSONS, be it known that I, Aj ( � t L Ct, ryN J -Kal`, <br />of 6�, I `r ! 1 e) M o Gqo� q <br />the undersigned Grantor, do hereby make and grant a general power of attorney to r <br />c �-- O l SQ r 'o' <br />I CYN0.�C s-�oYle Dr CrRQ �Q 1(e y � figo 64�o <br />and do thereupon constitute and appoint said individual as my attorney- in- fact/agent. <br />My attorney- in- fact/agent shall act in my name, place and stead in any way which I myself could do, if I <br />were personally present, with respect to the following matters, to the extent that I am permitted by law to act through <br />an agent: <br />(NOTICE: The grantor must write his or her initials in the corresponding blank space of a box below with respect <br />to each of the subdivisions (A) through (0) below for which the Grantor wants to give the agent authority. If the blank <br />space within a box for any particular subdivision is NOT initialed, NO AUTHORITY WILL BE GRANTED for mat- <br />ters that are included in that subdivision. Cross out each power withheld.) <br />[ ] (A) Real estate transactions <br />[ ] (B) Tangible personal property transactions <br />[ _k ] (C) Bond, share and commodity transactions <br />[ X ] (D) Banking transactions <br />(E) Business operating transactions <br />(F) Insurance transactions <br />[ X ] (G) Gifts to charities and individuals other than Attorney- in- Fact/Agent <br />(If trust distributions are involved or tax consequences iA4 nsult an attorney.) <br />1 <br />Page R� <br />10 <br />1992 -2001 E -Z Legal Forms, Inc. Pa g yo Rev. 03/01 <br />This product does not constitute the rendering of legal advice or services. This product is intended for informational -use +only #qd ib rAQ 4 titute for legal <br />advice. State laws vary, so consult an attorney on all legal matters. This product was not necessarily prepared by a person licensed to practice Ifiw in your state. <br />19 <br />