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<br />1. The real estate subject to this lien is A tract of land comprising a part of the
<br />Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (NE1 SW 1) of Section Twenty (20).
<br />Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6's P.M., City of Grand
<br />Island, Hall County, Nebraska, and more particularly described as follows:
<br />Beginning at a point Thirty Three (33.0) feet north of the south line of
<br />Said Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (NEI SW 1) and One
<br />Hundred Eight and Forty Five Hundredths (108.45) feet west of the east
<br />Line of said Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (NE1 S W 1) and
<br />Also being the southeast comer of the property formerly owned by the
<br />American Crystal Sugar Company and the west and north right of way
<br />Lines of public roads situated east and south of said property: thence N
<br />89' 05' 36" W (assumed bearings) along and upon said public road right
<br />of way line a distance of Three Hundred Thirty Three and Nineteen
<br />Hundredths (333.19) feet, thence N 00' 54' 24" E, a distance of Forty
<br />(40.0) feet, thence N 89' 05' 36" W, a distance of Twenty Five (25.0)
<br />feet: thence S 00' 54' 24" W, a distance of Forty (40.0) feet to a point
<br />on said public road right of way line: thence N 89' 05' 36" W along and
<br />upon said public road right of way line a distance of Six Hundred
<br />Eighteen and Sixty One Hundredths (618.61) feet to its intersection
<br />With the north right of way line of the Burlington Northern Railroad
<br />Belt Line: thence W 87' 16' 55" W, along and upon said railroad
<br />Right of way line, a distance of Two and Fifty One Hundredths (2.51)
<br />Feet to the southeast comer of Kiewit Subdivision; thence N 00' 00'
<br />00' E along and upon the east line of said Kiewit Subdivision, a distance
<br />of Six Hundred Sixty Three and Nine Hundredths (663.9) feet, thence
<br />S 89' 05' 36" E a distance of Nine Hundred Seventy Eight and Seventy Two
<br />Hundredths (978.72) feet to a point on the west right of way line of said
<br />Public road; thence S 00' 03' 04" E along and upon said right of way line
<br />A distance of Six Hundred Sixty. Four (664.0) feet to the point of beginning
<br />And containing 14.896 acres worth or less.
<br />2. The property owner against whose interest in the real estate lien is claimed is:
<br />Sunrise Express, 1420 S Ada Street, Grand Island, NE 68803.
<br />3. The name and address of the claimant is: Kriz -Davis Company, 2400 W Third
<br />Street, P O Box 1427, Grand Island, NE 68802.
<br />4. The person signing below is releasing person or persons from construction lien
<br />0020020'809 dated March 14, 2002.
<br />Kriz -Davis Company
<br />By; c e
<br />James E. Price, Vice President/Manager
<br />Subscribed and sworn to before me this /'X�C/ day of 2002, by
<br />James E. Price, Vice President/Manager of Kriz -Davis ComPaKy of behalf of the
<br />corporation.
<br />III GENERAL NDTARY -stale of Nebraska
<br />My Comm. UP. Jana 23 , 20b3 otmy Public
<br />S
<br />So
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<br />1. The real estate subject to this lien is A tract of land comprising a part of the
<br />Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (NE1 SW 1) of Section Twenty (20).
<br />Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6's P.M., City of Grand
<br />Island, Hall County, Nebraska, and more particularly described as follows:
<br />Beginning at a point Thirty Three (33.0) feet north of the south line of
<br />Said Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (NEI SW 1) and One
<br />Hundred Eight and Forty Five Hundredths (108.45) feet west of the east
<br />Line of said Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (NE1 S W 1) and
<br />Also being the southeast comer of the property formerly owned by the
<br />American Crystal Sugar Company and the west and north right of way
<br />Lines of public roads situated east and south of said property: thence N
<br />89' 05' 36" W (assumed bearings) along and upon said public road right
<br />of way line a distance of Three Hundred Thirty Three and Nineteen
<br />Hundredths (333.19) feet, thence N 00' 54' 24" E, a distance of Forty
<br />(40.0) feet, thence N 89' 05' 36" W, a distance of Twenty Five (25.0)
<br />feet: thence S 00' 54' 24" W, a distance of Forty (40.0) feet to a point
<br />on said public road right of way line: thence N 89' 05' 36" W along and
<br />upon said public road right of way line a distance of Six Hundred
<br />Eighteen and Sixty One Hundredths (618.61) feet to its intersection
<br />With the north right of way line of the Burlington Northern Railroad
<br />Belt Line: thence W 87' 16' 55" W, along and upon said railroad
<br />Right of way line, a distance of Two and Fifty One Hundredths (2.51)
<br />Feet to the southeast comer of Kiewit Subdivision; thence N 00' 00'
<br />00' E along and upon the east line of said Kiewit Subdivision, a distance
<br />of Six Hundred Sixty Three and Nine Hundredths (663.9) feet, thence
<br />S 89' 05' 36" E a distance of Nine Hundred Seventy Eight and Seventy Two
<br />Hundredths (978.72) feet to a point on the west right of way line of said
<br />Public road; thence S 00' 03' 04" E along and upon said right of way line
<br />A distance of Six Hundred Sixty. Four (664.0) feet to the point of beginning
<br />And containing 14.896 acres worth or less.
<br />2. The property owner against whose interest in the real estate lien is claimed is:
<br />Sunrise Express, 1420 S Ada Street, Grand Island, NE 68803.
<br />3. The name and address of the claimant is: Kriz -Davis Company, 2400 W Third
<br />Street, P O Box 1427, Grand Island, NE 68802.
<br />4. The person signing below is releasing person or persons from construction lien
<br />0020020'809 dated March 14, 2002.
<br />Kriz -Davis Company
<br />By; c e
<br />James E. Price, Vice President/Manager
<br />Subscribed and sworn to before me this /'X�C/ day of 2002, by
<br />James E. Price, Vice President/Manager of Kriz -Davis ComPaKy of behalf of the
<br />corporation.
<br />III GENERAL NDTARY -stale of Nebraska
<br />My Comm. UP. Jana 23 , 20b3 otmy Public
<br />S
<br />So
<br />