N.W. Car. SWl 4, Sec. 24,
<br />T1ON - R12 • Found Brass Cop
<br />22774' S 865515' f
<br />I ;
<br />LEGEND
<br />Pt. MIA, See. 24 rl #N-R l2W e- indicates 112 * Iron Pipe Found Unless Otherwise Noted
<br />o- hdcotes 1/2' Iron Pipe Placed Unkss Otherwise slated
<br />z ° A- Indicates ACTUAL Distance
<br />R
<br />R- indicates RECORDED Distance
<br />i e. 73.56' S BT1B36' E `mo
<br />2
<br />�I m , Ac.)
<br />b 212.19' A S 81-14'16' £ (Lot Area J.010
<br />® S25��3
<br />P
<br />31 91: b N o cni °
<br />y � O
<br />W
<br />Deryl 9 Sorg fret, Reg. Lon Su yor No. 578
<br />�. SI)R
<br />APP�40VALS
<br />Subnalted to and approved by the Regional Planning Commission of Hall Counly, Grand Island,
<br />Wood River and the Mayes of Aida, Cairo and Lbniphon, Nebraska.
<br />�.�� ,
<br />iiman �- Date
<br />approved and accelukd by the HaR County Board of Supervisors, this day of
<br />20102.
<br />Choirmon f The Board L County Clerk
<br />SENTS, that CHARLES MCTAY/SH ono BARBARA MCTAVISH, husband and
<br />wife, being the owners of the land described hereon, have caused same to be surveyed, subdivided,
<br />plated and designated as 'IICTAY/SH SUBDIVISION; Hall Counly, Nebraska, as shown on the
<br />accompanying plat thereof, and do hereby dedicate the road right of way as shown thereon to the
<br />public for their use forever and the easements, if any, as shown Maroon for the location,
<br />constructon and maintenance of public service utilities forever, together with the right of ingress
<br />and "s thereto, and hereby prohibitng the p /antng of Imes, bushes and shrubs, or placing
<br />other obstructions upon, over, along or underneath the surface of such easements, and that the
<br />foregoing subdivision as more particularly described in the description hereon as appears on this
<br />plat is made with the free consents and in accordance with the desires of the undersigned owners
<br />and proprietors.
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have affixed our signatures hereto at Grand Island, Nebraska, Ihis-hd—
<br />day of A, a, .Z , 2002.
<br />Chores McTavish Barbaro McTavish
<br />State Of Nebraska ss
<br />County Of &#
<br />On lheL_day of �r , 2002, before me, lD. r
<br />o Notary Pubtic *MN and *r said County, personally appeared CHARLES MCTAV/SH and BARBARA
<br />�+± MCTAK.' husband and wife, hb me personal* known to be the identical persons whose signatures
<br />Approved and accepted by tie City of Woad River, Nebraska, this J/e day of are affixed hereto, and tad rae& olio: scArnwlliel�s the executan thereof to be his or her voluntary
<br />i —, 2001. act and deed.
<br />IN WMESS WHEREOF, l have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my official seal at Grand
<br />Mayor C1ty /stand, Nebraska, on the date lost above wrilMi►
<br />My commission expires FeAn� 7 t 3+ z ca 4
<br />(Seal)
<br />rIJIARY
<br />otary Puw yA E4PIHES
<br />Jj`FB,l3l!
<br />tR'FUr NE6�P
<br />Rockwell And Assoc. - Engineering k Surveying - Grand Island, Nebraska
<br />Sheet No. 1 Of 1
<br />/ oc` [O
<br />C. O
<br />r S
<br />r P c1'
<br />co
<br />Q g
<br />(Lot Area 3.008 Ac.) �' o �,
<br />� oea ,
<br />'
<br />""
<br />'LEGAL
<br />C,e
<br />I
<br />°�° ��e s� DESCRIPTION
<br />o�'hi pt W A tract of land comprising a part of the Southwest Quarter (SW114), of Section Twenty Four (14),
<br />Township Ten (10) North, Range Twelve (12) West, of the 6th PC in Hall County, Nebraska and
<br />more pod1cularly described as follows:
<br />Beginning at the northwest comer of said Southwest Quarter (SW1 14); thence running southerly
<br />along the west line of said Southwest Quarter (SWl /4), on on Assumed Bearing of SOD'00 21, o
<br />p l�
<br />distance of One Thousand Three Hundred Fifty Two and Sixty Nine Hundredths (1352.69) feet, 10 the
<br />I R°°d
<br />tppL 11�g�
<br />cenlerline of Old M01ory Rood; thence running ASM44187r, along the centerline of Old Military
<br />0011 p�
<br />Road, a distance of Eight Hundred Eighty Four and Forty One Hundredths (884.41) feet, to the
<br />•' �
<br />�
<br />ACTUAL point of beginning; thence running N00'19'49'W a distance of Six Hundred Eighty Three and
<br />•ye E Pt. SW 1/4 Sec. 24 T 1ON-R 12W
<br />Seven Hundredths (683.07) feet, thence running S13'36'36T,, a distance of One Hundred Eighty four
<br />and Ninety Nine Hundredths (184.99) feet; thence running 58714'16T,, a distance of Two Hundred
<br />Amlve and Nineteen Hundredths (112.19) feet; fhence running N4529747, a distance of One
<br />'
<br />Hundred Sixty One and Thirty One Hundredths (161.31) f ee f, thence running NO3'05'09'W, a dislonce
<br />of One Hundred Sixty Five and Seventy Seven Hundredths (165.77) feel; thence runnin g S8F552511,
<br />*YCffS CERMIC/4T
<br />a dlsfance of Two Hundred Twenty Seven and Seventy Four Hundredths (227.74) feel; thence running
<br />N
<br />I hereby certify that on March 11, 2002, / comp/eled an accurate survey of 'MCTAY/SH
<br />S03'0435'W, a distance of One Hundred Forty Six and Ninety Seven Hundredths (146.97) feet;
<br />a , SUBOI ION; Hall Counly, Nebraska, as shown on the accompanying plat thereof; that
<br />thence running S8718'36T,, a distance of Seventy Three and FiNy Six Hundredths (73.56) feet;
<br />1 the lots, blocks, streets, avenues, olleys, parks, commons and other grounds as
<br />thence running S34'36'27'E, a distance of Two Hundred Fourteen and forty Six Hundredths (214.46)
<br />contained in said subdivision as shown on the accompanying plat thereof are well and
<br />feet, to a paint on the centerline of Old Military Road; thence running S60'44'38'W, along the
<br />accurately staked off and marked; that iron markers were placed at all lot comers; that
<br />centerline of Old Military Road, a distance of Eight Hundred Eighty Five and Four Tenths (885.40)
<br />the dimensions of each lot are as shown on the p/ol; that each lot bears its own
<br />feet, to the ACTUAL point of beginning and containing 6.819 acres more or less.
<br />3 I number, and that said survey was made with reference to known and recorded
<br />1 monuments.
<br />EDl n
<br />a n
<br />W
<br />Deryl 9 Sorg fret, Reg. Lon Su yor No. 578
<br />�. SI)R
<br />APP�40VALS
<br />Subnalted to and approved by the Regional Planning Commission of Hall Counly, Grand Island,
<br />Wood River and the Mayes of Aida, Cairo and Lbniphon, Nebraska.
<br />�.�� ,
<br />iiman �- Date
<br />approved and accelukd by the HaR County Board of Supervisors, this day of
<br />20102.
<br />Choirmon f The Board L County Clerk
<br />SENTS, that CHARLES MCTAY/SH ono BARBARA MCTAVISH, husband and
<br />wife, being the owners of the land described hereon, have caused same to be surveyed, subdivided,
<br />plated and designated as 'IICTAY/SH SUBDIVISION; Hall Counly, Nebraska, as shown on the
<br />accompanying plat thereof, and do hereby dedicate the road right of way as shown thereon to the
<br />public for their use forever and the easements, if any, as shown Maroon for the location,
<br />constructon and maintenance of public service utilities forever, together with the right of ingress
<br />and "s thereto, and hereby prohibitng the p /antng of Imes, bushes and shrubs, or placing
<br />other obstructions upon, over, along or underneath the surface of such easements, and that the
<br />foregoing subdivision as more particularly described in the description hereon as appears on this
<br />plat is made with the free consents and in accordance with the desires of the undersigned owners
<br />and proprietors.
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have affixed our signatures hereto at Grand Island, Nebraska, Ihis-hd—
<br />day of A, a, .Z , 2002.
<br />Chores McTavish Barbaro McTavish
<br />State Of Nebraska ss
<br />County Of &#
<br />On lheL_day of �r , 2002, before me, lD. r
<br />o Notary Pubtic *MN and *r said County, personally appeared CHARLES MCTAV/SH and BARBARA
<br />�+± MCTAK.' husband and wife, hb me personal* known to be the identical persons whose signatures
<br />Approved and accepted by tie City of Woad River, Nebraska, this J/e day of are affixed hereto, and tad rae& olio: scArnwlliel�s the executan thereof to be his or her voluntary
<br />i —, 2001. act and deed.
<br />IN WMESS WHEREOF, l have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my official seal at Grand
<br />Mayor C1ty /stand, Nebraska, on the date lost above wrilMi►
<br />My commission expires FeAn� 7 t 3+ z ca 4
<br />(Seal)
<br />rIJIARY
<br />otary Puw yA E4PIHES
<br />Jj`FB,l3l!
<br />tR'FUr NE6�P
<br />Rockwell And Assoc. - Engineering k Surveying - Grand Island, Nebraska
<br />Sheet No. 1 Of 1
<br />