<br />Loan No: 34267 200204557 (Continued) ; , t Pages
<br />Trust" and shall deposit with Trustee Mil Dead of Trust and do Note and such receipts and evidence of expsdhura moo and
<br />assured by this Death of Trust as Trustee my require
<br />(a) Upon recept of such notico from Lender, Trustee shall tae to be recorded; Published and delivered to Truslor such Notice
<br />of Default and Notice of Sete Me than required by law and by this Deed of Trust. Trustee shall, without demand on Tlueor, after
<br />such time a may . than he required by law and after recordation of such Naa of Default and after Notice of Selo having been
<br />given as required by law, sell the Propedy'at ore time and place of safe fixed by h in such Notice of Sale, either as a whole, or in
<br />separate one or parcels of Hams et, Trustees shall deem expedient, and In such order as it may determine, at public auction to the
<br />highest bidder for cash In lawful money of the United Stable payable It due time of sale. Trustee shall deliver M such purchaser or
<br />purchasers thereof Its good and sufficient deed or deeds conveying ore property W sold, but without any cove v rt or warranty,
<br />express or implied. The recitals In such dead of any meters a facts shall be concluswe proof of the truthfulness thereof. Any
<br />person, Including without limitation Trustor. Trustee, or Lender, may purchase at such sale.
<br />(b) As may be permitted by law, after deducting all mats, fees and expenses of Trustee and of this Trust including costs of
<br />evidence of the In connection whh sets, Trustee shall apply the proceeds at sale to payment of (I) all sums expended under the
<br />terms of Me Deed of Trust or under the terms of the Note nt then repeal, Insight but not limited ou accrued Interest and late
<br />charges, (11) all other sums than secured hereby, and (Ilg the rerra boar, If any, to the person or persons legally "god thereto.
<br />(c) Trustee may In the manner provided by law poagb a sets of all Or any portion of nip Pecrefty..
<br />Remedles Not Exclusive. Trustee and Lender, and such of them, shell be engfed ro enforce payment and penormane of any
<br />indebtedness or obligations secured by this Deed of Trust and to exercise all rights and powers under this Death of Trust, under the Note,
<br />wrier any of the Related Documents, or under any Otter agreamentermy laws now or hereafter In tome; no w'Ithatandhng, acre or all of
<br />such Indebtedness and obligations secured by this Deed of Trust may now or hereafter be othery lse secured, whether by mortgage, deed of
<br />trust, pledge. Ilan, assignment or Ofnrwlse. Neither the acceptance of His Deed of Trust nor its enforcement; whether by court action of
<br />pareuant W the power of sale or other powers contained In this Dead of Trust, shall prejudice or In any manner affect Trustee§ or Lender's
<br />right to realize upcn or enforce any other security now or hereafter held try Trustee or Lander, it being agreed that Trustee and Lander, and
<br />each of them, shall be on it eft to enforce this Dead of Trust and any other security now or ha eafter held by Lander or Trustee in such order
<br />and nano as they or Butter of them may In their absolute discretion r ele rn ing. No remedy conferral Upon or reserved to Trustee or
<br />Lander, is intended to be exclusive of any other remedy In this Dean of Trust y by law provided or permitted, but each shall be cumufetive
<br />and shall be In addition to every other remedy given In this Deed off Trust or now or hereafter existing at low or in equity or by statute. Every
<br />power or remedy given by the Nate or any of ode Related Documents to Trustee or Lender or o which ether of them may be Otherwise
<br />entPoed, may be exercised, concurrently or Independently, train tone W gone and as often as may be deigned expedient by Trustee or Lender,
<br />end ether of them may pursue Inconsistent remedies. Nothing In this Dead of True shall be construed a pmhtbging Lender farm seeking a
<br />degcieroy judgment agai net due Truster to the extent such action is Permitted by law. Election by Lander to pursue any remedy shall not
<br />exclude pursuit of any other remedy, and an election H make expenditures a to take action to Perform an obligation of Trustor under this
<br />Deed of Trust, after Troatar's failure to perform, shall not affect Lender's right to declare a defaut and exercise its remedies.
<br />Request for Notice. Trusbor, on behalf of Trusts and Lander; hereby requests that a copy of any Notice of Default and a copy of any Notice
<br />of Safe under MIe Death of Trust be meted to form at fn addresses sat forth In the first paragraph of this Dead of Trust.
<br />Attorneys' Fees; Expaims". If Lender institutes any suit or action to efface any of the tern of this Deed of Trust, Lender shall be entitled
<br />to recover such sum as the court may adjudge reasonable as attorneys' fees at trial and upon any appeal. Whether or not any court action Is
<br />Involved, and to the extent not prohibited by law, all reasonable expenses Lander Incurs that N Lenders opinion are necessary at any tans
<br />for the protection of is Interest or the enforcement of is rights stall aecans a part of the Indebtedness payable on demand and shall bear
<br />interest at the NOW rate from the date of Me expenditure until record. Expenes covered by this paragraph Include, without limitation,
<br />however subject to any limits under applicable law, Landers adomays' fees and Lendens legal expenses, whether or not there Is a lawsuit,
<br />Including momeys fees and expanses fa berboupa y proceedings Orsaggng efforts to modify or vacate any outomatlp stay or injunction),
<br />appeala, and any anwipanrl i»'',uuBmam asil sar«.rM ,Lm, ,At of samhpg :a:ora: butiefng!1016 mPmta {krcWdi gfOoCkituro
<br />reports), surveyors reports, and appraisal foal the Insurance, and fees for the Trustee, to the extent permitted by applicable low. Truster
<br />also will pay any court costs, In addition M all other sums provided by law..
<br />flights of Trust". Trustee shall have all of the rights and duties of Lender as set forth In this Seaion..
<br />POWERS AND OBLIGATIONS OF TRUSTEE The fotkrwag provisions relating to the powers and obligations of Trustee are heart of thin Deed of
<br />Trust
<br />Powers of Trustee. In addition to all powers of Trustee arising as a mater of law, Trust" shall have the power to take the following actions
<br />with respect to tie Property upon the within request of Lender and Treanor. (a) join in preparing and filing a map or plat of the Real
<br />Property, mobbing the dedication of sheets or other rights to the public; (b) join in grandng any easement or treeing any restriction on the
<br />Reel Property: and (c) join in any subordination or other agreement effecfing this Deed of Trust a the Interest of Lender under this Deed of
<br />Trust.
<br />Trustee. Trustee shat meet all quatficafion required for Trustee under applicable law. In addition to the rights and remedies sat forth
<br />above, with respect to all or any part of the Property, the Trustee shall have the dim to foreclose by'noti and sate, and Lander shall have
<br />the right to foreclose by judicial foreclosure. In either case in accommuce With and to the full extent provided by applicable law.
<br />Successor Trustee. Lender, at Lender's Option, may from time M rime appoint a successor Tratee M any Trustee appointed under this
<br />Dam! of Trust by an Instrument executed and acknowledged! by Lender and recorded in the Office of fire recorder of Hell County, State of
<br />Nebraska. The Inshumert shall contain, In addition to all other meter required by state law, the name of the original Lender, Trustee, and
<br />Trustor, the book and page (or computer system reference) where. this Deed of Trust is recorded, and tin more and address of Me
<br />successor trustee, and the instrument shall be executed and acknowledged by all Me bengclarla under this Deed of Trust or their
<br />successors In inerest. The successor trustee, without conveyance of the Property, shall succeed to all the this, power, and duties cenforred
<br />upon the Trustee in this Deed of Trust and by applicable law. This procedure for substitution of Trustee shall govern to the excluskm of all
<br />other provisions for substitution.
<br />NOTICES. Any notice required to be given under this Dead of Trust. Including without limitation any notice of default and any notice of sale shall
<br />be given in writing, and shall be effective when actually delivered, when actually reserved by Wefacsinge (unless otherwise required by law),
<br />when deposhed with a regionally recognized ovemight courts, or, If mailed, when deposited in the United States mall, a$ first olds, conleed or
<br />registered mall postage prepdki; directed to rho addresses shown now tine beginning of this Dead of Trust all copies of notices of foreclosure
<br />from Me holder of any lion which has priority over this Deed of Trust shall be sent o Lander's address, a shown near the beginning of this Dead
<br />of Trust Any party may change its address for noticed under this Dever of Trust by going forme written notice W the other padta, specVog Met
<br />the purpose of Me notice Is Fa change the partys addrosit. For notch purposes, Trustor agrees to keep Lender informed a% sit fines of Travers
<br />current address Unless otherwise pm kW on required by law, ff there Is more Man one Traitor, any ngce given by Lends to any Truster is
<br />deemed to he nave given W all Trusters.
<br />MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS. The following miscellaneous provisions are e: pan of this Deed of Trust
<br />Amendments. This Deed of Trust, togeMer with any Related Documents, consMutes the entire understanding and agreement of the panties
<br />ea to Me maters set forth in this Deed of Trust. No alteration of or amendment b this Dead of Trust shall be effective unless gwon in writing
<br />and signed by the party or pages sought to be charged or bound by the eierallon or amendment.
<br />Annual Reports, If Me Property Is used for purposes other than Trustoes residence, Trutor shall furnish to Lander, upon request, a certified
<br />statement of no operating Income received horn the Property during Trustors previous teal year In such tome and sell as Lander shall
<br />require. "Net operating inane' shall man all cash receipts from the Properly . lea all cash expenditures made In connection with the
<br />operation of Me Property.
<br />Caption Headings. Caplion hearings in His Deed of Trust are for ocnvnnlence purposes only and are not to be used to aterpret or define
<br />the provisions of this Dead of Trust
<br />Merger. There shall be no merger of Me Interest or estate created by this DOW of Trust with any ether interest or estate In Me Property at
<br />any time hold by or for the benefit of Lender in any capacity, without Me written consent of Lender.
<br />Governing Law. This Deed of Trust will be governed by, construed and enforced In accordance with federal law and the laws of the
<br />