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Received: 3/20/ 2 3.00PM; 4028294237 -- NEBRASKA INVESTMENT FINANCE AUTH; Page 2 <br />_03/19/2002 18:33 4028294237 COMMERCIAL PAGE 02 <br />EXHIBIT „A" 97m 1i 339 <br />Commencing at: the No.rtl) east corner or Fractiol7al l.ot 10, Cedar Park <br />AddlLiort, ; ire the Ci tY of Grand 1slaijd, 11all County, Nebraska, and <br />running Southeasterly on the zasterly line of said rracEloval Lot 10 <br />and Westerly line of Wa9hiilgL-o1, Streel;, a distance of 65.0 Ceet to <br />l:he polttt of beginningl thence dpf,iecting night 90 Degrees and run, <br />Ming Westerly to t11e • point; of intersection Frith the Lille between said <br />Cedar- park Addition and fractional Lot 17, couriry Subdivision, in <br />t>>e 6outllvest; Quarter (Swk) of SeeLlon 16, <br />9 West, in the City of Grand Island, ]tail Counts, N r North, thing <br />Of 10-1 r'eet/ t:hernce running Easterly on said line eNbetWeen �Cedar Spaxlce <br />addition and rractional Lot 17, COLUILy Subdivision a distance of •20, <br />Feet to Elie Easterly lute of said Addition Fract-io;1al Lot 10,, Cec]ar <br />acrd tractional Lot trot 17, Cou,lt-y Park Su>JC7ivision, also being t;l1e Wesl-,er1.y line <br />of htaslrirlgLon Streel;; t)tence running Northwesterly on said Westerly <br />.line of Washingt<oll Street a distance or 10 feet to -lie point o� <br />beginj>Iitig. <br />UiI[7 <br />A tract of land in the City of- Gran( <br />island, Nebraska, beirlg a part of LOL -Seventeen (17) in County Subdivision In the <br />S,L)UtheaSt Quartet o� Elie Southwest Qtiorter (SI;�iSWj) of SecLion Sixteen (365), Town- <br />ship Eleven (11) , North, Range Nine (9) , 14est or- the Gt1i P-M. in Hall Cour,Ly, <br />Nebraska, more parti,c-u iar l.y described as follows- De�ginning at the nol'thwesterl. <br />corner of the intersection of Washington Street and Koenig in said City; thence <br />running southwesterly on the not: hex ly line of Koenig Street f or a r l�. stance of <br />52.8 feet to the southeasterly corner of Trot 9 in Cecar Park Adoition to said <br />City; thence running northerly on the ea*terly line of sand Lot 9 for a c1istance <br />of 85-5 feet to the southwesterly corner of Lot 10 in said Cedar Park Adclition: <br />thence running easterly on Hie southerly line of said Lot 10 for a distance of <br />60.4 feet, Riore or less, to Uie souL-heasterly corner of said Lot 10; thence <br />running souLherly oji the southerl, l tjr,olongation of the easterly line of Said <br />Lot 10, also being the Westerly line of said Washington Street, for a <br />distance or 56.2 feet to the point of beginning. <br />Excepting a c-er_tain tract therefrom as-recorded in Warranty <br />Deed as Document No 93-- 106422 in the Reg -f-ster of Deeds Office. <br />
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