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04/24/2002 17:06 FAX 14024714429 NEBRASKA UCC Q903/005 <br />Part of Lots One (1) and Two (2) in Block Eight (8) <br />Original Town of Cairo, Hall County, Nebraska, described <br />as beginning at a point 30 feet North of the Southwest <br />corner of said Lot 1, Block 8, on the Westerly line of said <br />lot, thence Southerly along the Westerly lice of said Lots 1 <br />and 2 of said Block 8, a distance of 70 feet, thence easterly, <br />parallel to the Southerly line of said Lot 2, Block 8, a <br />distance of 140 feet to the Easterly line of said Lot 2, Block <br />8, to a point 10 feet North of the Southeast corner of said <br />Lot 2, Block 8, thence Northerly along and upon the <br />Easterly line of said Lots 2 and 1, Block 8, a distance of <br />52.08 feet to the Southerly right ofway line ofI3ighway #2, <br />thence Northwesterly along the Southerly right of way line <br />of said Highway #2, to a point which is 30 feet Northerly <br />from the Souttherly line of said Lot 1, Block 8, thence <br />continuing Westerly, 30 feet from the Southerly line of said <br />Lot 1, Block 8 to the point of beginning. <br />200204544 <br />