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M n n <br />M (D_n <br />S n p <br />M CA <br />�6 <br />M <br />0 <br />200204494 <br />Space above litre for rrcordinC porpuses. .� <br />(2166708 <br />SUBORDINATION AGREEMENT <br />NOTICF: This subordination agreement rcxalts in your security;ntcresl in Elie property becorning subject to and of lower pr ;ority <br />thin the lifi) orsomc other or later .wurity in,trurnrat <br />This Agreement is made this 5`' day of April 2002, by and between Pacesetter <br />Corporation with its headquarters located at 4405 S. 9611' Street (herein called "Lien Holder" <br />and Wells Fargo I(omc Mortgage, Inc. with its main office located in the State of Nebraska <br />(herein called the "Lender "). <br />RECITALS <br />Lien Hoiclertiis the benetic ary/1-nor gagee under a deed of trrust/ <br />2001 executed by Diego Tum Ind Laura A. Monge (the "Debtor ")lwh which Wei dated eco recorded April th <br />county of Ylall, State of Nebraska, as Document No. 200104136 (the "Subordinated ded in the <br />Instrnlmcrntrr) covering real property located in Grand Island in the above - named <br />ed count of <br />Hall, State of Nebraska, as more particularly described in the Subordinated Instrumelit(tile <br />"Property "). <br />F11,kMIONAL LOT 6, FRACTIONAL RLCOK 132, UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COS SECOND <br />ADINTION AND IT'S C.OMPLEM ENT; !FRACTIONAL LOT 6 IN <br />VOITI -E'S ADDITION, CITY Or. GRAND ISLAND, I�ALLCOUNTY,�NEBRASK RLCOK 5, JOHN <br />A <br />Lender will make a loan to the Debtor secured by a deed of trust/mortgage on die Pro p e <br />which will be recorded (the Gender Instrument"). The Lender Ilzstrumcni will secure a rty <br />promissory note /line Of credit agrcernev in the amot.lnt of <br />$4900.00. <br />Lien Holder has agreed to executer and deliver this Subordination Agreement. <br />9/27/01 <br />P�'1R <br />r <br />CD <br />N <br />O --i <br />c o <br />Z <br />c::) <br />< co <br />C0Fj <br />N <br />CD <br />C) <br />N <br />C10 <br />C <br />rni <br />cc <br />00 <br />CJ) r <br />S <br />(I! <br />200204494 <br />Space above litre for rrcordinC porpuses. .� <br />(2166708 <br />SUBORDINATION AGREEMENT <br />NOTICF: This subordination agreement rcxalts in your security;ntcresl in Elie property becorning subject to and of lower pr ;ority <br />thin the lifi) orsomc other or later .wurity in,trurnrat <br />This Agreement is made this 5`' day of April 2002, by and between Pacesetter <br />Corporation with its headquarters located at 4405 S. 9611' Street (herein called "Lien Holder" <br />and Wells Fargo I(omc Mortgage, Inc. with its main office located in the State of Nebraska <br />(herein called the "Lender "). <br />RECITALS <br />Lien Hoiclertiis the benetic ary/1-nor gagee under a deed of trrust/ <br />2001 executed by Diego Tum Ind Laura A. Monge (the "Debtor ")lwh which Wei dated eco recorded April th <br />county of Ylall, State of Nebraska, as Document No. 200104136 (the "Subordinated ded in the <br />Instrnlmcrntrr) covering real property located in Grand Island in the above - named <br />ed count of <br />Hall, State of Nebraska, as more particularly described in the Subordinated Instrumelit(tile <br />"Property "). <br />F11,kMIONAL LOT 6, FRACTIONAL RLCOK 132, UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COS SECOND <br />ADINTION AND IT'S C.OMPLEM ENT; !FRACTIONAL LOT 6 IN <br />VOITI -E'S ADDITION, CITY Or. GRAND ISLAND, I�ALLCOUNTY,�NEBRASK RLCOK 5, JOHN <br />A <br />Lender will make a loan to the Debtor secured by a deed of trust/mortgage on die Pro p e <br />which will be recorded (the Gender Instrument"). The Lender Ilzstrumcni will secure a rty <br />promissory note /line Of credit agrcernev in the amot.lnt of <br />$4900.00. <br />Lien Holder has agreed to executer and deliver this Subordination Agreement. <br />9/27/01 <br />