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_ > <br />t) z t7 = <br />n = o <br />'J <br />t8paca Abova Ufa line For Itacordlnp Oala) <br />L <br />C <br />s7 to <br />C:) <br />C a <br />N <br />� <br />:;:o <br />CD <br />rq <br />� <br />O <br />CAD <br />C") <br />o <br />o <br />C=w <br />� s <br />-- <br />ry <br />CD <br />r �► Z <br />r <br />r A <br />- <br />CAP <br />tt� <br />('' cn <br />tr <br />s <br />C.3 <br />3> <br />C73 <br />co <br />C.-D <br />fz) <br />200204467 <br />DEED OF RECONVEYANCE <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS; <br />THAT WHEREAS, all of Ilia Indebtedness oeoured by Ilia Deed of Trim exeouled by <br />KARL A QUANDT A SINGLE PERSON <br />to BANK OF DONIPHAN <br />Truolaa for Ilia <br />benefit of BANK OF DONIPHAN P 0 BOX 270 DONIPHAN NE 68832 Ilea <br />panellolary named therein dated MARCH 3, 1995 and reoordod MARCH 8, 1995 In Iha 01,100 of Iha <br />Register of Deads of HALL 0011111y, NEBRASKA , InsLrtutlenL No. <br />95101310 of Ilia Trust Deed Records of said County line been paid, and said Beneficiary line requasled In willing That ilia <br />Dead of Reoonveyanoe be exeouled and delivered, <br />NOW TIIEREFORE, In oonelderatlon of suoh payment and In acoordanoe Willi Ilia request of ilia Benallclary nanr :.; 1116181n, ilia <br />underaluned as Trustee does by these presents, grant, MINGO. r0laaae and reoonvay to Ilia person or persons anllllad lheialo all ilia <br />Interest and estate dalived to said Trustee by or throunh said Dealt of Trust In ilia following clascilbed properly; <br />A tract or land comprising a part of the North Half of the Northwest Quarter (N112 NW1/4), of Section Twelve (12), Township <br />t' Twelve (12) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 61h p.M. in Hart County, Nebraska, more particularly described as follows: <br />Beginning at the Northeast corner of said North Half of the Northwest Quarter (N112 NWl /4); thence running Smrtherly aloy the <br />East line of said North Half of the Northwest quarter (N112 NW1 /4), s distance of one thousand three hundred thirty -nine and <br />thirteen hundredths (1339.13) feet, to the Southeast corner or said North Half of the Northwest quarter (141/2 NWl /4); thence <br />deflecting right 88° 55' 07" and running Westerly along the South line of said North half of the Northwest quarter (NI/2 NW1 /4), a <br />distance of two thousand ninety and fifteen hundredths (2090.15) feet; thence deflecting right 72° 24' 52" and running <br />Northwesterly a distance of three hundred seventy four and sixteen hundredths (374.16) feet; thence denecting lent 28° 35' 15" and <br />running Northwesterly a distance of one hundred eight and sixty -seven hundredths (108.67) feet; theme deflecting right 25° 47' 32" <br />and running Northwesterly a distance of one hundred ninety -five and sixty -eight hundredths (195.68) feet; thence deflecting right <br />82° 22' 05" and running Northeasterly a distance of two hundred thirty -six and one tenth (236.10) feed; thence deflecting right 01° <br />56' 26" and running Northeasterly a distance of one hundred ninety -one and eighty seven hundredths (191.87) feet; thence <br />deflating right 17° 27' 40" and running Northeasterly a distance of one hundred forty -two and eighty -five hundredths (142.85) feet; <br />thence deflating left 23° 58' 46" and running Northeasterly a distance of two hundred thirty-eight and forty -seven hundredths <br />(238.47) feet; thence denoting left 23° 14' 12" and running Northeasterly a distance of eighty -four and two hundredths (84.02) feet; <br />thence denoting left 17° 13' 56" and running Northeasterly a distance of three hundred nine and eleven hundredths (309.11) feet, <br />to a point on the North line of said North half of the Northwest quarter (NI/2 NWI /4); thence deflecting right 72.33' 58" and <br />running easterly along the North line of said North half or the Northwest quarter (NI/2 NW1 /4), ■ distance or one thousand five <br />hundred fifteen and twenty -three hundredths (1515.23) feet, to the point of beginning and containing 60.513 acres more or less of <br />which 1.150 acres more or less is presently occupied by public road right of way. Net 59.363 acres more or less. <br />TOGETt1ER WIT}i ALL buildings, fixtures, rinprovemenls anti appunenanctle clel❑ngmg co sucn premises. <br />DATED APRIL 22, 2002 <br />I <br />,TON A TH EXtt f VICE PRESIDENT <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA <br />es. <br />COUNTY OF HALL <br />On this 22ND day of APRIL 02002 , before me, Ilia undersigned, a Notary Public In and for Bald <br />state, personalty appeared JON A HEATH EXEC VICE •PRESIDENT BANK OF DONIPHAN BOX 270 DONIPHAN NE 68832 <br />Trustee, to me known to be the Identical person narned In and who executed the foregoing Inslmmeril, and acknowledged Thal he <br />executed the same as his voluntary act and deed. <br />Notary Public In andjersaid Slalo <br />I JMMR& NOTARY - Siva Of NM .W <br />TERRY IG RATHMAN <br />- — Myi Coff m. EW Oct, 21,2005 <br />'a.IMQ (2/97) <br />