<br />THAT WHEREAS, all of Iha Indeblednees oaoured by Ilia Deed of Tnlel exeoiled by
<br />Ilia
<br />V�
<br />benefit of BANK OF DONIPHAN P 'O BOX 270 DONIPHAN NE 68832 Tlu ia
<br />elae lot IIl
<br />Beneficiary named therein doled FEB 24, 1997 and reoordod MAY ' In Ilia oUloa of ilia
<br />Register of needs of HALL County, NEBRASKA t It19LL'1Ui1In Ilia
<br />No.
<br />97 103467 of Iha Trust peed Records of Bald Counly Ilse been paid, and sold Hanaflclary line requested In willlno that ilia
<br />Dead of Raoonveyance be executed and delivered,
<br />NOW THEREFORE, In conalderallon of suoh payment and In accordance Willi ilia 10(111861 of the Beneficiary nam Uiereln, ilia
<br />underaloned as Trustee (foes by these presents, orant, remise, release and reoonvay to ilia person or persons antitlad lherato all Ilia
<br />Interest and eslala de(Ived to said Tivalea by or Ihrouol► said Head of Tr11st In ilia following descrlhed properly;
<br />A tract of land comprising a part of the North Half of the N.rthwest Quarter (NI/2 NW1 14), of Section Twelve (12), Township
<br />Twelve (12) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M. in Hall County, Nebraska, more particularly described as follows:
<br />i
<br />Beginning at the Northeast corner of said North Half of the Northwest Quarter (N112 NW1 14); thence running Southerly along the
<br />Fast line of said North Half of the Northwest quarter (MI/2 NW1 14), a distance of one thousand three hundred thirty -nine and
<br />thirteen hundredths (1339.13) feet, to the Southeast corner of said North Half of the Northwest quarter (N112 NW1 14); thence
<br />deflecting right 88' 55' 07" and running Westerly along the South line of said North half of the Northwest quarter (N1 12 NWl /4), a
<br />distance of two thousand ninety and fifteen hundredths (2090.15) feet; thence deflecting right 72' 24' 52" and running
<br />Northwesterly a distance of three hundred seventy four and sixletrn hundredths (374.16) feet; thence deflecting left 28' 35' 15" and
<br />running Northwesterly a distance of one hundred eight and sixty -seven hundredths (108.67) feet; thence deflecting right 25' 47' 32"
<br />and running Northwesterly a distance of one hundred ninety-five and sixty-eight hundredths (195.68) feet; thence deflecting right
<br />82' 22' 05" and running Northeasterly a distance of two hundred thirty -six and one tenth (236.10) feed; thence deflecting right 01'
<br />56' 26" and running Northeasterly a distance of one hundred ninety-one and eighty seven hundredths (191.87) feet; thence
<br />deflecting right 17' 27' 40" and running Northeasterly a distance of one hundred forty -two and eighty-rive hundredths (142.85) feet;
<br />thence deflecting left 23" 58' 46" and running Northeasterly a distance of two hundred thirty -eight and forty -seven hundredths
<br />(238.47) feet; thence deflecting left 23' 14' 12" and running Northeasteiiy a distance of eighty -four and two hundredths (84.02) feet;
<br />thence deflecting left 17' 13' S6" and running Northeasterly a distance of then hundred nine and eleven hundredths (309.11) feet,
<br />to a point on the North lire of said North half of the Northwest quarter (N1/2 NW1 14); thence deflecting right 72. 33' 58" and
<br />running easterly along the North line of said North half of the Northwest quarter (N112 NW114), a distance of one thousand five
<br />hundred firteen and twenty-three hundredths (1515.23) fat, to the point of beginning and containing 60.513 acres more or less or
<br />which 1.150 acres more or less is presently occupied by public road right or way. Net 59.363 acres more or less.
<br />TOGETHER WIT}1 ALL buildings, inures, Improvements and appurtenances Delonoing to such premises.
<br />DATED APRIL 22, 2002
<br />V
<br />ss.
<br />On this 22ND day of . APRIL 2002 , before me, Ilia undersigned, a Notary Publlo In and for said
<br />state, personally appeared JON A HEATH, EXEC VICE PRESIDENT BANK OF DONIPHAN DONIPHAN NE 68832
<br />Trustee, to me known to be the Identical person named In and who executed Ilia foreooing Instalment, and acknowledged that he
<br />executed the same as his voluntary act and deed. y
<br />Notary Public In anti for said Stafa
<br />GENERAL NOTARY - State of Nebraska
<br />My Comm. Eqp Oct. 21, 2005
<br />'s.LMO t2191l
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<br />DEED
<br />OF
<br />THAT WHEREAS, all of Iha Indeblednees oaoured by Ilia Deed of Tnlel exeoiled by
<br />Ilia
<br />V�
<br />benefit of BANK OF DONIPHAN P 'O BOX 270 DONIPHAN NE 68832 Tlu ia
<br />elae lot IIl
<br />Beneficiary named therein doled FEB 24, 1997 and reoordod MAY ' In Ilia oUloa of ilia
<br />Register of needs of HALL County, NEBRASKA t It19LL'1Ui1In Ilia
<br />No.
<br />97 103467 of Iha Trust peed Records of Bald Counly Ilse been paid, and sold Hanaflclary line requested In willlno that ilia
<br />Dead of Raoonveyance be executed and delivered,
<br />NOW THEREFORE, In conalderallon of suoh payment and In accordance Willi ilia 10(111861 of the Beneficiary nam Uiereln, ilia
<br />underaloned as Trustee (foes by these presents, orant, remise, release and reoonvay to ilia person or persons antitlad lherato all Ilia
<br />Interest and eslala de(Ived to said Tivalea by or Ihrouol► said Head of Tr11st In ilia following descrlhed properly;
<br />A tract of land comprising a part of the North Half of the N.rthwest Quarter (NI/2 NW1 14), of Section Twelve (12), Township
<br />Twelve (12) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M. in Hall County, Nebraska, more particularly described as follows:
<br />i
<br />Beginning at the Northeast corner of said North Half of the Northwest Quarter (N112 NW1 14); thence running Southerly along the
<br />Fast line of said North Half of the Northwest quarter (MI/2 NW1 14), a distance of one thousand three hundred thirty -nine and
<br />thirteen hundredths (1339.13) feet, to the Southeast corner of said North Half of the Northwest quarter (N112 NW1 14); thence
<br />deflecting right 88' 55' 07" and running Westerly along the South line of said North half of the Northwest quarter (N1 12 NWl /4), a
<br />distance of two thousand ninety and fifteen hundredths (2090.15) feet; thence deflecting right 72' 24' 52" and running
<br />Northwesterly a distance of three hundred seventy four and sixletrn hundredths (374.16) feet; thence deflecting left 28' 35' 15" and
<br />running Northwesterly a distance of one hundred eight and sixty -seven hundredths (108.67) feet; thence deflecting right 25' 47' 32"
<br />and running Northwesterly a distance of one hundred ninety-five and sixty-eight hundredths (195.68) feet; thence deflecting right
<br />82' 22' 05" and running Northeasterly a distance of two hundred thirty -six and one tenth (236.10) feed; thence deflecting right 01'
<br />56' 26" and running Northeasterly a distance of one hundred ninety-one and eighty seven hundredths (191.87) feet; thence
<br />deflecting right 17' 27' 40" and running Northeasterly a distance of one hundred forty -two and eighty-rive hundredths (142.85) feet;
<br />thence deflecting left 23" 58' 46" and running Northeasterly a distance of two hundred thirty -eight and forty -seven hundredths
<br />(238.47) feet; thence deflecting left 23' 14' 12" and running Northeasteiiy a distance of eighty -four and two hundredths (84.02) feet;
<br />thence deflecting left 17' 13' S6" and running Northeasterly a distance of then hundred nine and eleven hundredths (309.11) feet,
<br />to a point on the North lire of said North half of the Northwest quarter (N1/2 NW1 14); thence deflecting right 72. 33' 58" and
<br />running easterly along the North line of said North half of the Northwest quarter (N112 NW114), a distance of one thousand five
<br />hundred firteen and twenty-three hundredths (1515.23) fat, to the point of beginning and containing 60.513 acres more or less or
<br />which 1.150 acres more or less is presently occupied by public road right or way. Net 59.363 acres more or less.
<br />TOGETHER WIT}1 ALL buildings, inures, Improvements and appurtenances Delonoing to such premises.
<br />DATED APRIL 22, 2002
<br />V
<br />ss.
<br />On this 22ND day of . APRIL 2002 , before me, Ilia undersigned, a Notary Publlo In and for said
<br />state, personally appeared JON A HEATH, EXEC VICE PRESIDENT BANK OF DONIPHAN DONIPHAN NE 68832
<br />Trustee, to me known to be the Identical person named In and who executed Ilia foreooing Instalment, and acknowledged that he
<br />executed the same as his voluntary act and deed. y
<br />Notary Public In anti for said Stafa
<br />GENERAL NOTARY - State of Nebraska
<br />My Comm. Eqp Oct. 21, 2005
<br />'s.LMO t2191l
<br />