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200204394 <br />Loan Number: 2106132 <br />Stco Code: 26 -079 <br />A tract located in the E1 /2 NW1 /4 of Section 22, Township 11 <br />North, Range 10 West of the 6th P.M. in Hall County, Nebraska, <br />more particularly described as following: Commencing at the <br />Northwest corner of the E1 /2 NW1 /4 of said Se A tract located in <br />the E1 /2 NW1 /4 of Section 22, Township 11 North, Range 10 West of <br />the 6th P.M. in Hall County, Nebraska, more particularly <br />described as following: Commencing at the Northwest corner of the <br />El /2 NW1 /4 of said Section 22, thence in a southerly direction at <br />right angles along the Westerly side of said E1 /2 NW1 /4 a <br />distance 892.2 feet, thence in an easterly direction at right <br />angles a distance of 830 feet, thence in a northerly direction at <br />right angles parallel to the West side of the E1 /2 NW1 /4, a <br />distance of 892.2 feet to the North Line of said Section 22 <br />thence in a westerly direction at right angles a distance of 830 <br />feet to the place of beginning, EXCEPT a tract described as <br />follows: A tract located in the E1 /2 NW1 /4 of Section 22, <br />Township 11 North, Range 10 West of the 6th P.M., more <br />particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest <br />corner of the E1 /2 NW1 /4 of Section 22, thence running in an <br />easterly direction along and upon the North line of said section <br />a distance of 125 feet, thence running in a southerly direction <br />parallel to the West line of said section, a distance of 382 <br />feet, thence running in a westerly direction parallel to the <br />North line of said section a distance of 125 feet, thence running <br />in a northerly direction along and upon the West line of the El /2 <br />NW1 /4 of said section a distance of 382 feet to the point of <br />beginning ction 22, thence in a southerly direction at right <br />angles along the Westerly side of said E1 /2 NW1 /4 a distance <br />892.2 feet, thence in an easterly direction at right angles a <br />distance of 830 feet, thence in a northerly direction at right <br />angles parallel to the West side of the E1 /2 NW1 /4, a distance of <br />892.2 feet to the North Line of said Section 22 thence in a <br />westerly direction at right angles a distance of 830 feet to the <br />place of beginning, EXCEPT a tract described as follows: A tract <br />located in the El /2 NW1 /4 of Section 22, Township 11 North, Range <br />10 West of the 6th P.M., more particularly described as follows: <br />Commencing at the Northwest corner of the E1 /2 NW1 /4 of Section <br />22, thence running in an easterly direction along and upon the <br />North line of said section a distance of 125 feet, thence running <br />in a southerly direction parallel to the West line of said <br />section, a distance of 382 feet, thence running in a westerly <br />direction parallel to the North line of said section a distance <br />of 125 feet, thence running in a northerly direction along and <br />upon the West line of the E1 /2 NW1 /4 of said section a distance <br />of 382 feet to the point of beginning <br />