Exhibit A
<br />. A tract of land conprising'B part of section five (5), Township Ten(10)
<br />North, Mange Ten (10) West of the 6th F.M. in Hall County, Nebraska, wore
<br />particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of said
<br />section Five (5); thence Southerly along the East line of Section five (5), a
<br />distance of Two Thousand Six Hundred forty -Four and Eighty -eight Eundredths
<br />d
<br />(2,644.88) feet , to the Southeast corner of the Northeast Quarter(NVQ; thence
<br />continuing Southerly along the East line of Said Section five (5), a distance
<br />of Two Thousand Two Eundred Seventy eight. and Sixty -four Hundredths (2,678.64)
<br />fir
<br />feet, to a point three Hundred Sixty (360.0) feet North of the Soutbeast *corner
<br />C+�►
<br />Of said Section Five (5); thence Uesterly parallel to the South line of said
<br />Section Five (5) and along the North line of Argo Second and Third Subdivisions,
<br />a distance of Two Thousand Six Hundred Fifty -seven and Three Hundredths(2,657.03)
<br />feet, to the Northwest Corner of Lot Eleven (11) Argo Second Subdivision; thence
<br />Northerly along the West line of said Lot Eleven (11), a distance of ten (10) feet
<br />to the Northeast corner of Lot five (5), Argo Second Subdivision thence Westerly
<br />along the North line of said Argo Second Subdivision and parallel to the South
<br />line of said Section Five (5), a distance of One Thousand Wo Hundred Twenty -four
<br />and Eighty -seven Hundredths (1, 224.87) feet, to the East line of Saturn Street;
<br />thence Northerly along the East line of said Saturn Street, a distance of Eight
<br />Hundred Tv,Tenty -seven and fifty -three Hundredths (827.53) feet; thence Easterly
<br />parallel to the North line of said Argo Second Subdivision, a distance of Nine,
<br />hundred Fifteen and forty -seven Hundredths (915.47) feet; thence ,deflecting left
<br />90 15'20" and running Northerly along the East line of Argo Fifth Subdivision
<br />and this line extended, a distance of Wo thousand Seven Hundred Seventy two
<br />and thirty -one Hundred the (210 772.31) feet , to the Soutberly right of Way line of
<br />the Union Pacific Railroad; thence Northeasterly along said tight of way line
<br />a distance of three Lundred eighty -nine and one tenth (389.1_) feet, to the
<br />east lime of the Northwest Quarter (ND); thence Northerly along .the East line
<br />of said Northwest Quarter (NVQ, a distance of one Hundred seventeen and one
<br />tenth (117.1) feet, to the Southerly right of way line of the Union Facific
<br />Railroad; thence Northeasterly along said right of way line, a distance of
<br />One Thousand mine Hundred Twenty -six and fifty three Hundredths (1,926.53) feet,
<br />to the North line of said Section five (5); thence Easterly along the North line
<br />of said Section Five (5) , a distance of. ]Nine Hundred Ninety- six and three tenths
<br />(996.3) feet
<br />to the Place of Beginning, except that .portion theteof described as
<br />f 911 Q-Os
<br />A tract of land comprising a part of the Northeast Quarter (NEI) of Section
<br />Five (5), Tovnship Ten (10) Worth, Range Ten (I0) Hest of the 6tb F. M., "hall
<br />County, Nebraska, and more particularly described as follows:
<br />Beginning at the northeast corner of said Northeast Quarter (NEI); thence
<br />southerly, along and upon the east line of said Northeast Quarter (NEI),
<br />a distance of Two Thousand Two Hundred Thirty Six and Fifty Five Hundredths
<br />(2,236.55) feet; thence deflecting right 90° 04' fly" and running Westerly,
<br />a distance of Two Thousand One Bundred Finery Three and Fifty One Eundredths
<br />(2,193.51) feet; thence deflecting ri,gb.t 64° 53' 39" and running
<br />mortbwesterly, a distance of Eight Hundred Six and Thirty Eight Eundredths
<br />(806_38) feet; thence deflecting right 03' 15' 14" and running
<br />nortbvesterly, a distance of Sic Hundred Fifty Two and Forty One Eundredths
<br />(652.41) feet to a point on the Soutberly right of way line of the Union
<br />Pacific Railroad; thence northeasterly, along and upon said southerly right
<br />Of Way line, a distance of One Thousand Five Hundred Five and Eight
<br />Rundredths (1,505.08) feet to a point on the vorth line of said Northeast
<br />Quarter (NE}); thence easterly, along and upon the mortb line of said
<br />Northeast Quarter (NEI), a distance of Nine Hundred Ninety Six and Three
<br />Tenths (996.3) feet to the point of beginning and containing 104,522 acres,
<br />more or 'less, of wbich 2_x445 acres, more or less, is presently occupied by
<br />public road rigbt of Way.
<br />