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200203846 <br />AMENDMENT TO <br />NON - CONTINUOUS EASEMENT AGREEMENT <br />This NON - CONTINUOUS EASEMENT AGREEMENT was entered into as of <br />the 8th day of March, 2002, by and between the Game & Parks Commission, (hereinafter <br />"the Commission "), and the Department of Health and Human Services Regulation & <br />Licensure (hereinafter the "Department'). <br />RECITALS <br />I. <br />The Commission is the owner in fee simple of certain property which is the <br />subject of this easement. The Commission desires to convey and Department desires to <br />accept a non - continuous easement to construct water wells on test sites PER THIS <br />AMENDMENT dated the 2 7AZ day of to 4 r• e t , 2002 on that portion of the <br />Property legally described as: <br />The SW, of the SE of the NE, Section 20, Township 11 North, Range 10 West <br />Hall County Nebraska, Measurement from the East Section line the area 660 feet to 1,320 <br />feet. From the North section line of the %Z Section 0 feet to 650 feet. This Non - <br />Continuous Easement is bound by this area. <br />Pursuant to this Amendment, the following will not control as the land involved in <br />said original Non - Continuous Easement Agreement, the following was the bounds of said <br />easement, and by this Amendment, no longer controls: , <br />The extreme South side of SE SE Sec. 29, T1IN, R10W <br />Hall County, Nebraska <br />All of the provisions in the Original Non - Continuous Easement dated the 8' of <br />March, 2002, continue in full force and effect. This Amendment shall be attached to the <br />Original and incorporated by reference. <br />