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<br />coverage, !tot othcrwi >c required by lender, fix damage to. or destruction of, the Properly, such policy stall include it
<br />standaid murloa�_c clause and shail name. Lender as mortgagee and /or as in additional loss payee.
<br />In till event of to .ss, Borrower shall live prompt motile to the insuraitc+ carric! antis Lender. Lender mayrnake proof
<br />of loss if not made promptly by Borrower. L1r,Iess I ender and Burrower otherwise agree in writing. any insurancr prcxeed,,
<br />whether or not, the underlying insurance %vas required by Lender, shall be applied to restoration or repair ofthe Property, it
<br />the restoration or repair is economically feasible and L,ender's security is not lessened. During such repair and restoration
<br />pperiod, Iender shall have the. ri ^-ht to hold such insurance proceeds until Lender has had an opportunity to inspect such
<br />Property to ensure the %voi k has hcen curnpleted to Lender's satistactinn, pruvic' •d that such inspection shalt be undertaken
<br />prornpily. Lender may dishurse f )ceeds for the repairs and restoration in a single payment or in a series of progress
<br />payments as the %work is completed. Unless an agreement is made. in writing or Applicable I-aw requires interest lobe aid
<br />nn such insurance proceeds, Lender sha',1 not be required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on such proceeds. Fees
<br />for public adjusters, or other third parties. retained by Borrowers hall nor be paid out of the insurance proceeds and shall be
<br />the sole ohheation of Borrower it the restoration or repair is not economically feasible or Lender's security would he
<br />lessened, the insurance proceeds shall be applied to rile sums secured by this Security Instrument, whether or not then due,
<br />with the excess. if any, paid to Borrower. Such insurance proceeds shall he applied to the order provided for in Section ?.
<br />It Borrower aharidons the Property, Lender may tile, negotiate and settle anv available insurance claim and related
<br />matters. if Boriuwer does n(,t respond %%ithin 30 d :ivs to a notice from I ender that the insurance carrier has oflered to settle a
<br />clainy, then Lender may neuutiate and ,call the claim. The 30 -day period x611 begin when the notice is given. In either
<br />event, or if lender acquires the Pioperry under Section _''w or otherwise• Borrower hereby assigns to render (a) Borrower's
<br />rights to any insurance proceeds in an arno!.:nt not to exceed the ainuxlnts unpaid under the Note or this Security Instrument,
<br />and (h) anyother of Bo mower' right: ( tbci than the night to anv rebind of unturned premiums paid by Borrower) under all
<br />insurance policies co, erin-,! d,c llwpe!t }. insol.tr as such rights arc: applicable to the coverage of the Property. Lender may
<br />use the insurance prnca,ds either to rcparr or restore the Ixruperty ur to ploy atnowus unpaid under the Note or this Security
<br />lnstrumcnt. whether or not tncn due.
<br />ti. Occupancy. Boroewer sl- ,II o.•cupy, establish, and use the Propertyas Borrower's principal residence within
<br />60 days after tfte excculic)n ut this Sk: ,,.riiv In+trnrnent and shall continue to c,ecupy the Property as Borrower's principal
<br />residence fe11 an lCast one %cur :suer the dole
<br />Of occupancy, unless fender (. +therwsr agr%'es in willing. which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, or unless
<br />extenuating circnm,tanccs exist whlc!, arc Ixyond Borrower's control.
<br />7. Preserstltion, Maintenance and Prutectiun of the Property; inspections. Borrower shall not destroy,
<br />damage or impair the Property, allow the Property to deteriorate or comnvt waster
<br />on the Iroperty. ".Whether or not Borrower is ressidinp in the Property. Borrower shall maintain the Property in order to
<br />prevent the Property trop; dctcrior :vino ur decreasing in value due to its condition.. Unless it is determined pursuant to
<br />Section 5 that repair or restoration Is riot ccunoinitc illy wasihl'c, liorrokwcr shall promptly repair the Property ifdamaged to
<br />avoid further deterioration nrdum :)re. it insurance ur cuMernn:uiun proceeds are paid in connection with damage to,urthe
<br />taking fit', the Property, Borrower shall he responsihlc for repairing or restoring the Property only it' Lender has released
<br />proceeds fur such put poses. Louder may diahursc nroceeds fur the repairs and restoration in using le payment or in a series
<br />of progress payments as the work is completed. It the insurance or condemnation proceeds are not sufficient to repair or
<br />restore the Property, Burrower is not relieved of Borrower's obligation for the completion of such repair or restoration.
<br />Lender ur its may make reasonahle entries upon and ins )actions of the Property. If it has reasonable cause,
<br />Under may inspect the interior of tine improvements on the Property. �,xnder shall give Borrower notice at the time of or
<br />prior to such an interior inspection specdying stich reasonahle cause.
<br />S, Borrower's Loan Application, Borrower shall he in default if, during the loan application process.
<br />Borroy% cr cr any i+ersons or entilic, acting art the direction of Bot-Tower or %vith Borrower's knowledge or consent gave
<br />materially false. misleading., or inaccurate information or statements to I -ender (or failed to provide Lender with material
<br />infixm:aion) in connection with the Loan. Materi:ti repro ent.itn +ns include . but are not limited to, reprexentationsconc . rning
<br />llorruwcr's occupancy of the I'rupei tv as Bornn%cr' , prr.;cipa! re>idence.
<br />9. i'rotection of Lender's Interest iu the Property and Rights Under this Security instrument. If
<br />(a) Borrower tails to perform the covenants told agreements contained in this Security Instrument, (b) there is a legal
<br />proceeding that Ins ht significantly affect Lender's interest in the Property and /or rights under this Security lnslrurtnent(alch
<br />a% a proceeding in ankruptcy, prohate, for condemnation nr fi )dcl',urc, for cnforcertnent of a lien which may attain priority
<br />over this Security Instrument or to entin'ce lays S or regudaliurns), ar (c) Boirro +ver has abandoned the Property, then lender
<br />may do and pay for whatever is reasonable of atppl oprialc to pr, meet Lender's interest in the Property and rights under this
<br />Security Instrument, including protecting and/or assessing the value of lhr Property, and securing and/or repairing the
<br />Property. Lender's actions caul include, bill are nut limited tar (a) paying any sums secured by a lien which has priority over
<br />this Scctnity Instument; (h) appearing in court; acrid (e) paying resnruMlu attorneys' fees to protect its interest in the
<br />Pro)crty auul /ur righ(S under this Security Instrument, including its secured position in a bankruptcy proceeding. Securing
<br />the 4)r,iierty includes, but is riot limited t0, (7nterirte the P1011erty to make repair%, change locks, re )lace or hoard up door(
<br />and %s indw V,, drain water from. pipes, eliminate huilding or other cixte v iolatu)as or dangerous co 13itions, and have utdnics
<br />turned on or off'. rslthuugh Lender may take action under this Scor -n 9, Ixtiticr does no+t hove to do so and is not under any
<br />duty nr obligation to do So. It is agreed that lender incurs no liahiiay fin• not taking any or all actions authorized under this
<br />Section 9.
<br />Any auTtounfs disbursed by Lender tinder this Section') shall additional debt of Borrower secured by this
<br />Security lnslrument. 'these arn)ounts shtall beat, interest :u the Note rate fi•orn the date of disbursement and shall be payable,
<br />with such interest, upon notice from Under to Borrower ret'iuestin+ payment.
<br />11.1 his Security Instrument is on a. leatsrhold, l3 orrm :. rr shat, comply with all the provisions of the leave, IfB,)rrower
<br />acquires fee title to the 11, operty, the leasehold and the fee title shall not merge unless Lender agrees to the merger in writing,
<br />10. liviortgage Insurance. if Lender required Mortgage Insurance as a condition of making the Loan.
<br />Burro%%cr shall pay the preiniurns required to maintain the Mortgage Insurance in etlect. If. for any reason, the Mortgage
<br />IItSUMAICe coverage required by Lender ceases to he available from the mortgage insurer that previously provided such
<br />instn:ucc and Borrower was required to make separately' designated payments toward the premltlrn.s for Mt)rtgabe Insur;tmc,
<br />Borrower shall) pay the prcntiun,s required to ahtaiif coverage subsianuallyegif ivalent to the Mortgage InSUraluC previously
<br />in elfect. at a cost suhstantially equivalent to the cost to Borrower of the Mprtl ;age Insurance previously in effect, from an
<br />alternans mo)rr+age insurer selected by Lender, If Suhstat)tiadly equivalent Mortgage Insurance coverage ii not available,
<br />lorrower 'halTcnnlinue to pay to Ixnd r the amuwyt ofthc sop :uatelydesigIIiied pavnfenls that were due when the insurance
<br />coverage ceased to he in cf lcct. LCII&I will accept, use anti reulin these paymcuts as it non•rerimdable loss reserve in lieu of
<br />Mortgage Insurance, Such loss reserve shall he non�refutidahle, notwithstanding the fact that the t.oan is ultimately paid in
<br />boll, and Lender shall nct he required to p;iv Borrower any interest or earnings on such loss reserve. tender cart no longer
<br />require loss reSCrve. payanerfrs II fviurtgage insurance covcralc. fin the amount and for the period that Lender requires)
<br />provided by an insurer se' 'cted by la:n%er avn sin hecunes available, is obtained, and Lender requires separatelydesi nutrd
<br />I)aylttcnlStoward the plc nsfor Mot (gIgcinsurance. it Lender leol! lircdMorrgapeIrsuralnceasa condition ofnarkingthe
<br />Lcyan and Borrower was i - iuired to make s,e.paralcly designated payrncnts tuwar <1 the prcrniurns for Mortgage Insurance.
<br />Borrower shall pay file premiums required to maintain Mortgage insurance in efteet, or to provide anon- refundable lots
<br />reserve, until fender's rcquirelnent for Mortgage Insurance ends in accordance with any written agreement between
<br />Burrower and I CI1dCr pruvlding , Such t 11111M pun ur until termination IS required by Applicable Law. Nothing in this
<br />Section 10 affects Borrower''s ul Mit n to pay interest at the rate provided in file Note.
<br />Mortgage insurance reiminmses Lender (or any entity that purchases the Note) fur certain losses it may incur if
<br />Borrower clues nut repay the Loan as agreed. Burrower is not a party to the Mortgage Insurance.
<br />NE;UtASKA-Siugle ( ;uuilyF ;uudc Nlac /Freddie flat• UNIFORM iNti 1'It1INIEN'1' Font Zl) «M l /ill (Ary,cr J n /'Spu.lrr)
<br />9751('V!I /0�I (IIISli7
<br />