<br />A Ir:ml of I:md n•mprising all ;d I.r :: Sixty live (6S). ,Six lr >Ix IC�iI,
<br />Si : :lysex'pn (67), Sixty :ighl (,lN) Si, ly , -nne (G)), S Sncnly - <rv: n (77J, cyg (J, c,a111,.11 ell (79)
<br />i -Ighty (till), [Iighlyuu'. (SI),
<br />\'inclysix (:)6 ). Ninety. seven (77). Nincly -eight (4R), vna One
<br />Ilundreel 'Ih re•e (Ia;l. an<I p;at ul' Lots For lysix (46), Fon)'- .xcvof
<br />( I7). Furly- cigfll (Jtil. Pony ' -nine (4'1), Filly (SO), Filly one (SI),
<br />Sixty fmrr (rd ), Elahly.lcn+ (K). Ninch'-live (951• nntl Onr. Hundred
<br />_
<br />Lour (In.l), ;III iu the Industrial Addition w!he and
<br />of Grand W;...0, -
<br />Nrin::.k lymi• In the SOUdl.,cx1 0mvicr (Stvu) (,I
<br />14). 1, ,, nsl;ip !ilcven (I I! North, RmIle Nine (Q) %Vexl of
<br />!hc fish P.D!., I l;dl i 1.. : :uy fi cbr;uka, and nw!c paniculnrle dusn'i!rcd
<br />a:: follow.;
<br />Ifcpinnine d! n I:: +vt scvcnly (711.(!) Ilia Snu111 IInd shirty -threu pi)
<br />(eel Iiasl nl the h•.vrsl rnmm "I ';I"' Sl Udlwal Umuler (S 1Vy. ):
<br />the n,a: Ilrvoiue :..:.I C :Iy and penllvl In I!,, North line nl' said
<br />(Jna J, r ($WY.J a distance al onv Ifutnsand ,in, huntlrcd
<br />ulirny •.11111 and Ilcc lenllls (1,937,5) Ices'. Iher La running southerly
<br />and Parallel to the West line of said Soulhssat Quarter (SW% ) a
<br />i distance o. one Thousand six hundred thirty and thirty-two hundredths
<br />(1.630,12+ feel to a point on the northerly right -of -way line of the
<br />C.B. & Q. Railro : :A Company; thence running northwesterly along said
<br />right- f.way a distance orsc,cn huntlrcd thirty- fourand ninety-eight
<br />hundredth; (774.93) feet In a Point on the East line of the Soul hwpst
<br />Oc.,rLr r. : %e Southwest Quarter (SWi_SWy.); Thence rennin
<br />aW
<br />nprtherh' alerg the E line Of the Southwest Quarter of the i
<br />Scct!nvo:l Qvaner (SW /SN%' %) a distance of thirty -nine and sixty -'
<br />eight hundredths (39.6£,) feet to the Northeast earner of the t
<br />Southwest Quarter of The Southv=t Quarter (SWVSWy.): thence
<br />running westerly along the North line oC the Southwest Quarter of the '
<br />Saulhwcsl Quarto (S%Vv SWY.) a disl; nil, of scvenN -six and thirty- '
<br />seven hundredths (76.371 feet Tc a point on the north -dy right -o6wny
<br />line or the C.B. & Q. Railroad Company; thence running
<br />hundred nonlInvaierly
<br />ve along said right- of- wayadistanceofonethousandthree
<br />hundred seventy and fifty -six hundredths (1,370.56) feet to a Point '
<br />thirty -three (33.0) feet East or the West line or said Sou(hwcsl
<br />Quartcrc(SlVV.); Ihc:cc running NerF and parallel to the Wcst line ,
<br />or lh Ve ` puthwcst Ouzrier a dislancc of six hundred nineteen and
<br />nlhs (611)_3) fect In the Ixtint of heginnin ,and containing
<br />511.1! lira, more nr !ess, +md elaclthed in a survey dated Octnhpr Q
<br />Ith'.3. prep;rrcd by Thomas L Jordan, Registered [and Stolhe, r,
<br />Grand Island. Nil rlek�l.
<br />EXCEPTING THEREFROM a tract ofland
<br />' -� comprising a part Of Lot Forty Six (46), Industrial Addition to the City Of Grand Island, Hall County,
<br />Nebraska, more particularly described as follows:
<br />Beginning at a point an the West line of Lot Forty Six (46), Industrial
<br />Addition, said point being Seventy (70,0) feet south of and Thirty
<br />Three (33.0) feet east of the nonhwett corner of the Southwest Quarter
<br />(SW 'A) of Seaiat Fourteen (14), Township Eleven (11) North, Range
<br />Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M., said point also being the Intersection of
<br />the south line of Swift Road and the east line of Stuhr Road; thence
<br />east an the south line of Swift Road a distance of Twenty (20.0) feet;
<br />thence southwesterly on a line to a point Twenty (20.0) feet south of
<br />the intersection or the south line of Swift Road and the ease line of
<br />Stuhr Road; thence north on the east line of Stuhr Road a distance of
<br />Twenty (20.0) feet to the point of beginning; as sl twn on the plat
<br />dated March 6, 1996, marked exhibit 'A' and attached hereto and
<br />incorporated herein by mfercrim
<br />Me 4.1 "A,.
<br />