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20O2O2584 <br />Do not write above this line. Recorder use only. <br />ADDENDUM TO TRUST DEED /MORTGAGE <br />(For Use Under the Nebraska Farm Homestead Protection Act) <br />In accordance with the provisions of the Nebraska Farm Homestead Protection Act, Neb. Rev. <br />Stat. Sections 76 -1901, et. Seq., as a preface to the execution, and as part of the attached Trust <br />Deed or Mortgage, the undersigned Trustor(s)/Mortgagor(s) being first duly sworn, elect to: <br />DISCLAIM THE RIGHT TO DESIGNATE A HOMESTEAD: <br />I/We disclaim the right to designate a homestead on the property described in the attached <br />Trust Deed/Mortgage. No part of my /our homestead is presently, or in future will be, situated <br />upon said real estate. I/We understand that if Uwe establish a homestead on any part of the real <br />estate during the time the Trust Deed/Mortgage remains unsatisfied and a lien on the real estate, <br />I /We shall have no right to make a designation in the event of a foreclosure of the mortgage or <br />a =the Deed. <br />RICHARD S RASMUSSEN JR <br />CATHERN A RASMU SEN <br />State of Nebraska ) <br />County of Hall ) <br />The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on MARCH 4, 2002 by <br />RICHARD S RASMUSSEN JR AND CATHERN A RASMUSSEN, HUSBAND AND WIFE. <br />IIEMI State at Ma6taska <br />CACOMM EJ <br />My Comm. EX Notary Public in and for Said Coun and State <br />My commission expires: <br />