2.0 2
<br />:
<br />STATE l!F NEBRASKA, County of ....... :................................. ....
<br />......:
<br />Fil-.•d for record on ........ .......... .,....:......, 19........ at ............................ o'ct.ock ....................... 1I. .
<br />and recorded in the Deed Record Page NEERASKA DOCU— MEN1ARY -
<br />................... .... By ................................................... ...... ...............................
<br />Register of Deeds Deputy Register of Deeds (',i AY 12 i13
<br />tiax Rauert, Jr. and Irene Rauert, husband and wire,
<br />, herein called the granter whether one or more,
<br />in consid, ration of -One Dollar (Si .00) and other valuable consideration - - - - - -
<br />rrccRcd from grantees, does grant, bargain, sell convey and confirm unto Thomas Kohl and
<br />i ary kohl , husband and wi fe,
<br />as joint t pants «•ith right of sur+•i-orship, and not a s tr,::nts in co,amm,, the toll. ++ing described real
<br />profert+ iu Ha11 ..... County, \ebraska: A tract of land situated in the
<br />.............................. . ............................
<br />North Half of the `Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (N',S:!' !ll -;), Section
<br />Seventeen (17) , To:.nship twelve (12) North, Range tine (9), blest of the 6th °.M.,
<br />tiier•� particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Southwest corner of the
<br />;forth Half of the Southwest Quarter of the
<br />Northwest Quarter (l! ZS tStlll4 of Section
<br />Seventeen (17), To;rnship Twelve (12) North, Range dine (9), thence running North
<br />on the " boundary line of Section Seventeen (17), Township Twelve (12) Plorth,
<br />Range tine (9), a distance of two hundred eight (208) feet, thence running East
<br />and parallel to the northerly boundary line of Section Seventeen (11), Township
<br />Tr:elve (12) north, Range mine (9), a distance of two hundred eight (208) feet,
<br />d,ei�- Erunning South and parallel to the West boundary line of Section Seventeen
<br />(17), Township Twelve (12) North, Range Nine (9), a distance of tt.o hundred eight
<br />(208) feet, thence running ldesterly and parallel to the Northerly boundary line
<br />of S,`r.tion Seventeen (11), Totrnship Twelve (12) North, Range Nine (9) a distance
<br />of C %•.,o iiuntlred eight (200.) feet to the point of beginning and containing one (1) acre
<br />�,Grr : tTol ,ttS�, and to hold the above described premises together with all t cite nnrnts, herv•.1i;atuents
<br />and ap;,urtenances thereto belonging unto the grantees and to their assivs, or to the heirs and assigns
<br />of the sur%i+•or of then, forever.
<br />And -raptor toes hereby covenant with the grantees and with their assigns and v.ith the heirs
<br />and ;, -i"tts of the sur%-i+or of them that grantor is lawfully seised of said premises; that they are fr,:c from
<br />enen:nbranc:•
<br />that gr,ntor has good right and lawful authority to conyeti the san:r; and that grantor ww-raots and will
<br />t. frnd the till, to said premises against the lawful claims of all p, r: ,n, +.h•,tr.sor+er.
<br />It is the intention of all parties hereto that in the event of the death of either of the grantees,
<br />thr ,•nt;'Y fre title to ihis real propi•rly shall vest in the suryiyit:g or;:nt.ee.
<br />Dated march 19 78
<br />•t� ii T J R ...............
<br />...... .
<br />................... ........... I........ :,H� t�UE
<br />-/ - - 1 %t
<br />........................................... I ....... I......... �hi2T1J.E....RxL'EffT -
<br />!: OF ...........t1.ER1.�S.l:A . .........:..:............ County of ................. ..... Hal '.............................
<br />Before me, a notary public qualified for said count %, personally r;,me
<br />ax Rauert, Jr. and Irene Rauert, husband and wife,
<br />knou-n to me to he the identical person or persons +rho signed the foregoing instrument, and ackno+cle'lt.;ed
<br />the execution thereof to be his, her or their voluntary Tact, and deed. �J p
<br />\fitness my hand and notarial seal on .....�. ".:` `••...... J . ..................... 79...1....0.....:
<br />` ........................... ....... Notary PubEe
<br />/— � L.tiirJ11N0tASY•su'.�wretxaq .. ............................... _�
<br />LO. Wrr VON fEGGcRN
<br />-2 Mt Co.-: n Ex� Ibe. 1 148, ] 9 ....... .. . . . ...
<br />)Iy commission ,,[ores .................. ...............................
<br />Fora: 4.2 To be approved by Nebraska State Bar Association
<br />F•trnn L Wolt Qu., [ina,ln, ';.hr.
<br />