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<br />I hereby sanity IAOI on Novambr 1, 2001, I comple)ed on vccuare survey
<br />DIBBCRN SUBDIVISION{ An Addition to the Village 0f Cairo, Nebraska, as shorn an Me
<br />.... mpanying pbl Ihereol, Ntal the Abs, D /oaks, slmeh, avenues, alleys, pohs, ca s
<br />and that grounds as conroined in said subdivision as shown on Ma umampanying plot
<br />Ihereol ore rNl arts accumlely slaked oft and marked; Iho/ iron markers were placed at
<br />all lot corners; that the dimensions of each bl are as sham on the ploF, that each lot
<br />Dears its own number, and that sob survey was mode with reference to known and
<br />recorded monuments.
<br />a.
<br />�r
<br />,> age a. sea
<br />9ubmilled to and approved by IM Regional Planning Commission of Half Count'. Gland
<br />Island, Wood Bher and the W1
<br />la9es of Aldo, Calm and 0anlphan, Nebraska.
<br />G � C'Imlrmon lMle
<br />r�Approved and aaepfed by the Village 0l Lava, Nebraska, this 1011 —day of
<br />y(ps.y »pGS_, 2001.
<br />' /tlSairm� Of Ihd Vi /loge Cerl k
<br />r T
<br />(Bnq
<br />end amp ' Ag o poll of /he North Nol{ (NI11). of Serlion Nineteen (19),
<br />Township twelve pz) Narm, Range Eleven pl/ weal of Me Bln p.Y, m NBB caanly,
<br />Neeroska, more ponicarany desrneee ar Mlmws.�
<br />Beginning of Me narM ✓esl comer of the fights Addition To the Ylloge Of Coim,
<br />Nebraska sold pain) also being the lnlemecfr'oo of the easlelly right 01 way IMe of
<br />Sycamore Blreel and the nodheny dghl of way fine of Mercer Sheep thence running
<br />nonAedy along Me easledY right of vat' lute of Bymmme Street, on on Assumed hearing
<br />o/ N00'00'00'C, o dislancr at 5ve HmdiM /went' and Serenly fight HundredMS (520,78)
<br />/n6 to a point on the sovIDedy nghl of way line of NeDmska Highway No 2 /Hence
<br />nning 816519YC, along Me souMerly NgAt al way line of NeDrosko HigAway No. 1, o
<br />dislonae u{ One Hundred (illy four and five Nundrealhs (154.05) feel, )Aeon runn /ng
<br />g00'00'3I 7, a disance of four Hundred fighJy Fine and Eighty lour HuMied/hs (485.9 4)
<br />/eel, /o the northeast corner of Me 6ghM Addition to Me Vlllagr Of Calm NeDrosko, and
<br />to o polot on the nodhedy tight of ✓oy line of ✓eao Street thence running N89'5831'W,
<br />along the nodhedy eight a{ ray bne of Yerco Sbeep o distance of One Handled !i{ty and
<br />Nine Hundredths (730.09) /ee% to the polo) of Beginning and conbining 1J34 acres more
<br />or lo".
<br />oEa/cArroN
<br />husband and rile and JOf0W0IBBCRN and ROBYN DIBBCRN husband and wi /e, being the
<br />owners if the land described Hereon, pore coaxed some to be surveyed, rvbdivided, plaNed
<br />Bnd designated as 'R B J DIBBCRN SUBOIV /SIGN; An Addition To Tha ✓tlloge 0l Cairo,
<br />NeDrosko, as shorn on Me accompanying plat Mereof, and do Hereby dedicate the
<br />easements as shown lhereoa for the locvlion, ronslrvclate and mainlBnamv of public
<br />' e utilities /oreveq legelher with the rryhl of ingress and egress IhereM, and MnDy
<br />pmAiblling the plmbng or news, bushes and shmbs, or pbdng oMer oDSlruvlbns upon,
<br />q along or underneath the surface a/ ruck evremenh; and that The /ongoing
<br />sVOdivisim or more pan /ralotly Desrrtold In the MxnpFOn hereon as apgarz an Mis plat
<br />mode with Me Iree consent and in ottordance wHh the Mslres of Me undersignM
<br />and proprvelors.
<br />owners lN WIIN[55 WHFRCOF, we have affixed our signatures hereto BI Grand lsbnd, Nebraska,
<br />this �day of A/ vw- ,6w.._ 20O1.
<br />A.seq�
<br />Dibbem
<br />RonBj [
<br />� Joed WDiDDern
<br />Gloria A. Bibbem
<br />° Robyn Oibbem
<br />I
<br />4 L°°
<br />®
<br />O
<br />N R
<br />_r
<br />z
<br />I hereby sanity IAOI on Novambr 1, 2001, I comple)ed on vccuare survey
<br />DIBBCRN SUBDIVISION{ An Addition to the Village 0f Cairo, Nebraska, as shorn an Me
<br />.... mpanying pbl Ihereol, Ntal the Abs, D /oaks, slmeh, avenues, alleys, pohs, ca s
<br />and that grounds as conroined in said subdivision as shown on Ma umampanying plot
<br />Ihereol ore rNl arts accumlely slaked oft and marked; Iho/ iron markers were placed at
<br />all lot corners; that the dimensions of each bl are as sham on the ploF, that each lot
<br />Dears its own number, and that sob survey was mode with reference to known and
<br />recorded monuments.
<br />a.
<br />�r
<br />,> age a. sea
<br />9ubmilled to and approved by IM Regional Planning Commission of Half Count'. Gland
<br />Island, Wood Bher and the W1
<br />la9es of Aldo, Calm and 0anlphan, Nebraska.
<br />G � C'Imlrmon lMle
<br />r�Approved and aaepfed by the Village 0l Lava, Nebraska, this 1011 —day of
<br />y(ps.y »pGS_, 2001.
<br />' /tlSairm� Of Ihd Vi /loge Cerl k
<br />r T
<br />(Bnq
<br />end amp ' Ag o poll of /he North Nol{ (NI11). of Serlion Nineteen (19),
<br />Township twelve pz) Narm, Range Eleven pl/ weal of Me Bln p.Y, m NBB caanly,
<br />Neeroska, more ponicarany desrneee ar Mlmws.�
<br />Beginning of Me narM ✓esl comer of the fights Addition To the Ylloge Of Coim,
<br />Nebraska sold pain) also being the lnlemecfr'oo of the easlelly right 01 way IMe of
<br />Sycamore Blreel and the nodheny dghl of way fine of Mercer Sheep thence running
<br />nonAedy along Me easledY right of vat' lute of Bymmme Street, on on Assumed hearing
<br />o/ N00'00'00'C, o dislancr at 5ve HmdiM /went' and Serenly fight HundredMS (520,78)
<br />/n6 to a point on the sovIDedy nghl of way line of NeDmska Highway No 2 /Hence
<br />nning 816519YC, along Me souMerly NgAt al way line of NeDrosko HigAway No. 1, o
<br />dislonae u{ One Hundred (illy four and five Nundrealhs (154.05) feel, )Aeon runn /ng
<br />g00'00'3I 7, a disance of four Hundred fighJy Fine and Eighty lour HuMied/hs (485.9 4)
<br />/eel, /o the northeast corner of Me 6ghM Addition to Me Vlllagr Of Calm NeDrosko, and
<br />to o polot on the nodhedy tight of ✓oy line of ✓eao Street thence running N89'5831'W,
<br />along the nodhedy eight a{ ray bne of Yerco Sbeep o distance of One Handled !i{ty and
<br />Nine Hundredths (730.09) /ee% to the polo) of Beginning and conbining 1J34 acres more
<br />or lo".
<br />oEa/cArroN
<br />husband and rile and JOf0W0IBBCRN and ROBYN DIBBCRN husband and wi /e, being the
<br />owners if the land described Hereon, pore coaxed some to be surveyed, rvbdivided, plaNed
<br />Bnd designated as 'R B J DIBBCRN SUBOIV /SIGN; An Addition To Tha ✓tlloge 0l Cairo,
<br />NeDrosko, as shorn on Me accompanying plat Mereof, and do Hereby dedicate the
<br />easements as shown lhereoa for the locvlion, ronslrvclate and mainlBnamv of public
<br />' e utilities /oreveq legelher with the rryhl of ingress and egress IhereM, and MnDy
<br />pmAiblling the plmbng or news, bushes and shmbs, or pbdng oMer oDSlruvlbns upon,
<br />q along or underneath the surface a/ ruck evremenh; and that The /ongoing
<br />sVOdivisim or more pan /ralotly Desrrtold In the MxnpFOn hereon as apgarz an Mis plat
<br />mode with Me Iree consent and in ottordance wHh the Mslres of Me undersignM
<br />and proprvelors.
<br />owners lN WIIN[55 WHFRCOF, we have affixed our signatures hereto BI Grand lsbnd, Nebraska,
<br />this �day of A/ vw- ,6w.._ 20O1.
<br />A.seq�
<br />Dibbem
<br />RonBj [
<br />� Joed WDiDDern
<br />Gloria A. Bibbem
<br />° Robyn Oibbem
<br />U019iLixIH411UyiYI
<br />Stale Of Nebraska
<br />County 0l Noll sr
<br />On A-6 day of Alk.a...6a 1001, before me J7s.y/
<br />a Nobry Public within and for said County, personally appeared RANGY L 111111 and
<br />GCORCA A. OIBBERN Ausbond and wlls and JOCO WOIBBCRN and ROBYN OIBBERN, husband
<br />and w1 /e, to me personally known /a be the identical persons whose signatures ore al/ /xM
<br />hereto, and that each did arknawladge the erecuxan thereat b be his ar her valunbry ad
<br />and deed.
<br />IN WONC55 WHCREOC, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my o /(ia/ seal
<br />of Grind Is /and, NeDrosso, on the dale lost abare wdHen.
<br />My mmmisston expires F bw.,.r �I3r x„.i
<br />olory Publ1 1 [
<br />dR��!F��
<br />A/R , NEBR,4 KA
<br />Rockwell And Arsac_ - Engineering h Surveylny - 6rBnd INOnd, Ne4rBr4B
<br />t
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